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Digital Marketing Case Study case studies: we currently have 1112.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 1112 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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Heineken boosts brand in China with Christmas campaign


Heineken engaged beer lovers during Christmas, to strengthen its premium brand image in China by activating its global TV commercial ‘The Entrance’ on social media. The dutch brand worked digital marketing agency to create a digital campaign that challenges participants to remember the lively characters from the TV commercial in a social video game, achieving thousands of hours of engagement from web users.

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Brand: Heineken | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: China | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Social media, Video, YouTube |

30/01/2013  |  Full story...

BenNaNa digital campaign tops Sina Weibo charts


To promote BenNaNa in China, Nestlé Ice Cream ran a digital campaign on a microsite and social network Sina Weibo. Nestle worked with Social@Ogilvy (a team of social experts from OgilvyOne and Ogilvy PR) to run the two-part campaign. It consisted of a microsite based on the kid-friendly theme of a magical island as well as a hugely popular corporate Sina Weibo account complete with bespoke funny videos that has seen close to three million users share posts or upload their own BenNaNa pictures.

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Brand: Nestle | Sector: FMCG, Food | Coutry: China | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency | Saachi and Saachi | Format: Social media, Gaming |

30/01/2013  |  Full story...

Huawei creates giant 3D game to promote Mediapad

This large-scale camapign for Chinese mobile maker Huawei put a 3D fighting game on a screen the aize of two basketball courts. In September 2012. Saachi and Saachi China curated an unprecedented super-large outdoor 3D game was played at the world-renowned Suntec City - Fountain of Wealth in Singapore. The creative video show of the Huawei MediaPad 10 FHD and Huawei Ascend D1 Quad-Core XL mobile phone was staged in the Plaza.

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Brand: Huawei | Sector: Mobile | Coutry: China/ Singapore | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency | Saachi and Saachi | Format: Video, Game, Outdoor, YouTube, Viral |

30/01/2013  |  Full story...

Pepsi parners Youku Tudou for online film campaign

Pepsi partnered with Chinese Internet TV giant Youku Tudou, for a multi-channel online movie campaign called “Bring Love Home.” The 30-minute web movie premiered simultaneously on,, and in a Beijing theater packed with Pepsi celebrities. Prior to the movie premiere, the campaign successfully generated thousands of uploads, and by the end, the web movie had more than 100 million views.

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Brand: Pepsi | Sector: FMCG, | Objective: Build brand engagement | Country: China | Format: Video, Cinema, Youtube, Viral |

30/01/2013  |  Full story...

Tiger Woods returns to Nike… and gets 7m YouTube views

As Lance Armstrong falls from grace (and Nike’s sponsorship roster), another controversial sporting figure has made a return to the sports brand's video ads. Tiger Woods battles Rory McIlroy in this humourous golfing tee-off where ‘no cup is safe’. The commercial, produced by agency Wieden+Kennedy, came out earlier this week and became an immediate YouTube hit. To date, it has surpassed 7 million views.

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Brand: Nike | Sector: FMCG, Sport, Clothing | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Wieden+Kennedy | Format: Video, TV, Youtube, Viral |

22/01/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: Heinz Facebook ‘Five beanz’ quiz reaches 10m people


Back in the summer of 2012, Heinz promoted its new ‘Five Beanz’ range via a Facebook quiz offering the chance to win one of the five beans with their name engraved on it. The campaign ran for two weeks and 22,143 took the quiz, with over 10,000 shares and reached10.8m people on Facebook. In total, the Heinz Facebook community grew by 30,000 extra fans.

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Brand: Heinz | Sector: FMCG, Food | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: We Are Social | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

22/01/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: Heineken turns ‘likes’ into balloons… and gets thousands of fans in a day

Going beyond the usual ‘like us a we’ll give you a discount’ tactic of many brands, Heineken offered to inflate one green balloon in its office for every new 'like' it got on its Brazilian fan page. The simple execution proved to be incredibly effective- gaining thousands fans in just one day. The campaign called ‘Um Like Um Balao’ (One Like One Balloon) for every time someone likes the page, a green balloon was blown up and placed in a office. Starting off with an empty office, the space was quickly filled up with select users getting custom videos of a man blowing up a balloon and the total number of balloons covering the room.

