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Digital Marketing Case Study case studies: we currently have 1112.

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Case study: ‘The man who gave everything away’ - social media stunt gets retailer 54% sales increase


South American retail chain Homecentre Sodimac used an unconventional marketing method to increase sales by 54% during the ‘Homecentre House Season’ with the campaign ‘The man who gave everything away’. This case study shows how with the campaign Homecentre created a viral effect with a common man giving away everything he owned. The campaign was to create a suspense about an ordinary man who has come up with a peculiar idea of giving away everything he owns and only and the end he reveals the reason – The Homecentre season sale. Thus, subtly emphasising the sale being so good that he wanted to get rid of his possession to be able to shop. This was done by a creation of a facebook page with videos, picture and updates of things being given away and the date when it would be done.

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Brand: Homecenter Sodimac |Agency: Young & Rubicam |Sector: Retail | Format: Facebook Platform, Marketplace Ads, Facebook Premium Ads, Facebook Pages | Language: Spanish | Location: Colombia, Latin America

YouTube case study | Facebook case study

29/06/2012  |  Full story...

Social media case study: Copa Airlines uses Facebook page to increase brand engagement and sales


Copa Airlines with a social marketing campaign 'Passport America' to grows its' Facebook fan base, generates and awareness and increase ticket sales on its website. The campaign resulted in 59% conversion and ROI expanded to 50 times. A total of 279,000 users registered for the promotion and 1.3 million invitations were sent out. This Facebook-centric campaign featured the prize draw of a lifetime: a Grand Prize consisting of round trip airfare for the winner and a guest to each of Copa's 59 destinations. To enter, people registered through Facebook Connect and to keep people engaged and the momentum going additional chances to win were integrated at different levels, including their social muscle could help them win.

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Brand: Copa Airlines |Sector: Travel | Format: Facebook Apps, Facebook Platform, Marketplace Ads, Facebook Pages| Agency: Nobox, Miami | Language: English (US), Portugese (Brazil), Spanish

Facebook case study | YouTube case study

29/06/2012  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: Patio Batel donates books for ‘likes’ to create awareness and engage


Ahead of the frantic Christmas shopping season, Patio Batel the newest and most glamorous shopping centre in Curitiba, Brazil used a Facebook campaign to generate buzz around its grand opening. Patio Batel used Facebook to generate donations of books, with one 'like' equalling one donation. Using Facebook as the main platform for the campaign, the strategy was to reach as many people as possible with ads and social awareness. People could donate their books on the street and, at the same time, share this act online by inviting their friends to participate. The campaign resulted in attaining the desired results of 5,000 likes in 30% less time. It also resulted in reaching out to 4,468,482 people and generating a donation of more than 10,000 books in 20 days. More than 7,800 books were donated through Facebook.

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Brand: Patio Batel | Agency: Lustig| Format: Facebook Apps, Facebook Platform, Marketplace Ads, Facebook Pages | Country: Brazil

Facebook case study

29/06/2012  |  Full story...

Digital case study: Ace uses soap-opera style mystery to create awareness and triple sales


The Brazilian campaign saw detergent brand Ace use consumer insight and an integrated use of media to reach 8.7 million people in less than three months. Ace created a campaign in soap opera style, an episode with 5 different endings, presenting five suspects for a great mystery: Whose is the grubby bra? The suspects defended themselves. The mystery was heated trough placement in TV shows, films on Facebook page and consistently engaging digital content. It also led to word of mouth in Twitter, blogs, radio stations talking about it and parody. The campaign reached 2.3 million people on Facebook with more than 60,000 fans and 227,000 visualizations on YouTube.

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Brand: Ace | Language: Portugese (Brazil) | Format: Marketplace Ads, Facebook Premium Ads, Facebook Pages| Agency: Leo Burnett Tailor Made

Facebook case study | YouTube advert

29/06/2012  |  Full story...

Gamification case study: Allianz uses popular game to create awareness about insurance


Worldwide insurance company Allianz transformed the popular game Frogger into a live interactive experience on Facebook. By creating a virtual game, Allianz advice the consumers in an entertaining way that everyone can easily prevent real-life dangers. Allianz integrated the realtime heavy São Paulo traffic feeds with the popular game to create the Facebook App and generate awareness through a fun way. This was achieved by placing a 24/7 camera on the rooftop of a building that live-streams the view of a busy street. Using the Facebook app, people can log in to help the amphibians cross safely to the other side of the road while jumping in between real cars.

