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Facebook case studies: we currently have 217.

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Trip Advisor taps into Facebook for user reviews


Trip Advisor used Facebook to provide reviews and opinions that are directly relevant to a user’s searches. It uses Graph API, Open Graph, Like button, other Social Plugins and other public data from Facebook profiles to enhance and customize the travel data it already has to help users and share their experiences with their friends. Average user engagement increased 20%. Users connecting to TripAdvisor through Facebook were two times more likely to contribute content than non-Facebook connected users.

Facebook case study | Trip Advisor

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Brand: Trip Advisor | Sector: Travel | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Kit Kat performs own ‘space jump’


In honour of Felix Baumgartner’s landmark skydive from the edge of space, Nestle sent a Kit Kat bar into the ether with a video camera. The 'Break from Gravity' project saw the four-fingered chocolate bar sent to a height of 22 miles after beginning its ascent from Cambridgeshire at 11.20am on Saturday (13 October). Camera footage, which tracked the Kit Kat’s ascent and descent, was shared via the brand’s social media channels.

YouTube video

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Brand: KitKat | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG, Foods | Agency: JWT London | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Video, Facebook, YouTube

24/10/2012  |  Full story...

Fedex captures data to create personalised jingle


FedEx has launched a new app on Facebook that highlights how they can help your business grow better than a cheesy advertising jingle. The app invites customers to input their business details which then become customisable parts of their very own 'jingle'. The tagline and copy is the same on all the videos. It simply and effectively communicates FedEx’s message: “There are more effective ways to promote your business. We can help with business cards, banners, and brochures. FedEx. Solutions that matter.”

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Brand: Fedex | Country: US | Sector: Delivery | Agency: BBDO New York | Objective: boost conversions and subscriptions | Format:Video, App

23/10/2012  |  Full story...

How Nike Fuelband created buzz about the brand


Nike introduced FuelBand, to increase the existing 7+ million community of Nike +. “Fuel” is a common, universal metric for activity; “Fuel Band” is a device that you wear device that tracks all your daily activity. Users can set targets and share their measurements with others. If a goal is reached, a motivational character called Fuelie shows up to applaud. The fuel band tracks all activities of consumer and with Bluetooth sync technology uploads all data and all activity is tracked on regularly. With the help of social integration one can see and compare activities with friends and motivates, consistently achieving the targets leads to the character Fuelie celebrating.

Fuelband homepage | Case Study | Cannes Lions awards page

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Brand: Nike | Country: USA| Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: R/GA New York


Case study: Ubisoft triples game sales via Facebook targeting


Ubisoft managed to triple sales by 300% in just 3 months through a targeted Facebook campaign for its Settlers Online game by focusing on users most likely to convert and purchase. This case study looks at how the games giant made smart use of targeting and bid optimisation to get the most out of its ad budget.

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Brand: Ubisoft | Country: Global | Agency: DMG | Sector: Gaming, Social Media | Format: Facebook

21/09/2012  |  Full story...

Coca-Cola crowdsources 50m Facebook fans for new campaign


Coca-Cola marked its 50 millionth Facebook “Like” with campaign drawing upon its social media fan base to identifying simple ways to ‘make the world a happier place’. The drinks giant identified individuals developing ideas that enable people to become more active, give to others, be social or engage in other activities associated with increased happiness.

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Brand: Coca-Cola | Country: Global Sector: Social Media | Format: Facebook

Facebook case study

21/09/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: 4Music mixes video, search and social media to boost reach


Launched in August 2008, 4Music is the most watched music channel in the UK. It is free to air, and part of the Box TV music channel portfolio. This case study shows how the a multi-layered digital campaign was used to elevate the brand and increase the value of to its advertisers. The campaigns generated a 25% increase in their total from campaign start date. Paid search campaigns drove 118,450 users to to view information about their favourite shows – the average users from these campaigns spent an unprecedented 13 minutes browsing content on the site.

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Brand: 4Music | Media: Facebook, Google, TV | Country: UK | Sector: TV, Music | Agency: Blowfish Digital | Format: Social media, Search, TV

14/09/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: KLM 'Surprise' sparks 1m tweets


At the end of 2010, KLM decided to give something a little extra special to its passengers waiting to board its flights – some personalised random acts of kindness. Using information from Foursquare and Twitter, KLM identified passengers currently checked in and waiting to board KLM flights. A quick search of each person’s social media profile garnered info about their personal interests/reasons for flying. Staff then purchased appropriate gifts which they gave to passengers prior to boarding their flight. More than 40 people were presented with gifts and, being social media users, the campaign received 1m+ impressions on Twitter alone. While the stunt certainly seems time exhaustive, it was enough to generate 1m positive Tweets, while this follow up YouTube ad leaves lasting positive brand impression.

