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Digital Marketing Case Study case studies: we currently have 1112.

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Old Spice video case study: ‘Muscle Music’


Old Spice has returned with another interactive viral video, letting viewers make music with their keyboards (via a muscle-bound American football star, naturally). The new ad stars former American football and Expendables star Terry Crews, wired up to a series of makeshift musical instruments. Each time the actor and former NFL football player flexes his muscles he makes a sound. Once the advert has finished playing, viewers are invited to create and record their own version using their keyboard.

Video case study

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Brand: Old Spice | Media: Vimeo | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG- Healthcare | Agency: Wieden & Kennedy | Format: Video and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Huggies turns Facebook babies into Olympic stars


To coincide with the Olympics, Huggies Israel launched this Facebook video campaign, adding personalised sports commentaries for user-submitted baby videos. Huggies Israel enlisted the help of Israel’s most famous sports commentator, Zoheir Bahalool who provided a running commentary on each burp, roll and tumble for each baby video submitted to the Facebook page. The campaign attracted 40,000 unique users in Israel, with the average time on the page reaching 2 minutes and 14 seconds.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Huggies/ Hogla | Media: Facebook | Country: Israel | Sector: Pharmaceutical & Medical | Agency: McCann Digital, Tel aviv | Format: Video and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Little Printer causes big internet buzz


Little Printer has taken the Internet by storm, and it’s largely down to this simple but hugely effective YouTube video. Potentially the world's cutest printer, the device lets users print Tweets, photos and receipts without the need for bulky machines and expensive ink. When Little Printer was announced late last year, the video introducing it received a whopping 500,000 views in its first five days, whilst 60,000 people signed up for news on the device.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Little Printer | Media: YouTube | Country: USA | Sector: Electronics | Agency: Berg London | Format: Video

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

KLM plays airline matchmaker with ‘Meet and Seat’


KLM’s quirky ‘Meet and Seat’ passenger matchmaking campaign has already drawn many plaudits. Now it’s ramping up awareness with a number celebrity endorsements on YouTube. KLM Meet & Seat campaign was designed by Tribal DDB Amsterdam. It lets people who booked a flight find interesting people aboard that same flight. The new Be My Guest campaign supports this launch, letting users have a ‘virtual chat’ with Dutch celebs, with the that chance that may become your travel companion. The campaign, which went live at the end of May, has already notched up over 10 million YouTube views in total across all videos.

YouTube case study

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Brand: KLM | Media: YouTube | Country: Netherlands |Sector: Travel | Agency: Tribal DDB Amsterdam | Format: Video

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Nokia Finger Battle app


At the height of football fever this summer, Nokia launched a smartphone game to coincide with the Euro 2012 championships. This case study shows how the ‘Finger Battle app’ became one of the most popular application so the tournament. For the 2012 Euro Cup that took place in Poland and Ukraine, Nokia Poland wanted to create an app that could keep football fans entertained during the football fever in the country. The game became one of the top 10 most downloaded Euro Cup applications, and it became the 3rd most popular game app downloaded. There were more than 6 900 games played, and the app generated more than 5 000 downloads.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Nokia | Media: Mobile app and Facebook | Country: Poland | Sector: Sport/ Mobile | Agency: Wunderman | Format: Mobile app and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Facebook case study- Intel soundtracks your life with ‘Me The Musical’


Intel has launched a new campaign that creates a personalised movie for Facebook users, drawing upon their social media data to create ‘Me The Musical’. The campaign, which launched in Japan to promote its new Ultrabook, takes Facebook users on an entertaining journey, via song and dance, through world events. Along the way, it adds a personal touch by including friends from Facebook and reminders of significant individual milestones.

YouTube case study |">Facebook campaign

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Brand: Intel | Media: Facebook app and video | Country: Japan | Sector: Computing | Agency: projector, Nexus Productions | Format: Video and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

How Parle Agro used Twitter to track stock, meet demand and engage with consumers


Supply and demand can be a tricky balancing act, but Indian snack-brand Parle Agro made smart use of Twitter as a way to gauge which stock to order next. Parle used Twitter to track stocks with consumers tweeting in about non availability of the baked snack Hippo. At zero cost Parle was able to replenish the stock in hours and keep the consumers updated about the availability of the snack. The campaign led to 76% increase in sales with few months of launch. The number of people tweeting was equivalent to 50% of sales and distribution network for Hippo. The campaign also helped Parle identify key markets and potential markets for Hippo.