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Brand: Allianz | Format: Facebook Apps, Facebook Platform | Agency: Ogilvy Brazil

Facebook case study | YouTube video


Social media case study- Beauty retailer Sephora mixes in-store, mobile and online to build brand love


Looking for a retail brand who has made best use of digital media to enhance the shopping experience? Then look no further than Sephora. This US-based beauty retailer has been incredibly savvy at seamlessly integrating all the latest web, social and mobile media platforms with the physical store to drive customer engagement and sales. They have cleverly leveraged social media – through Facebook, Twitter and more recently Pinterest – to build an on-going dialogue with a large and loyal online fan-base of beauty lovers. They have developed mobile, tablet and in-store digital media platforms to interweave the online / offline shopping journey.

27/06/2012  |  Full story...

YouTube advertising- Code Club school kids grill Internet pioneers


The founders of YouTube, Skype, Lastminute and even the world wide web face their toughest grilling yet in this humourous video from Code Club, a new UK initiative to try to get more kids learning to code. The video turns the idea of a startup pitch parade on its head, giving the reigns to a panel of kids, and the job of pitching to some of the biggest successes in technology today. The YouTube ad has so far racked up more than half a million views.

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| Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: India | Sector: Film | Objective: Build brand equity| Format: Viral Video »

27/06/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study- Prometheus end credits image leads cinema goers online


To promote it’s latest sci-fi blockbuster Prometheus, 20th Century Fox has run a viral marketing campaign to maintain online buzz before, and after, the films release. For cinema goers that stuck around for the end credits of Prometheus, they were directed to a new website. Created by Scott's own RSA production shingle, those videos are the latest example of a shift beyond the usual teasers and trailers. Their aim: to turn hardcore fans into mini-marketeers by giving them something unique to share with their less-engaged online friends.

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| Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: India | Sector: Film | Objective: Build brand awareness| Format: Viral Video »

27/06/2012  |  Full story...

Video viral- Nike Euro 2012 ad gets 9 million views in 3 days


Nike’s football tournament ads have become something of an event in themselves in recent years, but the new “My Time is Now” YouTube ad could be their most successful online venture yet. The YouTube video hit 3 million views in only three days and features an all-star cast of footballers. The video release coincided with the beginning of the European Championships. At time of writing, the has racked over 14 million YouTube views and 80,000 ‘likes’.

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| Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: India | Sector: Film | Objective: Build brand equity| Format: Viral Video »

27/06/2012  |  Full story...

The shortest ad ever- OCD ‘1 second’ videos create YouTube buzz on a $0 budget


The International OCD foundation reached tens of thousands of people with a series of one second long videos, aimed at helping viewers experience the symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Rather than explaining the effects of obsessive-compulsive disorder at length, they used a 1-second text-only ad to demonstrate the frustrations people with OCD experience first hand. The ad is too short to read in one viewing so, as the title explains (and even challenges) “You may have to press play more than once …”

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Brand: NHS |Media: YouTube ads | Country: Israel |Sector: Healthcare | Agency: McCann Digital | Format: YouTube Video

YouTube video Video Case Study

21/06/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Emirates Facebook page attracts more than 300,000 fans within 3 weeks of launch


Emirates made smart use of Facebook’s new ‘timeline’ layout, attracting more than 300,000 fans within the first 3 weeks of the launch. The Facebook page used a series of teasers from their TV commercials as the cover image, attracting more than 3,330 likes and 1,300 comments over a 1 week period. This case study shows how Emirates used its Facebook page to amplify the effectiveness of the TV ads, allowing consumers to share and engage with the brand online.

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Brand: Emirates |Sector: Airlines | Format: Facebook Company page

Facebook Fan Page: Emirates | Facebook case study: Emirates

21/06/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Low cost blogger engagement marketing strategy as Gillette reaches out to key influencers


A smart example of blogger engagement marketing strategies, low cost online PR that gets bloggers authentically engaged with the brand. 86 of Turkey’s top bloggers were sent a direct mail piece modelled on a bathroom cabinet. The brand variant was that the shave was so comfortable it would let guys minds wander, so they created a web page where people could write their thoughts. All that was needed was a single laptop prize, and the creative energy among the 86 had led – in just 10 weeks – to 1.3m unique visitors to the new website, and 44 active bloggers.

