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Digital Marketing case studies: we currently have 58.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 58 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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Video case study: “Rings” horror stunt terrifies late night TV shoppers (and gets 250m views)

To market the new horror movie "Rings," the makers Paramount scared the living daylights out of shoppers at an electronics store in White Plains, New York, becoming a massive social media success in the process.

09/03/2017  |  Full story...

South Africa case study: Savanna Beer reaches 20m people with Facebook-centric campaign

To mark Valentine’s Day, Savanna Beer turned to Facebook to let fans hire ‘Savanagram’ personal messages for their loved ones. The campaign grew the beer brands social media base and reached over 20 million people.

01/05/2015  |  Full story...

'No make up selfie' raises £8m for Cancer Research in a week

Cancer Research UK received more than £8m in donations after a popular online campaign, asking women to post selfies with no make-up using the hashtag #nomakeupselfie, went viral in March 2014. This case study looks at how the charity (and a few polar bears) benefits massively from a campaign started by an 18-year-old Facebook user.

26/03/2014  |  Full story...

Cannes Lions online video case study: Dove’s Real Beauty Sketches online video wins Cannes Cyber Lions Gold

Dove has been successfully engaging its female target audience with its ‘Campaign for Real Beauty’ for a number of years now. Through the use of innovative and integrated, multi-channel campaigns they have already amassed a significant following online. So to re-engage the audience in the debate, they needed some exceptional creativity and excellence in advertising communications. This latest activation of the brand communication idea, with one compelling 3 minute video at its heart, has surpasses all previous work and been their most successful yet. In this Cannes Lions online video case study we show you why…

Brand: Dove | Sector: FMCG, Personal care| Country: US and global | Objective: brand consideration and preference | Format: Video

21/06/2013  |  Full story...

Cannes Lions social media case study: Oreo’s ‘Daily Twist’ wins Cannes Cyber Lions Grand Prix

Oreo is an iconic biscuit brand with leading edge digital platforms and a highly engaged fan base in Facebook. They developed a brilliant creative idea that combined the best of PR with social media and digital production to win a Cyber Lions Grand Prix, millions of new fans and hundreds of millions of new exposures. In this Cannes Lions social media case study we show you why…

Brand: Oreo | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: US and global | Objective: Brand awareness, brand favourability, brand equity | Format: PR and social media

21/06/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: P&G ‘saves up to 25%’ of its digital ad budget with eye tracking technology

P&G worked with eye-tracking technology firm Sticky to optimise its digital branding campaigns. This case study looks at how the consumer packaged goods giant saved up to 25% on some of its campaigns by ensuring the ads it paid for were seen by consumer online.

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Brand: P&G | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: UK | Agency/partner; Sticky, Eyetrackshop | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: Media buying, Eye tracking, analytics|

06/06/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: Digital retargeting campaign converts leads into sales


At the start of the year, a leading specialist insurer approached performance marketing company Clash Group for help driving requests for quotes and sales of their small business insurance across the States. This case study looks at how the retargeting digital campaign drove 29,000 individuals to click on the ad over three months.

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Sector: Financial, Insurance | Country: US | Agency/partner: Clash Group | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: Media buying, Display |

06/06/2013  |  Full story...

Malaysia Tourism uses a multi-platform BBC campaign to boost favourability


Tourism Malaysia used a multi-platform BBC campaign to boost favourability towards the country as a tourist destination. The campaign used four commercial films exploring different elements of the country’s appeal. These were on BBC World News and delivered these to an audience of upmarket, affluent, frequent flyers, with additional support through print advertising in Lonely Planet magazine. The campaign resulted in 124% uplift in favourability among those exposed to the advertising versus those who were not exposed to the advertising. “The BBC is a perfect platform to reach out to our key audiences.”- Abdul Khani Daud, Director, Advertising Division, Tourism Malaysia

Malaysia BBC case study | Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: Malaysia | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |

24/05/2013  |  Full story...

South Africa Tourism works with BBC worldwide to boost visits


South Africa used BBC sponsorship to drive consideration amongst adventurous travellers. The South African Tourism created a series of commercial films and reached affluent, frequent flyers through BBC World News (including sponsorship of Sport Today’s World Cup coverage) and It’s Possible South African Tourism advertising on

Additional support for the campaign came through print advertising in Lonely Planet magazine and a dedicated microsite, which housed the films and provided extended content and competitions. The campaign delivered 26.5 million ad impressions and 48% uplift in recall amongst those exposed to the ads on BBC platforms. Users from over 200 countries and territories visited the South African Tourism microsite.

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: South Africa | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC sponsorship |

24/05/2013  |  Full story...

