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Fmcg Digital Marketing case studies: we currently have 380.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 380 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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Mobile case study: Coca-Cola targets outdoor families with biggest mobile promotion yet

Coca-Cola has embarked on its biggest summer promotion to, putting mobile and social at the core of its North American marketing this year to connect with consumers while outdoors. On the site, users can watch a minute-long video that highlights some of the ways that families can get active this summer. For example, the video features consumers hanging out at the beach with Coca-Cola products. “The goal of the is to encourage consumers to pick up an ice-cold Coca-Cola and get out to enjoy summer,” said Deanna Lazzaroni, director of integrated marketing content at Coca-Cola North America, Atlanta.

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Brand: Coca-Cola | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: US | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: Mobile, app |

06/06/2013  |  Full story...

Oreo augmented reality One Direction campaign brings product packages to life

Mondelēz International and Nabisco's Oreo, Trident and Ritz are using augmented reality technology to promote their sponsorship of One Direction’s 2013 North American tour.
The augmented reality packaging features the band on more than 21 million specially-marked packages. Each experience can be unlocked by downloading the 1D VIP app, pointing the mobile device at the package and scanning it to reveal a message from One Direction. Fans can also download the free 1D VIP app at either the Apple or Google Play stores, snap a photo of their favorite snack package with a mobile device and unlock an exclusive experience featuring One Direction.


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Brand: Mondelēz International, Nabisco' | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: US | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: Mobile, augmented reality |

03/06/2013  |  Full story...

Mobile marketing case study: Del Monte gets seasonal with summer food ideas app


Del Monte is dispensing ideas for parents this summer via a mobile application ‘Springpad’. This mobile marketing case study looks at how the food brand is partnering a popular independent app to boost its reach to mums on the move. As part of the campaign, Del Monte created a notebook called “Garden Fresh Entertaining,” which includes seven different food and drink recipes that incorporate the brand’s fruit and vegetable products for summer. Once users find a Del Monte recipe that they like, they can save it to one of their notebooks to access later. The notebooks can be made either public or private. The recipes include step-by-step directions and a toggle that lets consumers choose if they want to make a recipe or if they have already made an item. If consumers have already cooked a recipe, they can enter a review of the item and can rate the recipe on a scale of five stars.

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Brand: Del Monte| Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: US | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: Mobile, App |

03/06/2013  |  Full story...

Shopping app case study: Stouffer gets 2 million users with meal planner app


Stouffer’s new app lets customers plan their meals, providing recommendations and grocery lists for local stores based on their preferences. This shopping app case study looks at how the Frozen food brand managed to get 2 million families engaging with the brand through an app tailored for its core audience.The ‘Food on the Table’ app requires users’ to input their preferred food and dishes and the grocery stores they shop at. Then it will recommend dishes for the week with the potential to save money by listing the items on sale each week at your chosen grocery stores and recipes based on those sale items. The mobile app syncs up with the user’s account on the website.

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Brand: Stouffer | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: US | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: Mobile, App |

03/06/2013  |  Full story...

Oscar Mayer’s ‘hilarious honest old guy’ links mobile and video to build brand engagement

Oscar Mayer’s latest app lets users create their own commercials centred around “Grandpa Frank.” This mobile video case study looks at how the Kraft brand created consumer engagement and brand loyalty through new technology. Frank fans are invited to create their own films by uploading their own mobile video footage, inserting “Frankisms”, and sharing their own web-optimised commercials under the hashtag #TransparentGrandpa until June 13. Oscar Mayer will select its favourite Frank footage to feature on the company's Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube channels. The firm is promoting the campaign via its social channels as well as through digital media buys, including mobile inventory.

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Brand: Oscar Mayer | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: US | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: Mobile, App |

02/06/2013  |  Full story...

Maes Facebook 'name change' campaign engages consumers and boost sales

Maes Beer used its brand name and a common surname in Belgium to attract people to get a free barrel of beer. The brand used various advertising formats to make people aware they could avail a free barrel of Maes beer if they were a 'Maes' themselves on the brand’s Facebook page. Participants could also get the free barrel by changing their Facebook name to Maes. The campaign resulted in the Maes name gaining popularity, with 7,000 new family members turning Maes into the biggest family in Belgium. FB App attracted 500,000 people in 6 weeks and added 75,000 fans in 1 day. It also resulted in being in the 6% most active Facebook pages in the world.

