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Facebook case studies: we currently have 217.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 217 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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Kit Kat ‘dancing babies’ gets 1m views in a week

Nestlé's latest video campaign in India featured dancing babies- seeding the ad on YouTube ahead of its first TV broadcast and getting 1.5m views in the process. As part of promoting the TVC, television will be the lead medium for the campaign with a high frequency intensive burst on a mix of mass and regional channels. Digital and Facebook were also key pegs in the campaign. In a similar vein to Evian’s 2010 ‘Roller Babies’ ad, the Nestle campaign centres of a group of babies that begin dancing (with the aid of CGI) in a daycare centre.

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Brand: Nestle, Kit Kat | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: India | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: JWT Delhi | Format: YouTube, Video, Social Media, Twitter, Facebook |

08/02/2013  |  Full story...

Tiger Woods returns to Nike… and gets 7m YouTube views

As Lance Armstrong falls from grace (and Nike’s sponsorship roster), another controversial sporting figure has made a return to the sports brand's video ads. Tiger Woods battles Rory McIlroy in this humourous golfing tee-off where ‘no cup is safe’. The commercial, produced by agency Wieden+Kennedy, came out earlier this week and became an immediate YouTube hit. To date, it has surpassed 7 million views.

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Brand: Nike | Sector: FMCG, Sport, Clothing | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Wieden+Kennedy | Format: Video, TV, Youtube, Viral |

22/01/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: Heinz Facebook ‘Five beanz’ quiz reaches 10m people


Back in the summer of 2012, Heinz promoted its new ‘Five Beanz’ range via a Facebook quiz offering the chance to win one of the five beans with their name engraved on it. The campaign ran for two weeks and 22,143 took the quiz, with over 10,000 shares and reached10.8m people on Facebook. In total, the Heinz Facebook community grew by 30,000 extra fans.

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Brand: Heinz | Sector: FMCG, Food | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: We Are Social | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

22/01/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: Heineken turns ‘likes’ into balloons… and gets thousands of fans in a day

Going beyond the usual ‘like us a we’ll give you a discount’ tactic of many brands, Heineken offered to inflate one green balloon in its office for every new 'like' it got on its Brazilian fan page. The simple execution proved to be incredibly effective- gaining thousands fans in just one day. The campaign called ‘Um Like Um Balao’ (One Like One Balloon) for every time someone likes the page, a green balloon was blown up and placed in a office. Starting off with an empty office, the space was quickly filled up with select users getting custom videos of a man blowing up a balloon and the total number of balloons covering the room.

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Brand: Heineken | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Facebook, Social Media, Youtube, Video |

22/01/2013  |  Full story...

Volvic recruits bloggers for 'Team Volcanicity' live event coverage


Volvic has launched a new campaign seeking talented bloggers, photographers and social media 'addicts' to form ‘Team Volcanicity’ and represent the brand online. In return, the water brand will provide access to some of the UK’s events and activities of 2013 to the winners of its Facebook competition, which launches on 21 January. The opportunity to join ‘Team Volcanicity’ will be open to Facebook fans who will be asked to submit a photo which they believe expresses their ‘Volcanicity’ which will be open to public voting.

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Brand: Volvic | Sector: FMCG, Food | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agecny: We Are Social | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

22/01/2013  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: English Cheese Cake Company fans grow from 2,000 to 30,000


This campaign is a great example of from small acorns. The English Cheese Cake Company managed to increase its Facebook fanbase by more 11 fold in one year, rising from just 2,000 fans to 23,000 (it now has around 30,000). It gained over 4,500 likes through its primary sponsored stories campaign alone and as many as 30% of its new customers come through Facebook. The engaged community it has grown means that fans will often reply to other fans flavour questions, acting as a brand ambassadors for English Cheesecake Company.

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Brand: English Cheesecake Company | Sector: FMCG, Food | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

17/01/2013  |  Full story...