Video case study

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Brand: KLM | Media: YouTube, Twitter | Country: Netherlands | Sector: Travel | Format: Video and social media

04/09/2012  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: Interactive Police video asks Who Killed Deon?


This video campaign used Facebook to campaign against knife crime. Set up the Metropolitan Police, this campaign highlighted Joint Enterprise a little-known law that means anyone knowingly involved in a murder can be charged with murder. To show how even small actions lead to a murder charge, agency Lab created ‘Who Killed Deon?’, a murder mystery Facebook page, inviting viewers to hunt the killer. At its peak, the campaign achieved 250 comments a day, with an average dwell time of 8 minutes. It was 'liked' by 50% of viewers at its peak- 5 times the average of all Facebook campaigns.

Video case study

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Brand: Public Safety Video (UK Police) | Media: YouTube and Facebook | Country: UK | Sector: Government | Agency: COI | Format: Video and social media

04/09/2012  |  Full story...

Huggies turns Facebook babies into Olympic stars


To coincide with the Olympics, Huggies Israel launched this Facebook video campaign, adding personalised sports commentaries for user-submitted baby videos. Huggies Israel enlisted the help of Israel’s most famous sports commentator, Zoheir Bahalool who provided a running commentary on each burp, roll and tumble for each baby video submitted to the Facebook page. The campaign attracted 40,000 unique users in Israel, with the average time on the page reaching 2 minutes and 14 seconds.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Huggies/ Hogla | Media: Facebook | Country: Israel | Sector: Pharmaceutical & Medical | Agency: McCann Digital, Tel aviv | Format: Video and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Nokia Finger Battle app


At the height of football fever this summer, Nokia launched a smartphone game to coincide with the Euro 2012 championships. This case study shows how the ‘Finger Battle app’ became one of the most popular application so the tournament. For the 2012 Euro Cup that took place in Poland and Ukraine, Nokia Poland wanted to create an app that could keep football fans entertained during the football fever in the country. The game became one of the top 10 most downloaded Euro Cup applications, and it became the 3rd most popular game app downloaded. There were more than 6 900 games played, and the app generated more than 5 000 downloads.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Nokia | Media: Mobile app and Facebook | Country: Poland | Sector: Sport/ Mobile | Agency: Wunderman | Format: Mobile app and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Facebook case study- Intel soundtracks your life with ‘Me The Musical’


Intel has launched a new campaign that creates a personalised movie for Facebook users, drawing upon their social media data to create ‘Me The Musical’. The campaign, which launched in Japan to promote its new Ultrabook, takes Facebook users on an entertaining journey, via song and dance, through world events. Along the way, it adds a personal touch by including friends from Facebook and reminders of significant individual milestones.

YouTube case study |">Facebook campaign

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Brand: Intel | Media: Facebook app and video | Country: Japan | Sector: Computing | Agency: projector, Nexus Productions | Format: Video and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Strepsils and Lemsip unleash ‘online grandma’ to cure man flu


Reckitt Benckiser has teamed two of its brands - Strepsils and Lemsip - to defeat 'Man-Flu' via an interactive video and social media campaign. Using social media data to provide personalised care and attention for customers, the flu medicine Strepsils took an interesting approach. The microsite is a little tongue and cheek, but definitely bears a great sense of humor to cheer up the sickly.

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Reckitt Benkiser | Media: Viral, Video, Social media | Country: Australia | Sector: FMCG personal care | Objective: Build brand equity, drive trial | Agency: Holler | Format: Video, social mmedia »

07/08/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Procter & Gamble takes Olympic sponsorship to 34 brands


Procter & Gamble's Olympic sponsorship is set to generate an addition $500m in sales according to its CEO. This case study looks at how the FMCG giant is using the digital channel to push its umbrella Olympic message across 34 of its brands. In announcing the firm’s positive Q2 results, Proctor and Gamble CEO Bob McDonald has cited P&G's Olympics sponsorship as an example of its "scale brought to life". Covering 34 brands and 4m stores over six months, this umbrella campaign should yield $500m in incremental sales, and a payback 50% higher than single brand efforts.