InterContinental BBC Worldwide campaign goes mobile to create brand awareness and favourability


InterContinental used BBC sponsorship to reinforce InterContinental Hotel’s & Resorts’ reputation for local expertise, creating brand awareness and favourability in the process. The five-part sponsorship supported by a dedicated section on and a splash page BBC Mobile. The campaign resulted in 47% of those exposed to the InterContinental planned to stay with InterContinental over the next 12 months, a 38% increase over those who had not seen the ads on BBC platforms.

Video advertising case study | Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: InterContinental | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |

24/05/2013  |  Full story...

How MTN used banner advertising to create brand awareness and favourability


MTN used BBC sponsorship to boost brand awareness and favourability. The communications company used sponsorship on BBC world news and World Cup ads across Africa and the Middle East. The campaign resulted in 97% brand favourability from those who saw the ads on BBC platforms. “Creative and collaborative from the start, BBC Advertising delivered the ideal view of Cyprus to attract our target audience.”- Phoebe Katsouris, Director General, Cyprus Tourism

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: Cyprus | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |


How Airbus used banner advertising to create brand awareness and favourability


Airbus used BBC campaign to create awareness of the Airbus A380. The campaign had a one-day global takeover of key sections on was to maximise the impact of Airbus’ advertising budget and maximising the opportunity represented by the Dubai Airshow. The online advertising campaign on delivered 25 million page impressions in just 24 hour, helping to create brand awareness and favourability.

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: Airbus| Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |


Lays wins over Slovak market with low budget Facebook campaign


How do you make a low budget online campaign for a brand that has awareness of 4%? This campaign for Lay's potato chips shows how, with a little local knowledge and some creative thinking, a small budget social media campaign can make a big impression. Over the course of the campaign, the Lays Facebook page racked up over 4 million visits- quite some reach considering Slovakia has a population of 5 million.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Lays/ Walkers | Country: Slovakia | Agency: Mark BBDO | Sector: FMCG, Food | Format: Video, social media

10/11/2012  |  Full story...

V Energy lets users swap Facebook profiles for an hour


To promote its drink in Sweden, V Energy ran a risqué campaign that invited friends to swap Facebook profiles for an hour. As part of its 'Switcheroo' campaign, The Australian energy drink V challenged young Swedes to write whatever they want on a friend´s Facebook wall for one hour. Their only problem is that their friend could update your profile at the same time. The campaign, created by agency Jung von Matt. aimed to reinforce the drinks brand’s easy-going Aussie roots with a tagline "No regrets, mate".

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Brand: V5 | Country: Sweden | Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: Jung von Matt | Format: Facebook, Social Media

09/11/2012  |  Full story...

Social media case study: LowCostHolidays gives free holiday to ‘Thomas Cook’ after Facebook snub


In a social media coup, a man who shared his name with travel agency Thomas Cook won a free holiday, courtesy of rival LowCostHolidays. The man (named Thomas Cook) was awarded a trip to Paris after the travel agency Thomas Cook turned him down for a free vacation. Cook eventually got his trip and posted a smiling picture of himself in Paris on the social news site Reddit, which was voted to the number one most-read item. The PR stunt highlights the benefits of on-going monitoring of competitor’s social media pages, whether Facebook, Twitter YouTube.

Facebook case study

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Brand: LowCostHolidays | Country: UK | Sector: Travel | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Facebook

08/11/2012  |  Full story...

Best Facebook fan pages – case studies


These days every brand wants a Facebook fan page, but few brands achieve real engagement. When marketing directors asked our team to find case studies of the best Facebook fan pages, we looked for those that had great social conversations, really engaged with consumers and gave people a reason to follow.

Today’s marketers need to be able to make good judgements about social channels, and yet many brands have a weak presence, with social conversations brands that feel pretty dull. If you’re going to win in social media marketing, then you need to create vibrant conversations your consumers will love to take part in. Here are some of the best Facebook fan page case studies trainers at the Digital Training Academy have been using when coaching brands and agencies on social media strategies.

08/11/2012  |  Full story...

Diageo lifts sales across 5 brands via Facebook ads


Back in 2010, drinks brand Diageo enlisted the help of Nielsen to measure the impact of its newly launch Facebook brand pages and ad campaign. The premium ad campaign resulted in a 19 percent increase in total sales among those exposed to Diageo’s Premium Ads, versus those not exposed, within the test parameters. The lift was seen collectively across the five brands participating in the test.

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Brand: Diageo | Country: Gloabal| Sector: FMCG- Alcoholic beverages | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

Delta Airlines pioneers Windows 8 ads in NBC News App


US airline Delta launched a new advertising campaign called “Up” that is all about upping the ante in travel with the airline. The Razorfish creative team leveraged the unique, creative campaign and content of “Up” to conceptualise a Windows 8 Ads in Apps concept for Delta in the NBC News app that is an intuitive, contextually relevant and immersive experience, which is ideal for a tablet. When in the NBC News app, a user can initiate the ad by touching on the Delta tile so that it expands up the screen. The user can swipe ‘up’ to continue a visual journey of a travel experience—from checking in at the airport, to bags going up the ramp, until the plane is up in the sky—that is simple and aspirational. Once the experience is closed, users are returned to the NBC News app content.