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Brand: Maes| Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: FB page and free beer | Agency: TBWA Brussles


Video case study: Carlsberg spoofs Apple store hype in Cider ad

Swapping electronic Apples for edible ones, this commercial from Carlsberg brand Somersby Cider has become a YouTube hit, racking up over 1 million views within a week and plenty of social media shares via a Facebook link. The company said the ad aimed to reflect Somersby's real apple credentials and a more balanced taste that will appeal to both men and women, who are equally represented in the ad.

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Brand: Carlsberg | Sector: FMCG, Alcohol, Beverages | Country: UK | Agency: Fold 7 | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Format: Video, YouTube, TV

04/04/2013  |  Full story...

Baby food brand Plum Baby gets 66% coupon redemption


Baby food brand Plum Baby faced the challenge of encouraging its audience to visit their Facebook page in order to grow their fan base. created an incentive-based coupon campaign that would ultimately increase the number of Facebook ‘likes’, whilst at the same time driving product trials. As a result, the brand saw a 66% redemption rate and completed the campaigns objective of increasing Facebook fans with a staggering 305% increase.

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Brand: Plum Baby | Sector: FMCG | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Agency/ Partner: | Format: Facebook, Coupons, Social Media, Ecommerce

26/03/2013  |  Full story...

Appliances Online boosts ROI with Google+ hangouts

Online kitchen retailer Appliances Online, the used Google+ to widen engagement levels with customers including CTR and conversion rates on search advertising. The strategy implemented Google Hangouts, rich media, and Google+ circles to tailor message to key groups. This case study looks at how the face-to-face strategy boosted its paid search CTR’s 33% and 300 new followers per day on Google+.

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Brand: Appliances Online | Sector: FMCG | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Agency/ Partner: Google | Format: Google+, IM, Video, YouTube, Social Media

26/03/2013  |  Full story...

Tesco begins Street View Easter egg hunt


In spring 2013, Tesco launched an online Easter egg hunt, using Google Street View technology to allow players to explore their local streets to find virtual Easter eggs. The game requires users to type in their post code or use GPS on their mobile device to begin their search for thousands of virtual eggs, with a voucher for a chocolate bunny available for those who find three eggs. As well as chocolate prizes there are also some extra special golden eggs hidden, with the finders winning tablet computers.

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Brand: Tesco | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Format: Google Maps/ Streetview

22/03/2013  |  Full story...

The fail trail: How 3 brands handled a social media crisis


When Domino’s employees were caught on YouTube defiling a pizza, the company took less than 3 weeks to claw back a 22% drop in customer sentiment. However, when Nestle and United Airlines suffered setbacks, the brands took considerably longer to recover. This infographic from software and consultancy firm SDL Social Intelligence looks at all three case studies and charts the ‘fail trail’ as companies recover from a social media crisis.

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Brand: Dominos, Nestle, United Airlines | Sector: FMCG, Travel | Country: US/ Global | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Format: Social Media

22/03/2013  |  Full story...

Case study – blogger engagement strategies in the UK


Digital marketers often overlook blogger engagement strategies which can be a quick win for many brands – here we show the top 20 most influential blogs in the UK market as a reminder that blogger engagement strategies should be on every marketer’s radar.

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Sector: Sport, Fashion, FMCG, Media, Film, Entertainment, TV, Finance, Gardening, Music, Food and Beverages, Travel, Retail, Retaurants, Health and Beauty | Country: UK | Objective: Brand positioning, drive engagement, Seasonal promotion | Format: SEO, Google, AdWords, Newspapers |

14/03/2013  |  Full story...

Maker’s Mark backlash- proof that a week’s a long time in social media?


