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Digital Marketing Case Study case studies: we currently have 1112.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 1112 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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Video marketing case study: Volvo tests tough truck by putting a child at the wheel

Volvo's FMX truck is the toughest they've ever built, so the brand demonstrated its durability by letting a child rag one around an obstacle course, getting over 11m YouTube views in the process.

11/08/2016  |  Full story...

Gaming case study: Verizon takes mobile network to Minecraft

Verizon managed to build a working cell phone within the boundaries of the game. This case study looks at how the mobile network operator generated six million views with no paid media.

11/08/2016  |  Full story...

Five great brand campaigns on Twitter

Twitter has come of age as a marketing platform- but with more than half a billion tweets a day how does a brand get heard above the noise? Here are five of the best recent Twitter campaigns to help provide inspiration.


09/08/2016  |  Full story...

How brands are testing chat bots (and what consumers think)

Earlier this year, Facebook launched chatbots on its messenger platform, ushering in a new era of AI customer service. Four months on, we look at seven of the best uses of branded chatbots.


09/08/2016  |  Full story...

Social media case study: MTV ‘green screens’ gets fans to complete its VMA ads

Ahead of the 2015 “MTV Video Music Awards”, MTV called upon all its own fans to create billboard ads to promote the show- with a little help from a green screen Miley Cyrus.

04/08/2016  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: Iceland repositions brand with smart retargetting

Iceland made smart use of Facebook ads to reposition the UK frozen food retailer in a cost effective way. The use of video ads and retargeted follow ups was 2.5 times more cost effective than TV for reach.

04/08/2016  |  Full story...

Search case study: Candle retailer gets 1002% ROI with Bing Ads

In less than a month, a candle firm managed to boost its search ads return on investment by a whopping 1002% on Bing Ads through smart keyword marketing. This case study looks at the secret to Diamond Candles' success.


04/08/2016  |  Full story...

Coca-Cola targets millennials with CokeTV YouTube channel

Coca-Cola has created popular YouTube channels in Europe, working with popular YouTube vloggers to take its CokeTV channel to the UK, Germany, France and Spain as the FMCG giant ramps up its content marketing strategy as a new way to engage teens with authentic “eye-level” communication.

21/07/2016  |  Full story...

Pokemon Go: Five examples of brands catching augmented reality craze

Pokemon Go! hasn't revealed official sponsorship formats yet, but that hasn't stopped brands jumping on the augmented reality phenomenon. We look at five of the best examples of companies taking advantage of the latest mobile gaming craze...


21/07/2016  |  Full story...

McDonald’s fail: Name your own burger site attracts tasteless creations

Clearly not learning lessons from “Boaty McBoatFace”, McDonalds New Zealand launched a "Create Your Taste" campaign that resulted in a number of highly offensive burger names appearing on its official site. This case study looks at the social media fail...


21/07/2016  |  Full story...

Snickers gets YouTubers to post terrible videos when hungry

In another fun take on the brand’s slogan, Snickers got famous YouTubers to post bad videos showing how hunger can affect performance.

Snickers - Twitch from Sei Rey Ho on Vimeo.

20/07/2016  |  Full story...

Cannes Lions case study: ‘The Swedish Number’ lets world call a random Swede

In 2016, the Swedish Tourist Association (STF) launched “The Swedish Number” with support from Intelecom. The campaign let “people from all over the world to speak to a randomly selected Swede about anything…

20/07/2016  |  Full story...

App case study: ASB bank Digital piggybank for kids

ASB, one of the leading banks in New Zealand developed a modern spin on the classic moneybox will help make saving magic again. This case study looks at how the Australian firm brought the piggybank into the 21st century.

14/07/2016  |  Full story...

Social media case study: Taco Bell gets fans using the new taco emoji on Twitter

After a long battle to get a taco added to the emoji keyboard, Taco Bell celebrated its victory in style by creating the #TacoEmojiEngine which was built directly into Twitter. All people needed to do was tweet the new taco emoji with one of the other 1,295 emojis @tacobell to receive a personalized GIF combining them. The campaign generated more than half a million tweets in the first 5 days and won a Cannes Lions Gold award.

14/07/2016  |  Full story...

Virtual reality case study: New York Times takes news to a new generation

In a world of declining print sales, how can a 165 –year-old news brand reach the next generation of readers? This case study looks at how trhe New York Times expanded into virtual reality with a little help from sponsors General Electric and Mini.

08/07/2016  |  Full story...

Social media case study: ‘Justino’ film wins Christmas for Spanish Lottery

Forget John Lewis - the real winner of Christmas 2015 was this campaign for Spanish lottery firm Loterias y Apuestas del Estado. The Pixar-style ‘Justino’ film captured hearts while an engaging social media campaign built anticipation in the run up to the high-profile Christmas lottery draw- increasing spend to an astonishing €55 per person.

08/07/2016  |  Full story...

Cannes Lions case study: Harvey Nichols wins Grand Prix for ‘Shoplifters’ video

UK department store Harvey Nichols scooped the Cannes Lions Grand Prix in the film category, with a funny and engaging social campaign that promoted its loyalty app showing real footage of shoplifters (with cartoon faces to protect their identity).

27/06/2016  |  Full story...

Cannes case Study: Ariel washing powder gets dads to #sharetheload

This social media video for Ariel washing Powder was hailed by Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg as “one of the most powerful” she'd ever seen. The Indian ad campaign encouraged men to do their fair share of housework.

27/06/2016  |  Full story...

Cannes Case Study: P&G’s controversial ‘leftover women’ documentary gets 2.5m views

Chinese Skincare brand SK-II took on the controversial subject of China’s ‘leftover women’ who feel pressure to marry before 27. This case study looks at how the video campaign got over 2 million views, winning a Cannes Lion award in the process.

27/06/2016  |  Full story...

Kraft Mac & Cheese reaches 2 million with Snapchat Sponsored Lenses

Snapchat and Kraft Macaroni & Cheese partnered to create a playful Lens to take Snapchatters back to their childhood, getting a 13% lift in purchase intent for the food brand, reaching 20 million people.


16/06/2016  |  Full story...

Snapchat case study: Gatorade breaks records with Sponsored Lens

Gatorade made a big splash on Super Bowl Sunday with a Snapchat Sponsored Lens a “sponsored lens” for Snapchat that received a record number of views for the ad product.

16/06/2016  |  Full story...

Switch from TV and banners to Facebook boosts sales for Fjordland

Switching from TV and banner ads to a Facebook-only Christmas campaign helped Norwegian food brand Fjordland significantly increase website traffic and sales with just one-third of the budget.


09/06/2016  |  Full story...

Pinterest case study: Bank of America engages millennial savers

Bank of America created Better Money Habits (BMH), an online resource to help people understand their money. The site is open to anyone, with a focus on those just starting out – millennials. With the help of Promoted Pins, BMH content reached nearly 6 million people in less than 5 months and generated more than 29,000 saves.


09/06/2016  |  Full story...

Video marketing case study: How BMW created the most watched Canadian car brand film ever

To generate hype for its latest car series, BMW turned to programmatic and digital media to reach the right people at the right time. This case study looks at how the auto brand managed to generate over 5 million YouTube views in a short span of time through smart, well-timed targeting.

08/06/2016  |  Full story...

Cadbury’s Crunchie spends half of digital ad budget on Snapchat lenses

At a cost ranging between $100,000 up to $750,000 for 24-hour, Snapchat Lenses are the most premium add to buy on the app. But is it worth it? Cadbury’s recently bet half its brand ad budget on the format for Crunchie’s 'Obey your Mouth' campaign to find out…


02/06/2016  |  Full story...

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