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Procter & Gamble | Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG personal care | Objective: Build brand equity, drive trial | Format: Viral Video »

07/08/2012  |  Full story...

Social media case study: McVities Facebook campaign gets fans sharing cake coupons


United Biscuit’s cake and biscuit brand McVities has launched a ‘Bring Out The Cake’ campaign, designed to get Facebook fans sharing coupons to promote the brand’s cake range. The firm is working with to manage the digital coupon element of its national campaign created by independent marketing agency, RPM. The campaign has generated 26,903 likes and 4,970 conversations since its launch.

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Brand: McVities | Media: Facebook, Social Media | Country: UK |Sector: FMCG | Agency: RPM |

20/07/2012  |  Full story...

Cadbury Joyville train stunt creates online buzz in Australia


This marketing stunt from Cadbury involved a giant purple ‘Joyville’ branded train pulling into select stations across Australia, rewarding surprised commuters with an array of chocolate treats. The campaign was amplified through a deeply integrated social media campaign with a Facebook page encouraging and supporting user generated content, as well as the dedicated website which features games, information and lets users share the campaign.

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Brand: Cadbury |Media: Facebook | Country: Australia |Sector: FMCG | Agency: Wonder | Format: Facebook page, website

YouTube case study | Facebook Page


Case study: ‘The man who gave everything away’ - social media stunt gets retailer 54% sales increase


South American retail chain Homecentre Sodimac used an unconventional marketing method to increase sales by 54% during the ‘Homecentre House Season’ with the campaign ‘The man who gave everything away’. This case study shows how with the campaign Homecentre created a viral effect with a common man giving away everything he owned. The campaign was to create a suspense about an ordinary man who has come up with a peculiar idea of giving away everything he owns and only and the end he reveals the reason – The Homecentre season sale. Thus, subtly emphasising the sale being so good that he wanted to get rid of his possession to be able to shop. This was done by a creation of a facebook page with videos, picture and updates of things being given away and the date when it would be done.

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Brand: Homecenter Sodimac |Agency: Young & Rubicam |Sector: Retail | Format: Facebook Platform, Marketplace Ads, Facebook Premium Ads, Facebook Pages | Language: Spanish | Location: Colombia, Latin America

YouTube case study | Facebook case study

29/06/2012  |  Full story...

Social media case study: Copa Airlines uses Facebook page to increase brand engagement and sales


Copa Airlines with a social marketing campaign 'Passport America' to grows its' Facebook fan base, generates and awareness and increase ticket sales on its website. The campaign resulted in 59% conversion and ROI expanded to 50 times. A total of 279,000 users registered for the promotion and 1.3 million invitations were sent out. This Facebook-centric campaign featured the prize draw of a lifetime: a Grand Prize consisting of round trip airfare for the winner and a guest to each of Copa's 59 destinations. To enter, people registered through Facebook Connect and to keep people engaged and the momentum going additional chances to win were integrated at different levels, including their social muscle could help them win.

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Brand: Copa Airlines |Sector: Travel | Format: Facebook Apps, Facebook Platform, Marketplace Ads, Facebook Pages| Agency: Nobox, Miami | Language: English (US), Portugese (Brazil), Spanish

Facebook case study | YouTube case study

29/06/2012  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: Patio Batel donates books for ‘likes’ to create awareness and engage


Ahead of the frantic Christmas shopping season, Patio Batel the newest and most glamorous shopping centre in Curitiba, Brazil used a Facebook campaign to generate buzz around its grand opening. Patio Batel used Facebook to generate donations of books, with one 'like' equalling one donation. Using Facebook as the main platform for the campaign, the strategy was to reach as many people as possible with ads and social awareness. People could donate their books on the street and, at the same time, share this act online by inviting their friends to participate. The campaign resulted in attaining the desired results of 5,000 likes in 30% less time. It also resulted in reaching out to 4,468,482 people and generating a donation of more than 10,000 books in 20 days. More than 7,800 books were donated through Facebook.

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Brand: Patio Batel | Agency: Lustig| Format: Facebook Apps, Facebook Platform, Marketplace Ads, Facebook Pages | Country: Brazil

Facebook case study

29/06/2012  |  Full story...

