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Easyjet case studies: we currently have 2.

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Case study: Landing page optimisation drives commercial value at easyJet


Personalising and testing the online customer experience can have lasting effects on customer engagement, conversion funnels and revenue. Moreover, in the competitive online travel sector, the effective marriage of a data-rich environment and powerful customer experience optimisation tools is helping travel companies provide customers with more personalised online journeys. This case study shows how airline Easyjet optimised its web presence in partnership with Maxymiyser attracting over 370 million visits in 2012.

Brand: EasyJet | Sector: Travel | Country: Global | Agency/Partner: Maxymiser | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Web design

17/01/2014  |  Full story...

Agency: RedEye | Client: easyJet | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand building, customer acquisition | Format: Banners

easyJet wanted to accurately measure return on investment for its online advertising spend to help it understand and improve its ROI and conversion rates. By identifying and recording each person’s exposure to the brand and their subsequent activity on the site, easyJet could easily rate each campaign not only for click-throughs but also for the quality and loyalty of the customers it was attracting. RedEye helped easyJet to understand the ‘branding effect’ of its advertising, attributing customer spend to advertising campaigns even when customers did not purchase immediately. Measuring customer activity over a period of time gave easyJet a reliable indicator of the long-term profitability of customers acquired from each campaign.

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