YouTube case study Hippo Twitter strategy

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Brand: Hippo | Media: Twitter | Country: India |Sector: FMCG | Agency: Creativeland Asia| Format: Twitter

08/08/2012  |  Full story...

Toshiba ‘makes battery charging exciting’ with email dating game


Toshiba with ’15 minutes of love’ has shown how to closely engage with people. The brand uses consumer insight of men and made battery charging fun and entertaining. While men charge their Toshiba electric batteries, they are given 15 minutes (the standard time taken to charge the battery) to engage in a personalised email conversation with 5 attractive girls vying for his attention. If you can't keep up with the 5 girls, they get increasingly annoyed, displayed through their pictures on the microsite, the microsite set up for the campaign lets users exchange emails with girls of their dreams in the same time it takes to charge one of Toshiba’s new batteries. The end result of how many girls you have kept happy or more to the point who has given you the push is displayed at the end and can be tweeted out or posted to Facebook as well.

Digital case study | Toshiba campaign

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Brand: Toshiba | Country: Japan |Sector: Technology | Format: Email


Strepsils and Lemsip unleash ‘online grandma’ to cure man flu


Reckitt Benckiser has teamed two of its brands - Strepsils and Lemsip - to defeat 'Man-Flu' via an interactive video and social media campaign. Using social media data to provide personalised care and attention for customers, the flu medicine Strepsils took an interesting approach. The microsite is a little tongue and cheek, but definitely bears a great sense of humor to cheer up the sickly.

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Reckitt Benkiser | Media: Viral, Video, Social media | Country: Australia | Sector: FMCG personal care | Objective: Build brand equity, drive trial | Agency: Holler | Format: Video, social mmedia »

07/08/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Procter & Gamble takes Olympic sponsorship to 34 brands


Procter & Gamble's Olympic sponsorship is set to generate an addition $500m in sales according to its CEO. This case study looks at how the FMCG giant is using the digital channel to push its umbrella Olympic message across 34 of its brands. In announcing the firm’s positive Q2 results, Proctor and Gamble CEO Bob McDonald has cited P&G's Olympics sponsorship as an example of its "scale brought to life". Covering 34 brands and 4m stores over six months, this umbrella campaign should yield $500m in incremental sales, and a payback 50% higher than single brand efforts.

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Procter & Gamble | Media: YouTube, Viral, Video | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG personal care | Objective: Build brand equity, drive trial | Format: Viral Video »

07/08/2012  |  Full story...

British Airways encourages Brits to stay home to support team GB


Olympic sponsor British Airways is asking supporters of the British Olympics team not to fly during the games in order to help British athletes. For their 2012 Olympic campaign British Airways highlighted the importance of the "home advantage" to athletes when they compete and encouraging Brits to stay home during the games in order to support them as much as possible and provide "the greatest home advantage we can give them".

YouTube Case Study | YouTube Video | Facebook Page

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Brand: British Airways | Media: Facebook, Social Media | Country: UK |Sector: Travel | Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty |

07/08/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: Skittles Touch: Cat gets 5m views


In the age of touchscreen and interactivity, Skittles used an endearingly old-school method of engaging (and ultimately creeping out) the viewer with this series of ‘Touch’ ads on its YouTube channel. The best of the bunch was this ‘cat’ commercial, which has so far notched up 5 million views. Wrigley has long abandoned traditional advertising for their Skittles brand, and have instead decided to create one increasingly bizarre ad after another. While their earlier attempts have not really set the digital world on fire, this new campaign “Touch The Rainbow” has turned out to be an online success.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Skittles | Media: Video | Country: US |Sector: FMCG | Agency: BBDO Toronto; | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: The T-Mobile Royal Wedding gets 20m views


The sight of Prince William leapfrogging Prince Harry, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams getting his groove on and other royals dancing their way down the aisle was enough to create one of the most successful virals of the year. To date it the T-Mobile video has received more than 20 million views - that's not so far off the number who watched the big day on television in the UK.
The video was conceived by the mobile carrier brand T-Mobile and has gained well over 20 million views since being uploaded to YouTube on April 15. Set to East 17's "House of Love".

