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Facebook case studies: we currently have 217.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 217 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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Social tourism case study: The little village that went global

Back in 2013, the little mountain village of Obermutten, Switzerland, issued a promise on Facebook: anybody who likes the village's Facebook Page can have their picture posted on the village bulletin board. This case study looks at how the village promoted tourism with a digital twist, investing 10,000 Swiss francs and getting the equivalent of a 2.4 million franc media buy.

12/03/2015  |  Full story...

Social media marketing: How #FirstWorldProblems was hijacked by WATERisLIFE

Water is life worked with advertising agency DDB New York to hijack the popular #FirstWorldProblems and launch the ‘hashtag killer’. The ‘hashtag killer’ campaign was set out to eradicate the ironic #FirstWorldProblems used when people tweet about life burdens such as their phone battery dying or when leather seats aren’t heated and create awareness for serious issues in developing countries.

05/03/2015  |  Full story...

Social media case study: How Sweaty Betty built its brand around its fans

Sports and fitness are often very social activities, and UK sports brand for women Sweaty Betty capitalised on this to offer a drastically different shopping experience for consumers compared to the ‘warehouse’ feel from the likes of Sports Direct. So what makes Sweaty Betty stand out in the overcrowded fitness market? This case study looks at how the brand built a social community around fitness challenges to boost brand loyalty.

26/01/2015  |  Full story...

Viral video marketing case studies: the 25 best virals of 2014

From an avalanche of ice buckets to World Cup fever, 2014 was another big year for video viral marketing case studies. As mobile sharing went mainstream, it was charities that achieved some of the year’s biggest success stories with the ‘No Make Up Selfie’ and the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ hinting at the future power of social media as a communication tool. To round off the year, we’ve assembled our 25 favourite virals from around the world for your viewing pleasure…


03/12/2014  |  Full story...

Social TV case study: Mercedes tells interactive Twitter story to boost brochure requests by 140%

For the launch of the new Mercedes A-class, Mercedes wanted to appeal to a younger generation of drivers in the UK. This case study looks at how the car maker moved away from a traditionally heavy focus on TV and outdoor advertising to include social and mobile channels in its marketing mix. The #YOUDRIVE campaign combined social media and TV advertising by creating an exciting story told over three TV adverts where social media was used to decide the outcome of the story.

02/12/2014  |  Full story...

Video case study: John Lewis puts digital first for Christmas ad

The annual John Lewis Christmas ad has become as much a part of a UK Christmas as Mince Pies, Santa Claus and woolly jumpers. This year, the retailer opted to preview its £1m ad on digital channels YouTube and Twitter first, ahead of its TV debut over the weekend.

13/11/2014  |  Full story...

Seasonal video case study: Oreo unleashes Halloween ‘Nomsters’

To coincide with Halloween, Oreo created a cute stop-motion ad featuring a mad sceintist’s lab and his creations- the ‘Nomsters’. 360i and Oreo-ownder Mondelez collaborated with designer Lori Nix and production company Dream Machine Creative directors for a Halloween campaign in which the brand will release a new “nomster” made out of Oreo and other confections every day. Fans will be asked to "Name the Nomster," and the best names will be made into custom digital content posted by Oreo later each day. The first video is just 11 seconds long, perfect for Facebook and Instagram.


Brands on Instagram: 6 best Hyperlapse videos so far

With Instagram’s new Hyperlapse app over a week old, some brand have already started tinkering with the new video tool. We round-up 6 of the best branded uses of the new format that looks set to rival Vine as the next big thing in bite sized video.

30/09/2014  |  Full story...

YouTube case study: Restaurant gets diners to ‘pay with a kiss’

Forget QR Codes or PayPal- this low-budget digital marketing campaign in Australia got restaurant diners to pay for their food with a kiss. This case study looks at how Metro St James played on its romantic French image with a YouTube viral and mobile app that generated half a million internet mentions and a raft of earned media space.

18/09/2014  |  Full story...

Nike mixes dance and social media to reach 1 million people

This interactive dance event from Nike combined social media with an impressive art installation- creating a huge social buzz in Taiwan in the process. This case study looks at how the sports brand used the event to generate interest in its ‘Airforce One’ trainer- generating over a million Facebook impressions.

18/09/2014  |  Full story...

L’Oreal gets salons on side for Facebook campaign

For a hair brand, getting a product recommended by hair salons is a major boost- and linking till data to social media campaigns is even more valuable. With this in mind, L’Oréal granted more than 5,000 salons in the US with access to the Buddy Media Social marketing suite, to enhance their Facebook Pages and allow L’Oréal to measure social success and improve content pages.


09/09/2014  |  Full story...

B2B social media case study: How a shipping firm became more popular than Disney on Facebook

A B2B shipping firm doesn’t sound like the most exciting social media brand in the world, but back in 2012, Maersk caught the attention of many (including Facebook itself) after it managed to generate tidal waves of traffic by spinning mundane overseas haulage journeys into tales of high seas adventure. This case study looks at how the firm used a raft of social media platforms to engage with customers… eventually generating more engagement on its Facebook than Disney.

