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Education case studies: we currently have 7.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 7 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

OMO ‘Fast Maths’ app educates South African kids

South Africa may have one of the lowest maths literacy rates in the world, but it’s up there when it comes to tech literacy – the market boasts 86% mobile penetration. Using the latter to boost the former seemed a good opportunity – and laundry brand OMO, with a stated purpose of unlocking human potential – was in a good place to make it happen.

23/09/2015  |  Full story...

FMCG case study: How a cheese spread became part of a school curriculum

Back in 2012, Bel Group's popular cheese spread Picon wanted to revamp its brand promise of 'spreading happiness' across Lebanon. This case study looks at how the FMCG brand’s civic activism programme became part of the country’s school curriculum via some smart digital content marketing.

17/09/2014  |  Full story...

YouTube advertising- Code Club school kids grill Internet pioneers


The founders of YouTube, Skype, Lastminute and even the world wide web face their toughest grilling yet in this humourous video from Code Club, a new UK initiative to try to get more kids learning to code. The video turns the idea of a startup pitch parade on its head, giving the reigns to a panel of kids, and the job of pitching to some of the biggest successes in technology today. The YouTube ad has so far racked up more than half a million views.

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| Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: India | Sector: Film | Objective: Build brand equity| Format: Viral Video »

27/06/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Brandcast Media | Agency: Random42 | Country: UK | Sector: Pharma | Objectives: Targeting, engagement | Format: Online educational tools, Video

cs_lacta.jpg European cancer research is of a very high quality but is fragmented, un-coordinated and slow in translating benefits to patients. If state of the art treatment was available to all cancer patients, the World Health Organisation has estimated that over 20,000 lives would be saved annually. Targeted at oncology professionals, ecancermedicalscience actively encourages the communities of sub-specialised scientists and cancer carers to exchange ideas and research, speeding up the time it takes from discovery, to patient benefit. The peer-reviewed, online journal hired Brandcast Media to revamp its site. The site now includes social media with blogs, forums and a Twitter feed, as well as podcasts and an video section.


Case Study: Promoting sport to haemophiliacs | Agency: Oi Media and Langland | Country: UK | Sector: Pharma | Objectives: Brand awareness | Format: Games, user generated content, forums

cs_lacta.jpgAbout 6,000 people are affected with haemophilia in the UK. A preventative treatment (known as prophylaxis) allows those affected to lead virtually normal lives, with sport and exercise playing a vital role lessening the risk of bleeds. Bayer HealthCare hired Oi Media and Langland to create FactorFitness, a website giving haemophiliacs tips on how to get the most out of sport, while educating others on special requirements needed, such as the dedicated ‘Teachers Zone’. By far the most popular area of the site, the ‘Ask and expert’ feature lets people submit questions to resident physio and occupational therapists- providing a valuable resource. The site has a number of interactive features such as games and user generated photo galleries, while patients on Bayer get access to a special members area.


Case Study: Eczema eTutorials for nurses and pharmacists | Country: UK | Sector: Pharma | Objectives: Engagement, targeting | Format: Video, e-workbook downlaods

cs_lacta.jpgThis e-tutorial is helping to educate nurses at a time when NICE guidelines require more nurses to deliver eczema care. Developed for Schering-Plough in association with a panel of specialist dermatology nurses, makes learning easy, accessible and fun. It puts the busy nurse in control of their own education, and allows them to dip in and out of the programme and learn at their own pace. Each of the twelve tutorials contain reflective practice exercises, downloadable workbooks, certificates and practical tools and is accredited by the Royal College of Nurses - that's 12 hours of CPD. This campaign is bang on trend. With recent NICE guidelines aiming to improve eczema management across England, and an increasing number of nurses having to deliver holistic care and patient education with little or no training, is helping to bridge the gap.


Case study: Talk to Frank | Agency: Profero | Sector: Health information | Format: Web graphical formats

When the UK government’s Central Office of Information commissioned the online elements of their health education campaigns to teach children about the dangers of drugs, they used a sophisticated mix of web formats to encourage interaction and solicit greater involvement. The ‘Talk to Frank’ campaign integrates the web, television, leaflets and face-to-face marketing activities to provide young people with access to detailed information about the specific risks of different drugs. This multi award-winning campaign included placements of banners and skyscrapers that encouraged viewers to take icons from one to the other in order to trigger an action: they could take the image of a drug from the banner to the brand character in the skyscraper and then see how it affected him. The activity delivered the message of the campaign without demanding a click through and as well as the visible skyscraper and banner formats included a rich media layer over the page.

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