Digital case study: Ace uses soap-opera style mystery to create awareness and triple sales


The Brazilian campaign saw detergent brand Ace use consumer insight and an integrated use of media to reach 8.7 million people in less than three months. Ace created a campaign in soap opera style, an episode with 5 different endings, presenting five suspects for a great mystery: Whose is the grubby bra? The suspects defended themselves. The mystery was heated trough placement in TV shows, films on Facebook page and consistently engaging digital content. It also led to word of mouth in Twitter, blogs, radio stations talking about it and parody. The campaign reached 2.3 million people on Facebook with more than 60,000 fans and 227,000 visualizations on YouTube.

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Brand: Ace | Language: Portugese (Brazil) | Format: Marketplace Ads, Facebook Premium Ads, Facebook Pages| Agency: Leo Burnett Tailor Made

Facebook case study | YouTube advert

29/06/2012  |  Full story...

Gamification case study: Allianz uses popular game to create awareness about insurance


Worldwide insurance company Allianz transformed the popular game Frogger into a live interactive experience on Facebook. By creating a virtual game, Allianz advice the consumers in an entertaining way that everyone can easily prevent real-life dangers. Allianz integrated the realtime heavy São Paulo traffic feeds with the popular game to create the Facebook App and generate awareness through a fun way. This was achieved by placing a 24/7 camera on the rooftop of a building that live-streams the view of a busy street. Using the Facebook app, people can log in to help the amphibians cross safely to the other side of the road while jumping in between real cars.

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Brand: Allianz | Format: Facebook Apps, Facebook Platform | Agency: Ogilvy Brazil

Facebook case study | YouTube video


Case study: Emirates Facebook page attracts more than 300,000 fans within 3 weeks of launch


Emirates made smart use of Facebook’s new ‘timeline’ layout, attracting more than 300,000 fans within the first 3 weeks of the launch. The Facebook page used a series of teasers from their TV commercials as the cover image, attracting more than 3,330 likes and 1,300 comments over a 1 week period. This case study shows how Emirates used its Facebook page to amplify the effectiveness of the TV ads, allowing consumers to share and engage with the brand online.

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Brand: Emirates |Sector: Airlines | Format: Facebook Company page

Facebook Fan Page: Emirates | Facebook case study: Emirates

21/06/2012  |  Full story...

Video viral case study: P&G’s ‘Olympic Moms’ ad gets over 4m YouTube views


Procter & Gamble embarked on the company’s biggest campaign in its 174 year history, using its Olympic sponsor status to push an emotive message celebrating mothers worldwide (a key demographic for the FMCG brand). P&G’s ‘Best Job’ video has taken off since launching April 17. More than 4m people watched the video on the main site, which has been seeded in different languages to appeal to different territories.

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Procter & Gamble | Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG personal care | Objective: Build brand equity, drive trial | Format: Viral Video »

24/05/2012  |  Full story...

Social media marketing- Unilever uses Facebook vouchers for Marmite cereal bar giveaway


In early 2010, Unilever launched a campaign on Facebook to distribute samples of its new Marmite Cereal Bar and to drive awareness of the new product. This case study shows how the brand used the Facebook Ad Units format to create buzz, generating 22m impressions and distributing 33,000 samples to its target audience of mums and young adults.

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Brand: Unilever Marmite |Media: Facebook | Country: UK |Sector: Food & Beverages| Agency: Mindshare | Format: Facebook Ad Unit

14/05/2012  |  Full story...

Dove Facebook App outshines beauty pageant with 23,000 new social media fans


Ahead of an annual Beauty Queen pageant held on International Women's Day, Dove created a social media campaign entitled "Beauty Does Not Have Just One Queen." This case study looks at how, with one outdoor billboard and a highly targeted Facebook app, the brand created a huge amount of online engagement and 23,000 new Facebook fans.

The campaign, for the Unilever-owned cosmetic and toiletry brand, used a Facebook application that was connected to a digital billboard in the heart of Tel Aviv. Women uploaded a picture of themselves using the app, and their portrait was then screened on the billboard with the caption "Beauty Does Not Have Just One Queen".

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Brand: Dove |Media: OOH, Facebook videos | Country: Israel |Sector: FMCG | Agency: McCann Erickson | Format: Facebook App, TV spot

14/05/2012  |  Full story...

Further facebook case studies

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