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Europe case studies: we currently have 36.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 36 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Video case study: Google car wreck hoax gets book small shop 300% more visits

This clever little marketing campaign created a 13% sales boost for a small book shop in Switzerland. With more travel research being conducted online, the Travel Book Shop highlighted the limits of the internet with a video showing a crashed Google Streetview car- generating plenty of buzz in the process.

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Brand: Travel Book Shop | Sector: retail, Books | Country: Switzerland | Agency: WIRZ BBDO | Objective: Build brand awareness | Format: YouTube, Video, Social Media, Flickr |

25/02/2013  |  Full story...

Lays wins over Slovak market with low budget Facebook campaign


How do you make a low budget online campaign for a brand that has awareness of 4%? This campaign for Lay's potato chips shows how, with a little local knowledge and some creative thinking, a small budget social media campaign can make a big impression. Over the course of the campaign, the Lays Facebook page racked up over 4 million visits- quite some reach considering Slovakia has a population of 5 million.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Lays/ Walkers | Country: Slovakia | Agency: Mark BBDO | Sector: FMCG, Food | Format: Video, social media

10/11/2012  |  Full story...

Deezer promotes new music via Facebook to increase user base


Deezer used Facebook to spread awareness about their new music releases via Facebook updates. Deezer used to Open-Graph actions to make it easy for friends to share the music they love from liking a song, sharing a playlist and commenting on songs. Deezer's music activity feed shows people what their friends are listening to, what songs friends like and who recently joined to improve discovery of new music and increase sharing. The number of monthly active users has increased by over 3times, from 605,000 to nearly 2 million since launch of Open graph in Sept 2011.

Facebook case studies

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Brand: Deezer | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: build brand awareness and increase user base | Format: Facebook Page


Case study: Norway tourist firm targets US travellers with Facebook app


Innovation Norway, a state-owned company with a focus on promotion and development of Norway, used a previous successful experience with a Facebook app to run a new campaign targeting travellers in the US. This case study demonstrates how the firm managed to boost engagement and add 23,000 fans to its Facebook page, as well as lift website referrals by a massive 238%.

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Brand: Innovation Norway | Country: US | Sector: Travel, Tourism | Objective: build brand awareness | Format: Facebook

06/11/2012  |  Full story...

Cookie case study: C4 uses new cookie law to its advantage


As the controversial EU cookie law came into effect last weekend, Channel 4 managed to communicate the idea of collecting user data as part of a positive brand message, with a little help from comedian Alan Carr. The ‘Viewer Promise’ email and video campaign drew upon the broadcaster’s 2011 data strategy 2011 to give viewers a more personalised experience, which helped it amass a database of 2 million viewer profiles.

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Brand: Channel 4 | Media: Video, email | Country: UK | Sector: TV| Format: Email, Video

14/09/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Nokia Finger Battle app


At the height of football fever this summer, Nokia launched a smartphone game to coincide with the Euro 2012 championships. This case study shows how the ‘Finger Battle app’ became one of the most popular application so the tournament. For the 2012 Euro Cup that took place in Poland and Ukraine, Nokia Poland wanted to create an app that could keep football fans entertained during the football fever in the country. The game became one of the top 10 most downloaded Euro Cup applications, and it became the 3rd most popular game app downloaded. There were more than 6 900 games played, and the app generated more than 5 000 downloads.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Nokia | Media: Mobile app and Facebook | Country: Poland | Sector: Sport/ Mobile | Agency: Wunderman | Format: Mobile app and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Cornetto projection mapping rewards gamers with ice cream coupons

This on-street campaign from Cornetto in Turkey raised awareness of Unilever's Ice Cream brand with a game that was playable via projection mapping over 3 days, in a central square in Istanbul. The interactive game was playable by passersby who had to call a number to enter, which then enabled them to control a character within the game using the keypad on their phone. The game was only playable by 5 people at a time, encouraging people to watch the action while they waited their turn. If the player is successful, they get a code to redeem for a free ice cream.


Case Study: Warner Bros | Media: MSN | Countries: Europe | Sector: Entertainment | Objective:Brand positioning, brand awareness | Format: Mobile marketing, rich media

WarnerBros.jpgDeployed to boost brand metrics and key perceptions for secret agent movie Get Smart, web and mobile advertising proved that arming a campaign with multiple platforms dramatically increases brand impact. Viewing intent rose by a spectacular 49.9 percentage points amongst those exposed to the online campaign who also recalled seeing Get Smart ads on their phones.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case study: Brandcast Media | Agency: Random42 | Country: UK | Sector: Pharma | Objectives: Targeting, engagement | Format: Online educational tools, Video

cs_lacta.jpg European cancer research is of a very high quality but is fragmented, un-coordinated and slow in translating benefits to patients. If state of the art treatment was available to all cancer patients, the World Health Organisation has estimated that over 20,000 lives would be saved annually. Targeted at oncology professionals, ecancermedicalscience actively encourages the communities of sub-specialised scientists and cancer carers to exchange ideas and research, speeding up the time it takes from discovery, to patient benefit. The peer-reviewed, online journal hired Brandcast Media to revamp its site. The site now includes social media with blogs, forums and a Twitter feed, as well as podcasts and an video section.


Case study: Friends of the Earth | Sector: Charity | Format: Social media

Social marketing has found its new home on the web. The scope for innovation in this sector’s communications is massive, and this campaign caught the mood of the nation and accelerated both cultural and political change. Friends of the Earth found a way anyone could take part in registering their concerns about climate change and their protest over political inactivity. The approach widened participation and created a model now extended across Europe, mobilising people in the way that fits with today’s culture. A brilliant idea executed in a way that is digitally native.

Campaign website

07/05/2009  |  Full story...

Fiat 500: new car, new medium

Fiat 500There was a time when the web was still a minor ‘add-on’ to a car launch campaign, but with most new cars being researched online before a decision is made about the brand (let alone the purchase), every motor manufacturer has had to refocus their efforts to the web. Five years ago set a new standard in web content, fusing together the genres of entertainment films, product placement and video demonstrations. They raised the bar so high that few motoring brands have come close since. However, this month’s launch of the Fiat 500 from digital specialists AKQA is a worthy contender. They’ve built 21 short movies with a personality that’s on brand and production quality that would stand up in cinema. raised the bar  |  Watch more on  |  Check out more work from AKQA

25/01/2008  |  Full story...

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