YouTube case study

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Brand: T-Mobile | Media: Video | Country: US |Sector: FMCG | Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

Dead Island 'rewinds' official announcement trailer to get 8m Views


In a year of high-profile game releases, this trailer for the relatively unknown game Dead Island was by far the most talked about console ad this year. With an innovative 'reverse story telling' premise, the trailer charts the tragic fate of a family caught up in a Zombie outbreak on a tropical paradise (warning: trailer below contains gory violence). Unlike the typical video game ad, which usually focuses on the action and intensity of the gameplay, the Dead Island trailer tells the emotional story of a family destroyed. The trailer generated 8 million views on Youtube, and tens of thousands of likes on Axis Animation’s Facebook page.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Techland | Media: Video | Country: US |Sector: Games, Media | Agency: Axis Animation | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

Volkswagen uses 'The Force' to net 45m YouTube views


This Volkswagen ad originally aired during the February 2011 Super Bowl broadcast, featuring a little boy dressed as “Star Wars” villain Darth Vader. He tries to use The Force to get his dog to rise, open the dryer, move a sandwich across the counter, and all in vain. Finally, dad comes home in the Passat. Junior Darth starts with the Jedi gesticulations to get the car to do something. Dad uses remote start from inside the house to fire up the ignition. His son is shocked. He got the force to work. He thinks he started the car with Jedi mind tricks. The ad combines humor with feel-good cutesiness and pop culture, and was one of the biggest virals of the year, generating a huge 45 million views on Youtube.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Volkswagen | Media: Video | Country: US | Sector: Automotive | Agency: Deutsch LA | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

T-Mobile brings Angry Birds to life to get 10m views


This promotional video from T-Mobile highlighted the phenomenally popular “Angry Birds” mobile video games. Purportedly actual video of a promotional event held in Barcelona, Spain in May, the clip shows Angry Birds players at a kiosk in a public square which broadcasts their gameplay on a giant screen, followed by the eruption of large plastic bird heads into the square. The video attracted over 10 million views, and emphasised a key aspect of T-mobile offering in a fun and innovative way, while piggy-backing on the phenomenon of Angry Birds.

YouTube case study

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Brand: T-Mobile | Media: Video | Country: Spain | Sector: Mobile | Agency:Saatchi & Saatchi | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: Tipp- Ex 'A Hunter Shoots a Bear' gets 26m views


Initially launched in 2010, this ad for European correction fluid Tipp-Ex continued its success into the new year. To coincide with the back-to-school period, Tipp-ex, promoted its whiteout Pocket Mouse. The ad features two obnoxious hunters confronted by a bear, and lets the viewer choose their own ending by typing a verb into the ‘tipp-exed area’. The video has so far racked up over 26 million views, with the average number of verbs tipped in by user coming in at 15.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Tipp-Ex | Media: Video | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG, Stationary | Agency: Buzzman | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: Carlsberg stunt with bikers in cinema gets 10m views


This viral video for Carlsberg beer shows what are purportedly real-life “innocent” couples entering a Belgian movie theater that happens to be filled with 148 mean-looking bikers. While most couples leave, the ones brave enough to take their seats are rewarded with a burst of applause and a toast with bottles of Carlsberg beer as the message, "That calls for a Carlsberg" comes up on the cinema screen. Brussels-based ad agency Duval Guillaume Modem came up with the stunt, which was staged in a cinema in Belgium. Carlsberg introduced its new strapline at the beginning of the year to promote itself as a beer that stands for tradition, quality and great taste.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Carlsberg | Media: Video | Country: Belgium | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Agency: Duval Guillaume | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: Smartwater: The Jennifer Anniston 'Sex Tape' gets 10m views


With over ten millions views, the Smartwater video or better titled ‘Jennifer Anniston Sex Tape’ has been a smash hit. A humorous self-parody, it includes all the attributes of the ultimate viral; cute animals, dancing babies, and a beautiful woman (Jennifer Anniston) acting seductively. The real reason the video has been successful is that it doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s a clever campaign that’s able to parody successful viral videos while at the same time weaving together the same ingredients (humour, sex, celebrity) into its own.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Smartwater | Media: Video | Country: US | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Agency: Zambezi | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

Social media case study: McVities Facebook campaign gets fans sharing cake coupons


United Biscuit’s cake and biscuit brand McVities has launched a ‘Bring Out The Cake’ campaign, designed to get Facebook fans sharing coupons to promote the brand’s cake range. The firm is working with to manage the digital coupon element of its national campaign created by independent marketing agency, RPM. The campaign has generated 26,903 likes and 4,970 conversations since its launch.

