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Digital Marketing case studies: we currently have 58.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 58 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

To get you started: Microsoft reminds us how much the world of advertising has changed

msn%20case%20study.jpgThe digital networked society is a great leveller. The relationship between brands and consumers has shifted. The structure of communications has undergone this massive leap. While the smart thinking in marketing is leaping to embrace a whole new way of doing things, much of the practice in marketing still clings to the past. That's why it wasn't just gutsy, but a strategically brilliant move for Microsoft to use a television-style commercial to make the point for them.

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Case study: Dove | Sector: FMCG | Format: Video

dove.jpgThis iconic, multi-award-winning campaign includes powerful online elements that build discussion and engagement among target consumers. Since 2000, the Dove brand has been one of the online marketing pioneers in consumer package goods. Their work with the IAB and MSN in North America created landmark research in cross media campaign budget optimisation. This more recent video is a great example of how the web can be used by a consumer brand to build community, debate and discussion. The video is part of a multi channel campaign that talks about beauty and creates genuine discussion with and among consumers. The approach of delivering messaging directly to consumers also creates challenges for regulators who are considering how the control of online advertising can work.

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Case study: McDonald's | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand awareness, customer acquisition | Format: Banners

mcdoland.jpgMcDonald’s added interactive advertising to the media mix, which also included radio, print, and TV. By increasing online advertising's reach by 60%, McDonald's boosted product awareness by 8.3% among the 18-49 media target. This lift resulted in 6m more consumers becoming aware of the product. Online makes a real contribution to multichannel campaigns by reaching the same consumers in another complementary environment. It also reaches people other media can't. Among McDonald's target market, the 20% who are not heavy television users are reachable online.

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Client: Kimberly-Clark | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand awareness, customer acquisition | Format: Banners

kimberly.jpgOnline advertising campaign for Kimberly-Clark complemented offline marketing and delivered the 42% of the audience that was only lightly reached or not reached at all by television. The synergy of magazine and online advertising was the most effective combination for reaching this audience and boosting major key metrics including aided brand awareness, brand image, bundled trail intent and purchase intent.

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Client: VeriSign | Sector: Technology | Objective: Brand awareness, customer acquisition | Format: leaderboards and skyscrapers

The campaign ran in several business and technology magazines, including Forbes, CIO, Computer World and Network Computing, as well as targeting a B2B technology audience via online sites. The magazine ran one-page and two-page ads of striking black-and-white photos of large building projects, emphasising by analogy the reliability of VeriSign's infrastructure. Online, the ads were graphically similar but simpler, presented in leaderboard, large rectangle and skyscraper formats, with the copy emphasising security services. When readers saw both the magazine and online ads, their awareness, association and purchase intent for the security and directory services raised slightly (3-4 points), as did their impression of the brand as innovative (4 points). As for the white paper downloads, which was half of the measure of the online ads' success, the interactive ads were highly effective in doing so, generating more than 2,000 downloads, which exceeded the campaign's goal, compared to only 16 downloads attributable to the magazine ads.

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Client: Ford | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Page takeovers

This online campaign featured broad-reach page takeovers on high traffic areas of major portals, including the home pages and email sections. The online ads had a significant lift on sales. In total, 6% of the sales of the vehicle could be directly attributed to the online advertising (without click through) during the period studied. Click-through tracked sales were responsible for a significant number of additional sales beyond the 6%.

Download Ford Sales case study


Agency: Taglab | Client: Schroders | Sector: Finance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Rich media

Schroders has historically focussed on direct marketing and trade press advertising in order to promote their funds to institutional investors. In order to test the effectiveness of online advertising, Taglab was briefed to adapt a series of fund campaigns into online treatments. They built a series of campaigns to promote fund launches and high performing funds to independent financial advisors. Whilst Schroders traditionally focusses on promoting funds to institutional investors, online advertising provides a cost effective means of reaching a wider IFA and retail audience.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: easyJet | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand building, customer acquisition | Format: Banners

easyJet wanted to accurately measure return on investment for its online advertising spend to help it understand and improve its ROI and conversion rates. By identifying and recording each person’s exposure to the brand and their subsequent activity on the site, easyJet could easily rate each campaign not only for click-throughs but also for the quality and loyalty of the customers it was attracting. RedEye helped easyJet to understand the ‘branding effect’ of its advertising, attributing customer spend to advertising campaigns even when customers did not purchase immediately. Measuring customer activity over a period of time gave easyJet a reliable indicator of the long-term profitability of customers acquired from each campaign.

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