ASOS grows Facebook fans 32% with Facebook games


ASOS ran a Facebook campaign to generate sales and excitement ahead of its summer sales campaign. For the launch ASOS used Facebook Pages, Ads and Sponsored Stories to increase revenue from a summer sale event on the ASOS website. It built a custom application on the ASOS page that allowed fans to play a series of four games. All of this helped ASOS’s fan base grow by 32%.

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Brand: ASOS | Sector: Clothing | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

17/01/2013  |  Full story...

Surf 'Fulfill a Wish' Facebook camapign helps users grant children’s wishes


Surf Excel has launched a marketing initiative in India called 'Fulfill a Wish' calling upon its one million Facebook fans and consumers to be genies for a day and be the ones to fulfill wishes for a change. The Facebook app lets consumers pick a wish made by a less-privileged child that they, as the more privileged lot of society, have the ability to grant. The Unilever detergent brand tied up with over 40,000 NGOs across the country via International Justice Mission (IJM) and India Guide Star, an online database of Indian NGOs. To date, the Surf Excel app has notched up over 300 wishes fulfilled.

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Brand: Unilever, Surf Excel | Sector: FMCG, Household | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: eYeka | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

17/01/2013  |  Full story...

Citroën lets fans customise cars using Facebook


Car maker Citroën invited its Facebook fans across the world to vote for a selection of consumer-created designs to customise its new Citroën DS3. In October last year, Citroen tasked eYeka's creative community to “create stylish designs inspired by French Luxury” to customise its Citroën DS3 model. In just two weeks, Citroën received more than 180 high-quality designs from all over the world, and awarded €10,000 between the top three winning entries from Germany, Hong Kong, and France respectively.

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Brand: Citroën | Sector:Automotive | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: eYeka | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

17/01/2013  |  Full story...

Skittles grants mind control with ‘Telekenise the Rainbow’

Skittles has become known for their off the wall advertising, but this new Australian ad boggles the mind (quite literally). The ‘Telekinize The Rainbow’ Facebook app lets users control a single Skittle with their mind... or does it? Agency Clemenger BBDO advanced Skittles’ ongoing "(Experience) The Rainbow" campaign with an entirely new interactive experience. The agency worked with aerospace engineer Ben Cai to develop a system that allowed (Australia- and New Zealand-based) visitors to and the brand’s Facebook page to move Skittles with their eye movements.

Check out more on the making of the campaign below:

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Brand: Skittles | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Clemenger BBDO | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

17/01/2013  |  Full story...

Heineken uses Facebook to 'Meet The World In One City'

Dutch beer giant Heineken went social with this campaign, challenging two men to meet someone from every country in the world in one city, Amsterdam- all with a little help from Facebook volunteers of course. Heineken launched the effort to drive social engagement around its ongoing "Open Your World" platform. And social will indeed be key to helping Barnaby and Mick complete their mission.

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Brand: Heineken | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Tribal DDB | Format: Facebook, YouTube, Social Media |

17/01/2013  |  Full story...

Coca Cola in Israel amplifies teenage Village events via Facebook through RFID tags


In summertime in Israel Coca Cola hosts a number of live, 3 day events for teenagers to come together, play and ‘share the happiness’. Looking to make the most of this live event content the brand found a clever technical solution to amplify the offline event online. By providing all the attendees with an RFID-enabled wristband, programmed with their Facebook user name and password, they were able to create a regular stream of real-time likes, content and images in the social network. This not only extended the fun for those who attended, it also spread the happiness to those who couldn’t and in so doing helped extend the reach and engagement of the event to many more thousands of the target audience.

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Brand: Coca Cola | Country: Israel | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Format: Social Media, Facebook


Little Baby’s Ice Cream YouTube video success


While Little Baby’s Ice Cream is only a relatively small manufacturer and retailer of premium, ice cream based in Philadelphia, PA they know how to do social media well. By placing this quirky, and slightly unnerving, promotional video / advertisement on YouTube with their website URL at the end – not only can they generate over 2.7 million video views but also a constantly stream of traffic to their website. This YouTube presence, coupled with a lively and well managed online community on Facebook and Twitter, has helped the business maintain a loyal fan base of regular visitors to their ice cream parlours.