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Brand: Heineken | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Facebook, Social Media, Youtube, Video |

22/01/2013  |  Full story...

Volvic recruits bloggers for 'Team Volcanicity' live event coverage


Volvic has launched a new campaign seeking talented bloggers, photographers and social media 'addicts' to form ‘Team Volcanicity’ and represent the brand online. In return, the water brand will provide access to some of the UK’s events and activities of 2013 to the winners of its Facebook competition, which launches on 21 January. The opportunity to join ‘Team Volcanicity’ will be open to Facebook fans who will be asked to submit a photo which they believe expresses their ‘Volcanicity’ which will be open to public voting.

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Brand: Volvic | Sector: FMCG, Food | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agecny: We Are Social | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

22/01/2013  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: English Cheese Cake Company fans grow from 2,000 to 30,000


This campaign is a great example of from small acorns. The English Cheese Cake Company managed to increase its Facebook fanbase by more 11 fold in one year, rising from just 2,000 fans to 23,000 (it now has around 30,000). It gained over 4,500 likes through its primary sponsored stories campaign alone and as many as 30% of its new customers come through Facebook. The engaged community it has grown means that fans will often reply to other fans flavour questions, acting as a brand ambassadors for English Cheesecake Company.

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Brand: English Cheesecake Company | Sector: FMCG, Food | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

17/01/2013  |  Full story...

ASOS grows Facebook fans 32% with Facebook games


ASOS ran a Facebook campaign to generate sales and excitement ahead of its summer sales campaign. For the launch ASOS used Facebook Pages, Ads and Sponsored Stories to increase revenue from a summer sale event on the ASOS website. It built a custom application on the ASOS page that allowed fans to play a series of four games. All of this helped ASOS’s fan base grow by 32%.

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Brand: ASOS | Sector: Clothing | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

17/01/2013  |  Full story...

Surf 'Fulfill a Wish' Facebook camapign helps users grant children’s wishes


Surf Excel has launched a marketing initiative in India called 'Fulfill a Wish' calling upon its one million Facebook fans and consumers to be genies for a day and be the ones to fulfill wishes for a change. The Facebook app lets consumers pick a wish made by a less-privileged child that they, as the more privileged lot of society, have the ability to grant. The Unilever detergent brand tied up with over 40,000 NGOs across the country via International Justice Mission (IJM) and India Guide Star, an online database of Indian NGOs. To date, the Surf Excel app has notched up over 300 wishes fulfilled.

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Brand: Unilever, Surf Excel | Sector: FMCG, Household | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: eYeka | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

17/01/2013  |  Full story...

Citroën lets fans customise cars using Facebook


Car maker Citroën invited its Facebook fans across the world to vote for a selection of consumer-created designs to customise its new Citroën DS3. In October last year, Citroen tasked eYeka's creative community to “create stylish designs inspired by French Luxury” to customise its Citroën DS3 model. In just two weeks, Citroën received more than 180 high-quality designs from all over the world, and awarded €10,000 between the top three winning entries from Germany, Hong Kong, and France respectively.

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Brand: Citroën | Sector:Automotive | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: eYeka | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

17/01/2013  |  Full story...

Skittles grants mind control with ‘Telekenise the Rainbow’

Skittles has become known for their off the wall advertising, but this new Australian ad boggles the mind (quite literally). The ‘Telekinize The Rainbow’ Facebook app lets users control a single Skittle with their mind... or does it? Agency Clemenger BBDO advanced Skittles’ ongoing "(Experience) The Rainbow" campaign with an entirely new interactive experience. The agency worked with aerospace engineer Ben Cai to develop a system that allowed (Australia- and New Zealand-based) visitors to and the brand’s Facebook page to move Skittles with their eye movements.