03/09/2014  |  Full story...

Social CRM case study: How Bosch learned to target select trades on Facebook

Back in 2010, Bosch had a problem- it had two thriving B2B social media platforms but couldn’t determine which manual trades preferred Facebook and which ones visited its bespoke community ‘Bob’. This case study looks at how the electronic tool maker used CRM software to better understand its diverse audience behaviour and market to select trades more efficiently on the right social media channel.

Read this slide presentation explaining how the CRM process worked below:

03/09/2014  |  Full story...

Viral case study: How the 'Ice Bucket challenge' raised $15m in 3 weeks

In July 2014, Charity ALS started a small scale internet challenge that ended up reaching all the way to the White House. This case study looks at how the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ led to record donations to the charity, raising some $15.6m in contributions to the group and its national affiliates, compared with less than $50,000 in the same period last year.

19/08/2014  |  Full story...

Tumblr case study: Samsung Tumblr blog pushes Galaxy camera content to other social networks

Samsung wanted to create a destination that could show off its GALAXY Camera and generate buzz among photographers and tech fans on four major social networks. This case study looks at how the electronics giant used Tumblr’s API as a central hub to push images to Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, getting a 70% increase in earned impressions.


17/07/2014  |  Full story...

Instagram case study: Ben and Jerry’s Anchorman ice cream gets social boost

Over an eight-day period in November, Ben and Jerry’s posted four sponsored images on Instagram featuring its ice cream in a carton, in a cone and even as a vision in the clouds. Ads were targeted to users age 18–35 in the U.S. This case study looks at how the Unilever brand become once of first advertisers on Instagrams new ad platform, boosting its brand awareness 17% in the process.


17/07/2014  |  Full story...

YouTube case study: Tampon ad throws most awkward party ever (and gets 25 million views)

Who knew a party to celebrate a girl’s first period could be so much fun? This taboo-breaking ad from tampon subscription service HelloFlo has taken the web by storm. In just over three weeks since launch, “First Moon Party” has garnered more than 25 million views. The spot’s also been widely shared on social media, receiving more than 200,000 Facebook interactions and 6000 Tweets.

09/07/2014  |  Full story...

Instagram case study: Levi’s gets 24% brand recall with frequency capping

Due to its popularity with the younger generation, Levi's turned to Instagram to boost its appeal. This case study shows how the jeans brand reached 7.4 million people in the U.S. across a nine-day period, targeting people aged 18-34.


09/07/2014  |  Full story...

How Nando's became the most popular restaurant chain on social media


Nando's currently leads the UK food and drink chain market for social media, ahead of Dominos, TGI Fridays and Starbucks. This case study looks at how much of Nando's success to a series of creative and integrated social media campaigns that stood out ahead of the likes of Starbucks and McDonald's.

02/07/2014  |  Full story...

Hobgoblin brand targets millennial voters with social media election

To coincide with the European elections, Wychwood Brewery, brewers of bottled ale brand Hobgoblin has declared a social media election, challenging fans to choose and nominate their favourite tipple in an online poll. The campaign, Wych Brew Are You? encourages fans to champion their selected beer from a choice of three leading candidates: Hobgoblin, Imperial Red, and Black Wych.


28/05/2014  |  Full story...

Marriott offers loyalty points for social shares

Hotel chain Marriott Rewards has launched a PlusPoints program that rewards loyalty program members 250 points for each Facebook 'like' or Twitter 'follow'. Under the scheme, sharers also get 25 points for each Facebook share or retweet about Marriott — up to a maximum of 2,000 points every 30 days.


28/05/2014  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: Ikea Facebook campaign boosts store visits by 11%

At the beginning of 2014, an Ikea Facebook campaign drove an 11 per cent increase in foot traffic for the retailer, according to research carried out by Vizeum and iProspect in partnership with Facebook and EE.


21/05/2014  |  Full story...

Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs marketing stunt reveals what Facebook knows about you

In April 2014, Ubisoft promoted its digital espionage game Watch Dogs with a site that scrapes publicly available information from Facebook to show users how much of their data is in the public domain… and how it could be exploited.

Watch this trailer showing how the tool works below:

23/04/2014  |  Full story...

April Fools' round-up: HTC’s Gluuv, Vegemite Energy drink and Google’s Pokemon challenge

April Fool’s Day has become a major event in the digital calendar, with many brands and media owners creating elaborate pranks to show off their funny side (and get plenty of social media shares and column inches in the process). We’ve put together some of the best hoaxes from this year's batch for your viewing pleasure…

11/04/2014  |  Full story...

Crème Egg shifts spend from TV to Facebook and increases sales 7%


Mondelez increased Crème Egg sales by switching ad spend from TV to Facebook. This case study looks at how a seasonal social media campaign that invited people to ‘Have a fling with Crème Egg’ on Facebook, created a long series of one-off posts that fed into an overall narrative across the three months- increasing sales by 7% as a result.

07/04/2014  |  Full story...

Further facebook case studies

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