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Brand: Delta | Country: US | Agency; Razorfish | Sector: Travel | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Windows 8, Display, App, Mobile

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

Huggies Hong Kong drives sales with Facebook baby competition


Facebook is well known for its popularity among mothers sharing baby photos, and Huggies Hong Kong made smart use of this via a snapshot competition, resulting in 4,000 photos in just 3 weeks and and a boost to brand awareness. Working with Social@Ogilvy, Huggies asked fans in Hong Kong to upload their favorite baby snapshots to its Huggies HK Facebook Page. The 60 photos receiving the most fan votes would appear on the city’s buses. At least, that was the plan. Using Facebook Ads to help drive campaign awareness, Huggies received an overwhelming response—more than 4,000 photos were uploaded in just three weeks.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Huggies | Country: Hong Kong | Sector: FMCG- Healthcarel | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook, Social Media, Outdoor

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

Reuters turns event attendees into reporters via Twitter push


Reuters used Mass Relevance to curate over 100,000 Tweets for its Davos Media Wall during the World Economic Forum. When the Reuters editorial team had its kickoff meeting for Davos, the objective for their 2012 conference was clear: surface the best articles, blog posts, videos and photos from the event so everyone could see the active conversation happening at the event. Alex Leo, Reuters' Director of News Products, faced a familiar challenge. Reuters wanted to capture both the day-to-day networking, conversations, and on-line commentary taking place at the World Economic Forum, and the pictures and videos that offered viewers a deeper insight into the conference.

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Brand: Reuters | Country: US | Sector: Media | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Twitter

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

ESPN uses Twitter Web Intents to send thousands of Tweets every day


US news network ESPN works with Twitter to drive both the distribution and conversations about the articles and videos that it produces. Whether it's the ESPN staff editorials after a big game or new video snippets coming from the SportsCenter team, Twitter helps ESPN spread the conversation to people everywhere. With the’ Web Intents’ campaign, ESPN readers sent over 1,250 Tweets a day, resulting in 15 clicks per Tweet back to the site. The five ESPN Local sites also became one of the top local sports destinations for fans in each respective market.

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Brand: ESPN | Country: US | Sector: Broadcast | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Twitter

02/11/2012  |  Full story...

Kit Kat performs own ‘space jump’


In honour of Felix Baumgartner’s landmark skydive from the edge of space, Nestle sent a Kit Kat bar into the ether with a video camera. The 'Break from Gravity' project saw the four-fingered chocolate bar sent to a height of 22 miles after beginning its ascent from Cambridgeshire at 11.20am on Saturday (13 October). Camera footage, which tracked the Kit Kat’s ascent and descent, was shared via the brand’s social media channels.

YouTube video

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Brand: KitKat | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG, Foods | Agency: JWT London | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Video, Facebook, YouTube

24/10/2012  |  Full story...

L’Oreal targets female gamers with Xbox app


L'Oréal USA has launched a beauty and style app on Xbox LIVE called ‘The Next Level’, becoming the first app on the Microsoft games console to be targeted at women. The destination site lets users create a personalised event calendar, shopping list, weather-based beauty recommendations, and ‘redemption centre’ where rewards earned through interaction can be traded for tangible branded offers.

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Brand: L'Oreal | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG Healthcare | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: Brightline | Format: Xbox app, gaming

11/10/2012  |  Full story...

C4 strikes Paralympic gold with ‘Superhuman’ online ad campaign


This summer saw Channel 4 run its ‘Superhuman’ campaign to promote the London Paralympic games. Working with Mediasyndicator, the online element of the promotion attracted more than 150,000 interactions. As part of Channel 4’s ‘Meet the Superhumans’ online Paralympics advertising campaign, deployed in partnership with digital advertising specialists, Mediasyndicator, also captured the attention of online audiences – with results revealing the campaign achieved over 150,000 interactions.

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Brand: Channel 4 | Country: UK Sector: Broadcast | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: Mediasyndicator, | Format: Video, display

11/10/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: SkyyVodka captures consumer data in fun way with ‘Skypad’


This iPad app from South African vodka brand Skyy makes data capture fun for the consumer, with an entertaining cocktail mixer game. Skyy realised that no-one likes form filling when it comes to registering interest with brands, so the created an iPad game to capture data in an engaging way. The firm created the app and sent promoters to bars with iPads. Beyond boosting sales, the firm claimed the app captured data to boost long term loyalty.

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Brand: Skyy | Country: South Africa | Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: iPad App

11/10/2012  |  Full story...

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