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Gillette Fusion Power - Procter & Gamble | Media: Online PR | Country: Turkey | Sector: FMCG personal care | Objective: Build brand equity, drive trial | Format: Blogger engagement marketing strategies »

28/05/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Search engine marketing strategy as Converse creates entertainment from Google


This case study from Conserve has to be the most innovative approach to search engine marketing that we have ever seen. In order to connect with their youth audience in a highly targeted and personal way Converse exploited the search engines results page by cleverly bidding on long tail keyphrases that they could assume were teenager generated.

This enabled them to own paid search advertising spaces (otherwise unexploited) to start a conversation and capture response (at a very low cost) from their target audience. With this simple tactic in place they generated numerous low cost microsites that collectively captured the imagination of their audience.

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Brand: Converse | Media: Search and websites | Country: USA / Global | Agency: Anomaly | Sector: Clothing - Footwear | Objective: Build brand equity, create relevant entertainment experiences | Format: Search engine marketing strategy that combines search with entertainment and microsites

25/05/2012  |  Full story...

Tipp-Ex's ‘Hunter and Bear’ return with time warp YouTube viral


In 2010, Tipp Ex’s A Hunter Shoots a Bear’ viral was one of the first (and still the best) interactive YouTube virals ever. This follow up offers a ‘timeless’ new twist on the formula, and racked up over 9m YouTube views in less than a month. In the first season of the adventures of the Hunter and the Bear, the tagline asked viewers to "White and Rewrite THE STORY." Back for a second season, the tagline this time invites viewers to ‘White and Rewrite HISTORY’.

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Tipp Ex | Country: US | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Build brand equity | Format: Video Viral, Social Media »

24/05/2012  |  Full story...

Video viral case study: P&G’s ‘Olympic Moms’ ad gets over 4m YouTube views


Procter & Gamble embarked on the company’s biggest campaign in its 174 year history, using its Olympic sponsor status to push an emotive message celebrating mothers worldwide (a key demographic for the FMCG brand). P&G’s ‘Best Job’ video has taken off since launching April 17. More than 4m people watched the video on the main site, which has been seeded in different languages to appeal to different territories.

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Procter & Gamble | Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG personal care | Objective: Build brand equity, drive trial | Format: Viral Video »

24/05/2012  |  Full story...

Old Spice returns with 'Believe In Your Smellf' YouTube ads


Old Spice has become a byword for successful viral marketing since its 2010 YouTube campaign racked up over 40 million views and a 107% sales uplift for the deodorant brand. This follow up introduces Champion, the brand's newest addition to its product range. Procter and Gamble worked with agency Wieden & Kennedy Portland, the team behind the 2010 ads to produce the three YouTube virals, entitled ‘I Can Do Anything’, ‘Never Again’ and ‘Sand Car’.

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Old Spice | Country: US | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand repositioning | Format: Video Viral, Social Media | Agency: Wieden & Kennedy Portland »

23/05/2012  |  Full story...

Social media marketing- Unilever uses Facebook vouchers for Marmite cereal bar giveaway


In early 2010, Unilever launched a campaign on Facebook to distribute samples of its new Marmite Cereal Bar and to drive awareness of the new product. This case study shows how the brand used the Facebook Ad Units format to create buzz, generating 22m impressions and distributing 33,000 samples to its target audience of mums and young adults.

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Brand: Unilever Marmite |Media: Facebook | Country: UK |Sector: Food & Beverages| Agency: Mindshare | Format: Facebook Ad Unit

14/05/2012  |  Full story...

Dove Facebook App outshines beauty pageant with 23,000 new social media fans


Ahead of an annual Beauty Queen pageant held on International Women's Day, Dove created a social media campaign entitled "Beauty Does Not Have Just One Queen." This case study looks at how, with one outdoor billboard and a highly targeted Facebook app, the brand created a huge amount of online engagement and 23,000 new Facebook fans.