Last month, whisky brand Maker’s Mark reduced its alcohol proof from 90% to 84%, sparking outcry as customers flocked to Facebook and Twitter to discuss ‘watered-down whisky’ and switching to rival brands. After nine days of social media, national newspaper and TV coverage, the brand was forced into an extraordinary U-turn. This case study from Gemma Storey at Carrot Communications takes a day-by-day look at how the crisis unfolded for the premium bourbon brand and how it could have managed things differently.

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Brand: Maker's Mark/ BEAM | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: US, UK | Objective: Social media, Crisis Management, email, PR | Format: Social Media

07/03/2013  |  Full story...

Email marketing case study: Saucy subject lines seduce subscribers


This year’s Valentine’s day ads have produced some eye-opening stats, with subject lines without discounts performing better than those offering a discount, and ‘lust’ getting higher clicks than ‘love’. This case study looks at promotions from from Ann Summers, La Senza and Time Out London to determine how to get the most out of seasonal email marketing campaigns.

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Brand: Ann Summers, La Senza, Time Out | Sector: Clothing, Magazines | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement, drive sales | Format: Email | Agency/ Partner: Return Path

07/03/2013  |  Full story...

Twitter case study: Magnum's coupon giveaway with #GrabaSpoon hashtag


Magnum worked with to run a Twitter camapign promoting its new pleasure pots, offering free ice-cream to the first 5,000 respondents. The camapgin made smart use of the micro-blogging plaform, raising awareness of the luxury ice-cream brand's latest product in an engaging and fun way.

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Brand: Unilever, Magnum | Sector: FMCG, Food and beverage | Country: UK | Agency;, GolinHarris | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Twitter |

25/02/2013  |  Full story...

Video case study: Lyons Tea gets first ‘pause button’ video ads on RTE player


Unilever Ireland ran a new ‘on pause’ video ad campaign for its Lyons Tea brand in Ireland- triggered every time a user pauses their video player on the RTE website. The format demonstrates what can be delivered by working collaboratively with industry partners, and was the result of significant investment in new technology by RTÉ to enable the ad’s deployment.

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Brand: Unilever Ireland, Lyons Tea | Sector: FMCG, Food and beverage | Country: Ireland | Agency; Mindshare | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Video, RTE |

25/02/2013  |  Full story...

Social media case study: Super Bowl blackout hands victory to Twitter


A 35 minute power outage on the pitch at this year's Super Bowl XLVII led to a surge in traffic on social media. The showdown between the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers was shut down for 35 minutes when half of the lights in the New Orleans Superdome went out. The resulting confusion led to a surge in traffic on social media sites talking about what became known online as "the blackout bowl." Advertisers were quick to capitalise on the sudden ad space opportunity. Within four minutes of the outage, advertisers had sent out their first tweets 'newsjacking' the event with their own branded take on the story.

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Brand: Oreo, Tide, Audi | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage, Automotive, Household goods | Country: US | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Twitter, Social Media |

14/02/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: Carling lets soccer fans ‘Be The Coach’

Last year, Carling Black Label ran a mobile campaign inviting South African soccer fans to ‘Be The Coach’. Using mobile voting users selected the team and make live substitutions in a huge South African soccer game. This case study looks at how the campaign generated almost 450% traffic increase to its Facebook page and a 600% Twitter following increase.

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Brand: Carling | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: South Africa | Agencies: Ogilvy South Africa | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Video, Mobile, Social Media |

14/02/2013  |  Full story...

Mobile marketing case study: McDonald's app tracks origin of food

Amid growing uncertainty about the origin of mass-produced food, this timely McDonald’s app turns users' iPhone’s into an ingredient tracker. McDonalds partnered with DDB Sydney to launch the TrackMyMacca’s app in Australia. By using the camera feature of their iPhone, iPad or iTouch, diners can scan the image of the particular food item they have purchased. Using GPS and the free Wi-Fi in McDonald’s outlets, as well as taking note of the date and time, the app is able to access the company’s supply chain. It can, for example, identify the source of ingredients used to create the meat patty in a customer’s quarter pounder, right down to the particular cattle farm.

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Brand: McDonalds | Sector: Food, FMCG, retail | Country: Australia | Agencies: DDB Sydney | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Mobile |

14/02/2013  |  Full story...