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Brand: McVities | Media: Facebook, Social Media | Country: UK |Sector: FMCG | Agency: RPM |

20/07/2012  |  Full story...

YouTube Case Study: Coca-Cola ‘security camera’ ad gets 5m YouTube views in one month


This heart-warming video from Coca-Cola continues the beverage giant’s ‘Happiness’ brand message, turning the negative perception of security cameras into something much more positive- boosting customers perception of Coke in the process. Historically, Coca-Cola has understood better than most that if you make people feel good while watching your advertising, it rubs off on your brand. The video has racked up over 5.4 million YouTube views and 44,500 ‘likes’.

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Brand: Coca-Cola | Media: Video, YouTube | Country: Global |Sector: FMCG | Agency: Landia

YouTube case study

20/07/2012  |  Full story...

Mobile Case Study: Foot Asylum boosts mobile sales 500% after site revamp


At the end of last year, Footwear retailer Foot Asylum underwent a major revamp of its mobile site, with simpler navigation and more incentives to buy the products. This case study shows how the shop saw its mobile sales increase a massive 500%, even bucking seasonal dips. The challenge for Foot Asylum was to take advantage of the increased mobile traffic they were receiving. They enlisted One Iota to design and build a fully optimised mobile site. This made navigation simple and provided an intuitive way to add products to the basket as well as the ability to checkout with ease. Revenue generated by mobile handsets has increased by a staggering 500% from August – February.

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Brand: Foot Asylum | Media: Mobile | Country: UK |Sector: FMCG | Agency: One Iota, Affiliate Window| Format: Mobile

Mobile case study

20/07/2012  |  Full story...

Tohato uses mobile social gaming to create brand engagement


Savoury snack maker Tohato used mobile internet and QR codes on packaging to launch two new flavours and create a buzz in Japan. A mobile phone game called "World's Worst War" was designed pitting Tyrant Habanero's Imperial Army against Satan Jolokia's Demon Army in a war to decide the ‘hottest and tastiest snack’. Players purchased their preferred product, scanning a QR code on the package into their phones to select a faction on which to side. The participants could then accumulate points and rise in rank by recruiting friends to join twice-weekly massively multiplayer online battles against countless other players. This case study shows how to make advertising money work hard, to attract, engage and change behaviour. The campaign also drove advocacy and word of mouth and demonstrates the binding power of co-creation communication strategies. The game resulted in participation of over 10,000 people and led to communities discussing the battle strategies. The campaign resulted in increase page views on the website to 100,000 per day.

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Brand: Tohato |Media: Mobile| Country: Japan |Sector: FMCG | Agency: Hakuhodo | Format: Multiplayer Online Game

YouTube case study

18/07/2012  |  Full story...

Cadbury Joyville train stunt creates online buzz in Australia


This marketing stunt from Cadbury involved a giant purple ‘Joyville’ branded train pulling into select stations across Australia, rewarding surprised commuters with an array of chocolate treats. The campaign was amplified through a deeply integrated social media campaign with a Facebook page encouraging and supporting user generated content, as well as the dedicated website which features games, information and lets users share the campaign.

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Brand: Cadbury |Media: Facebook | Country: Australia |Sector: FMCG | Agency: Wonder | Format: Facebook page, website

YouTube case study | Facebook Page


Mobile case study- Coca-Cola branded iPhone game drives teen engagement


Coca-Cola has made a foray into advergaming with their new title, Crabs & Penguins. The beverage giant made smart use of gamification techniques, with a music soundtrack and social media links, to build long-term engagement with consumers by letting players unlock levels and learn about a story.

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Brand: Coco-Cola |Media: Communities & Gaming portals, Smartphones, Mobile | Sector: FMCG | Agency: Ember Lab | Format: iPhone App |

YouTube video: Coca-Cola | Mobile App: Crabs and Penguins | Micro-site campaign: Crabs and Penguins

04/07/2012  |  Full story...

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