The campaign, for the Unilever-owned cosmetic and toiletry brand, used a Facebook application that was connected to a digital billboard in the heart of Tel Aviv. Women uploaded a picture of themselves using the app, and their portrait was then screened on the billboard with the caption "Beauty Does Not Have Just One Queen".

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Brand: Dove |Media: OOH, Facebook videos | Country: Israel |Sector: FMCG | Agency: McCann Erickson | Format: Facebook App, TV spot

14/05/2012  |  Full story...

‘Peephole’ Axe campaign mixes QR codes with Facebook to drive brand engagement


This risqué ‘Peephole’ campaign from men’s deodorant brand Axe made innovative use of QR codes. The ad targeted its demographic of young men with a ‘hot’ video that suddenly stops, prompting viewers to continue the experience at the brand’s Facebook page. Once on the social networking site, users could unblock hotter and more daring videos by sharing the experiences with their friends. The action kept getting hotter in the videos, all leading to one common message: STOP LURKING, START MATING. Experience the AXE Effect. A reminder that to get into the action, you need AXE.

The campaign worked by making smart use of QR codes, video content, Facebook Pages and consumer insight. The results were 14% of the target audience watched the videos daily. 33% increase in social interaction with the brand. 52 % increase in post views and feedback (engagement) on Facebook.

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Brand: Axe |Media: OOH, Facebook videos | Country: US |Sector: FMCG | Agency: DDB Puerto Rico, Guaynabo| Format: Facebook Page videos

Social media case study Axe Facebok campaign | YouTube Viral Video Peephole advert


Facebook case study: Cadbury video viral gives ‘thumbs up’ to 1 million social media fans


The Cadbury Dairy Milk UK Facebook Page reached a social media milestone when it welcomed its one millionth fan on Saturday, January 7, 2012. To say thank you, the brand constructed a giant chocolate Facebook ‘thumbs up’, piece by piece, from thousands of Cadbury Dairy Milk bars and put the video on the social network. This case study shows how Cadbury managed to keep the momentum of its growing social media audeience.

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Brand: Cadbury Dairy Milk |Media: Online, email | Country: UK|Sector: FMCG | Agency: Hypernaked | Format: Facebook Page Videos

09/05/2012  |  Full story...

Top India video virals- Kolaveri Di

The song 'Kolaveri Di' used to promote the movie ‘3’ has become one of the internet viral sensations of last year, setting new benchmarks and trends for virals. The video has generated an astonishing 56 million views on YouTube.

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| Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: India | Sector: Film | Objective: Build brand equity| Format: Viral Video »

08/05/2012  |  Full story...

India viral videos- Reliance Big Cinemas

The Silent Indian National Anthem by Reliance Big Cinemas attracted more than 1 million YouTube views.

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| Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: India | Sector: Film | Objective: Build brand equity| Format: Viral Video »

07/05/2012  |  Full story...

Top India video virals- True Roots

This impressive ad promoting the brand Trueroot creates a connection with Indians in a very unique and touching way. This ads became popular under the tagline “That’s the Way we are”. Recently, the video went viral in Facebook, amassing more than 225,000 views in YouTube.

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| Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: India | Sector: Film | Objective: Build brand equity| Format: Viral Video »

07/05/2012  |  Full story...

Top India video virals- Virgin Mobile

These ads for Virgin Mobile were launched on digital media only with the launch of IPL (cricket in 2010). The ads were distributed via a targeted email and social network campaign aiming to reach the core market of Young Indian males. The collection of ads have racked up over a million views.

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| Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: India | Sector: Film | Objective: Build brand equity| Format: Viral Video »

07/05/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: TNT’s ‘dramatic surprise’ becomes second most shared YouTube ad of all time


In April 2012, Belgian TV channel TNT posted this ad on YouTube, getting 23m views in just one week and becoming the second most shared video on the website. Published on April 11, the 'A Dramatic Surprise On a Quiet Square' video campaign has clocked a whopping 30m views and 250,000 likes with a fortnight. This case study takes a look behind the success...

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Brand: TNT | Media: YouTube, TV, Social Media | Agency: Duval Guillaume Modem, Belgium | Country: Belgium | Sector: TV, Media

24/04/2012  |  Full story...

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