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Brand: Little Baby’s Ice Cream | Country: USA | | Sector: FMCG, Food | Format: Video


Oak stages ‘reverse robberies’ to promote milk drink on Facebook


US flavoured milk brand Oak claimed it had been ‘inundated with fans complaining they coundn’t buy their product in their local stores. In response, parent company Parmalat staged a series of ‘reverse robberies’ and posted the results on YouTube and Facebook. The data captured from the campaign will be passed onto the OAK sales team to help pinpoint their efforts.

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Brand: Oak, Parmalat | Country: USA | Agency: The Monkeys | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Format: YouTube, Video, Facebook, Social Media

20/11/2012  |  Full story...

Lays wins over Slovak market with low budget Facebook campaign


How do you make a low budget online campaign for a brand that has awareness of 4%? This campaign for Lay's potato chips shows how, with a little local knowledge and some creative thinking, a small budget social media campaign can make a big impression. Over the course of the campaign, the Lays Facebook page racked up over 4 million visits- quite some reach considering Slovakia has a population of 5 million.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Lays/ Walkers | Country: Slovakia | Agency: Mark BBDO | Sector: FMCG, Food | Format: Video, social media

10/11/2012  |  Full story...

Spoof Bodyform CEO responds to Facebook man’s rant- and gets 3m views in a week


UK maxi pad brand Bodyform has created a viral ad with a fictional CEO responding to a Facebook user, who accused the company of lying to the public. Facebook user Richard Neill wrote a sarcastic comment on Bodyform's page earlier this month poking fun at the company's depiction of a woman's "wonderful time of the month" in its TV ads. At the time of this publication, Neill’s rant totalled 88,745 likes and 3,848 comments. The spoof video - which has so far notched up nearly 3m views on YouTube - ends with the CEO thanking Richard for lifting the veil on their lies and exposing the truth.

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Brand: Bodyform | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG healthcare | Agency: Carat | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Video, Facebook, YouTube

09/11/2012  |  Full story...

Social media case study: Nutella Facebook ad campaign outperforms TV


Last Christmas, Nutella ran a cross-platform ad campaign in Germany, mixing traditional and new media spend, including TV and Facebook. This case study looks at how the Facebook campaign generated more sales than TV ads for the food brand. Nutella claims that their Facebook ads accounted for 15 per cent of sales over Christmas, far outperforming their TV campaign. The Facebook ads, which took the form of a full reachblock campaign, promoted the Nutella Deutschland page.

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Brand: Ferrero, Nutella | Country: Germany | Sector: FMCG- Food | Objective: build brand awareness | Format: Facebook, TV

09/11/2012  |  Full story...

Social media case study: P&G anti-bullying campaign increases Secret deodorant sales by 9%


Procter & Gamble’s Facebook campaign for its Secret deodorant smartly matched the brand to a key issue facing its target audience- cyber bullying. The “Mean Stinks” used video and social media in an ‘always-on’ approach that resulted in a 9% uplift in sales. Procter & Gamble chose to advertise on Facebook to generate awareness for Secret deodorant’s “Mean Stinks” program and selected a female audience likely to be receptive to the campaign. The ad featured a confessional-style video of a girl admitting that she had bullied others, realising the damage she had caused, and apologising. In the 26 weeks after the Mean Stinks campaign launched, Secret experienced a 9% increase in US sales and an increase in engagement with its Facebook Page.

YouTube case study |

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Brand: Procter and Gamble | Country: USA| Sector: FMCG Healthcare | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: Leo Burnett, IMC2, Marina Maher Communications, UEG, iProspect | Format: Facebook, Video, YouTube, social media

09/11/2012  |  Full story...

V Energy lets users swap Facebook profiles for an hour


To promote its drink in Sweden, V Energy ran a risqué campaign that invited friends to swap Facebook profiles for an hour. As part of its 'Switcheroo' campaign, The Australian energy drink V challenged young Swedes to write whatever they want on a friend´s Facebook wall for one hour. Their only problem is that their friend could update your profile at the same time. The campaign, created by agency Jung von Matt. aimed to reinforce the drinks brand’s easy-going Aussie roots with a tagline "No regrets, mate".