Kit Kat ‘dancing babies’ gets 1m views in a week

Nestlé's latest video campaign in India featured dancing babies- seeding the ad on YouTube ahead of its first TV broadcast and getting 1.5m views in the process. As part of promoting the TVC, television will be the lead medium for the campaign with a high frequency intensive burst on a mix of mass and regional channels. Digital and Facebook were also key pegs in the campaign. In a similar vein to Evian’s 2010 ‘Roller Babies’ ad, the Nestle campaign centres of a group of babies that begin dancing (with the aid of CGI) in a daycare centre.

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Brand: Nestle, Kit Kat | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: India | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: JWT Delhi | Format: YouTube, Video, Social Media, Twitter, Facebook |

08/02/2013  |  Full story...

Coca-Cola celebrates Chinese New Year with ‘wish bottle’

Coca-Cola provided a consumer unique brand experience during the Chinese New Year holiday, through a ‘Coke wish bottle’ campaign, attracting over 6.8 million participants, and 3,7 million wishes was generated. Coke teamed up with top SNS platforms like RenRen, Sina M-blog, Kaixin001 and invited consumers to make their new year wishes, sharing with their loved ones/ friends and display the works to the whole world- and produced the [2011 I Want to:...] invitation and 3D wish bottle on the campaign main page. Highly integrated the CNY holiday spirit and with easy-participating mechanism, the campaign attracted over 6.8 million participants, and 3,7 million wishes were generated.

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Brand: Coca-Cola | Sector: FMCG, Food and beverage | Coutry: China | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Isobar | Format: Social media, Gaming |

30/01/2013  |  Full story...

Heineken boosts brand in China with Christmas campaign


Heineken engaged beer lovers during Christmas, to strengthen its premium brand image in China by activating its global TV commercial ‘The Entrance’ on social media. The dutch brand worked digital marketing agency to create a digital campaign that challenges participants to remember the lively characters from the TV commercial in a social video game, achieving thousands of hours of engagement from web users.

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Brand: Heineken | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: China | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Social media, Video, YouTube |

30/01/2013  |  Full story...

BenNaNa digital campaign tops Sina Weibo charts


To promote BenNaNa in China, Nestlé Ice Cream ran a digital campaign on a microsite and social network Sina Weibo. Nestle worked with Social@Ogilvy (a team of social experts from OgilvyOne and Ogilvy PR) to run the two-part campaign. It consisted of a microsite based on the kid-friendly theme of a magical island as well as a hugely popular corporate Sina Weibo account complete with bespoke funny videos that has seen close to three million users share posts or upload their own BenNaNa pictures.

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Brand: Nestle | Sector: FMCG, Food | Coutry: China | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency | Saachi and Saachi | Format: Social media, Gaming |

30/01/2013  |  Full story...

Pepsi parners Youku Tudou for online film campaign

Pepsi partnered with Chinese Internet TV giant Youku Tudou, for a multi-channel online movie campaign called “Bring Love Home.” The 30-minute web movie premiered simultaneously on,, and in a Beijing theater packed with Pepsi celebrities. Prior to the movie premiere, the campaign successfully generated thousands of uploads, and by the end, the web movie had more than 100 million views.

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Brand: Pepsi | Sector: FMCG, | Objective: Build brand engagement | Country: China | Format: Video, Cinema, Youtube, Viral |

30/01/2013  |  Full story...

Tiger Woods returns to Nike… and gets 7m YouTube views

As Lance Armstrong falls from grace (and Nike’s sponsorship roster), another controversial sporting figure has made a return to the sports brand's video ads. Tiger Woods battles Rory McIlroy in this humourous golfing tee-off where ‘no cup is safe’. The commercial, produced by agency Wieden+Kennedy, came out earlier this week and became an immediate YouTube hit. To date, it has surpassed 7 million views.

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Brand: Nike | Sector: FMCG, Sport, Clothing | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Wieden+Kennedy | Format: Video, TV, Youtube, Viral |

22/01/2013  |  Full story...

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