Check out more on the making of the campaign below:

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Brand: Skittles | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Clemenger BBDO | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

17/01/2013  |  Full story...

Top 25 video virals of 2012: Bodyform, Dollar Shave Club and Channel 4 top list


2012 was another great year for viral video marketing case studies. As online ads get smarter and more engaging, viral marketing briefs are becoming the toughest that any creative agency can receive. For a viral to really travel it needs the combination of a brilliant creative idea, the right timing for its audience and the right seeding. That’s why we collated together 25 of our favourite viral marketing case studies from 2012 which clearly checked all the boxes. Grab a coffee, leave the browser open, sit back, relax, and enjoy…

20/12/2012  |  Full story...

Feeding America grows site traffic 2.5 times using Twitter


Domestic hunger charity Feeding America looked to share their web site content on Twitter to maximize traffic back to their website. The charity targeted audiences who often tweeted about topics very similar to Feeding America's site content. As a result of tweeting about trending topics recommended by the BrightEdge, and tweeting about specific topics (including specific web pages) in those tweets, Feeding America yielded 2.5 times the average traffic levels per post relative to similar Tweets made in the same period.

20/12/2012  |  Full story...

Tiny Prints sees 47% increase in search rankings via Twitter and Bright Edge


Photo printer Tiny Prints aligned its Twitter strategy with its organic search strategy, in a bid to boost search engine rankings with greater engagement using Twitter. Using the Bright Edge platform, the firm measured and tracked the influence that Tweets had on organic search rankings. saw a 47% increase in organic search rankings on "long-tail" keywords and URLs that were popular and engaging on Twitter. The gains occurred as follower engagement on those pages and keywords grew 300% over a month-long focused campaign that aligned Tweets with their content strategy.

20/12/2012  |  Full story...

Esri enriches maps with Tweets and the Streaming API


In March 2011, a 9.0 magnitude eartchquake hit Japan with catastrophic results. Mapping software firm Esri turned tweets, Flickr images and YouTube posts to help people track to status of the location anfd the impact of the earcthquake, resulting in result in hundreds of thousands of page views. Adding Tweets to mapping technology gives insights into what people are saying and where they are saying it. It can highlight spatial trends in the conversation. Combining a Twitter conversation with authoritative data sources, like 911 calls, insurance claims, demographics, weather reports, and earthquake feeds, can provide a human perspective on the situation.

20/12/2012  |  Full story...

Klondike ice-cream creates a Twitter-based comedy competition to generate earned media


To engage with their young adult male target audience around comedy, and to create and spread positive earned media around the brand, ice cream brand Klondike created a campaign with Twitter at its heart. The Twitterverse audience was asked, through a video call-to-action from the comedian Rob Delaney, to post a funny joke on the social media platform in less than 140 characters. The competition, over a number of weeks, generated much interest and excitement from the online fan base.


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Brand: Klondike | Country: US | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Format: Social Media, Twitter


Special K creates earned media around new product launch with pop-up Tweet Shop


Special K found a great way to generate online conversation / earned media around a new product launch. As part of the launch of their new Cracker Crisp product range the brand set up a temporary shop in London’s Soho and asked visitors to use Twitter in order to receive a free sample. All they had to do was post a positive message about the new product on Twitter including the hashtag #tweetshop and the product sample was theirs. This innovative way to bridge the physical and digital via the imaginative use of social media and smartphones meant that the launch received a great deal of online PR and buzz.

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Brand: Special K | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Format: Social Media, Twitter, PR


Coca Cola in Israel amplifies teenage Village events via Facebook through RFID tags


In summertime in Israel Coca Cola hosts a number of live, 3 day events for teenagers to come together, play and ‘share the happiness’. Looking to make the most of this live event content the brand found a clever technical solution to amplify the offline event online. By providing all the attendees with an RFID-enabled wristband, programmed with their Facebook user name and password, they were able to create a regular stream of real-time likes, content and images in the social network. This not only extended the fun for those who attended, it also spread the happiness to those who couldn’t and in so doing helped extend the reach and engagement of the event to many more thousands of the target audience.