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Brand: V5 | Country: Sweden | Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: Jung von Matt | Format: Facebook, Social Media

09/11/2012  |  Full story...

Facebook and fitness apps- a social success story?


Facebook is touting the success of a number of fitness apps, including Nike, as social networkers go digital to track and map their work out sessions. The site’s developers blog has highlighted four applications that have taken advantage of Facebook’s Open Graph to find success on the social network. With these apps, users can post a map of their run, gain a personal trainer in their pocket, count calories burned and share successes.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Nike | Media: Facebook | Country: US | Sector: Sport | Format: Social media and Mobile

09/11/2012  |  Full story...

Social media case study: LowCostHolidays gives free holiday to ‘Thomas Cook’ after Facebook snub


In a social media coup, a man who shared his name with travel agency Thomas Cook won a free holiday, courtesy of rival LowCostHolidays. The man (named Thomas Cook) was awarded a trip to Paris after the travel agency Thomas Cook turned him down for a free vacation. Cook eventually got his trip and posted a smiling picture of himself in Paris on the social news site Reddit, which was voted to the number one most-read item. The PR stunt highlights the benefits of on-going monitoring of competitor’s social media pages, whether Facebook, Twitter YouTube.

Facebook case study

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Brand: LowCostHolidays | Country: UK | Sector: Travel | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Facebook

08/11/2012  |  Full story...

Best Facebook fan pages – case studies


These days every brand wants a Facebook fan page, but few brands achieve real engagement. When marketing directors asked our team to find case studies of the best Facebook fan pages, we looked for those that had great social conversations, really engaged with consumers and gave people a reason to follow.

Today’s marketers need to be able to make good judgements about social channels, and yet many brands have a weak presence, with social conversations brands that feel pretty dull. If you’re going to win in social media marketing, then you need to create vibrant conversations your consumers will love to take part in. Here are some of the best Facebook fan page case studies trainers at the Digital Training Academy have been using when coaching brands and agencies on social media strategies.

08/11/2012  |  Full story...

Trip Advisor ‘Cities I’ve Visited’ Facebook app boosts gets 10 times more users


Trip Advisor used Facebook Open Graph to increase engagement with its user base. The app – Cities I've Visited- maps the frequent interactions people take to maximize the number of stories people publish. It accelerated the adoption of the app by launching a targeted ads and sponsored stories campaign on Facebook. They implemented Open Graph actions and objects such as pin a city / place, updated map, favourite place or city, rate a city or place and want to go to a place or city. Since launching with Open Graph, TripAdvisor's Cities I've Visited has seen the number of monthly active users increase by 10 times through the combination of Open Graph activity in news feed, timeline and a targeted advertising campaign.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Trip Advisor| Sector: Travel | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


iHeartRadio links mobile accounts to Facebook to get 30 times more growth


Social music app iHeartRadio uses Login with Facebook for web login and single sign-on in their Android and iOS apps to make it easy for people to access and avoid the churn of registration forms. Also, Facebook was used to build user trust by educating people on how to turn sharing on / off and showing a facepile of friends who like the app. Consistent education of their Open Graph publishing experiences minimizes user confusion and reduces unexpected sharing. The number of Facebook-connected monthly active users has increase by 30 times since launch of Open graph.

Facebook case study

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Brand: iHeart | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: build brand awareness and increase user base | Format: Facebook Page


Fab pushes limited time offers on Facebook to double referral traffic


Design-centric online store used Facebook to attract users and engage by pushing limited time offers to encourage people to opt into the social shopping experience. It displays a ‘facepile’ of friends during authentication to make the experience more relevant to each person, which increases conversion. prompts people to use the most popular feature - Add to favorites - on their product pages to increase sharing and generate stories that appear in news feed and timeline on Facebook. Since launching with Open Graph in January, referral traffic from Facebook has doubled and membership has grown from 1.8 million to more than 3.2 million users.

Facebook case study | Fab

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Brand: Fab| Sector: ecommerce | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Further facebook case studies

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