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Brand: Coca Cola | Country: Israel | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Format: Social Media, Facebook


Converse’s Domaination campaign makes innovative use of paid search keyphrase bidding


Converse, the global footwear brand, took a novel and innovative way to connect with their teenage audience online. They took the Google paid search channel and turned an advertising space into a game experience. Rather than trying to capture the attention of their audience in the search channel through the normal way - of bidding against other brands on popular search terms - they decided to do the opposite. Converse identified peaking search terms via Google Zeitgeist and then bid against these low competition low cost phrases. Instead of presenting the viewer with an ad – they started a dialogue through the ad copy and dozens of interconnected microsites that engaged the viewer in a deeper content rich experience. Not only did this engage the audience in a total unexpected way – but also still helped drive large volumes of traffic to

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Brand: Converse | Country: USA | | Sector: FMCG, Clothing, Sports | Format: Search, Google


Little Baby’s Ice Cream YouTube video success


While Little Baby’s Ice Cream is only a relatively small manufacturer and retailer of premium, ice cream based in Philadelphia, PA they know how to do social media well. By placing this quirky, and slightly unnerving, promotional video / advertisement on YouTube with their website URL at the end – not only can they generate over 2.7 million video views but also a constantly stream of traffic to their website. This YouTube presence, coupled with a lively and well managed online community on Facebook and Twitter, has helped the business maintain a loyal fan base of regular visitors to their ice cream parlours.

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Brand: Little Baby’s Ice Cream | Country: USA | | Sector: FMCG, Food | Format: Video


Ogilvy resorts to ‘pirate recruitment’ to get top talent


How far would you go to bring the best talent to your team? In Belgium, Ogilvy delved into murky waters by using pirate software sites to recruit cash-strapped (but ambitious) unemployed web designers. Ogilvy Brussels was looking for a new web designer with fresh ideas. They knew that unemployed web designers can’t afford the crazily expensive editing suites they need to work, and they may be tempted to download it illegally. In response, they uploaded a file supposed to provide the editing suite on many pirate sharing websites. When web designers downloaded the file, they discovered that the editing suite was not in the download. Instead, they gave them something else: a job opportunity at Ogilvy. Not only did it prevent them from becoming criminals and wasting time in the numbness of unemployment, but it also offered them a much better opportunity: a job at a leading agency.

03/12/2012  |  Full story...

Stockholm ‘iPad magic' gets 3 million views


Back in March 2012, a YouTube video of Swedish magicians promoting Stockholm using iPads and trickery took the internet world by storm, leaving audiences baffled and event organisers beaming. This ‘iPad magic’ campaign was created to promote Stockholm as a business centre. Since being posted to YouTube in March, on Friday, the clip has been viewed over 3m times.
This convention also made Scandinavian headlines after Swedish representatives placed banners and advertising with the slogan "Stockholm: The Capital of Scandinavia", outraging Norwegians and Danes who were also at the event.

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Brand: Stockholm Business | Country: Sweden/ France | Sector: Travel | Format: Video, Live event, YouTube

02/12/2012  |  Full story...

‘Kony 2012’ helps raise $26m after YouTube campaign


As 2012 comes to a close, we look back at some of the biggest online video virals of the year. This week, we look at the hugely successful (and rather controversial) ‘Kony 2012’ campaign, that raised a huge amount of awareness about the plight of children caught up in Uganda’s conflict. Invisible Children, a movement seeking to end the conflict in Uganda, created the film Kony 2012 back in March. They hoped it would accelerate the arrest of Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader Joseph Kony, who has been kidnapping and abducting Uganda’s youth for nearly three decades. With more than 100 million views in six days, Kony 2012 became the most viral video in history. The video worked because it used compelling content, stayed relevant and had a simple call to action.

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Brand: Invisible Children | Country: USA/ Global | Sector: Charity | Format: Video, YouTube

01/12/2012  |  Full story...

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