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Digital Marketing Case Study case studies: we currently have 1112.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Betfair | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer retention | Format: Newsletter

Betfair is the world's leading online betting exchange. Taglab designs and produces their monthly "In-Play" newsletter. The contents include opinion pieces, event previews, community content, analysis, competitions, hints and tips. The newsletter combines an email and microsite, achieving consistently high clickthrough rates. In a recent issue, 36% of those opening the email clicked through to the microsite.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Betfair | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer retention | Format: Event diary application

When Betfair launched in 2000, they were the world’s first online betting exchange. Since then, they’ve grown rapidly, and today they have 95,000 active users. Each year, Betfair would mail these users a branded diary. As their membership grew, this tradition became increasingly expensive. The time had come to consider an alternative approach. Taglab developed a sophisticated online sporting calendar targeting Betfair’s registered users. The calendar, featuring hundreds of sporting events. Functionality includes the ability to import events into Outlook, TV listing information and deep-links into Betfair’s markets.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Avis and Visa | Sector: Finance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Dedicated website

A specially developed site to promote the customer benefits of the partnership between Avis and British Airways. The site recognised returning visitors automatically, delivering tailored offers and benefits based upon the user's Executive Club membership status. Taglab Publisher was used to control when offers were presented, and to whom. Taglab developed a microsite with “remember me” cookie functionality, that stores which tier of the Executive Club each passenger belongs to.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: William Hill | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Email marketing

William Hill’s core business is the provision of gambling and betting activities. To do this successfully, it is imperative that they constantly acquire new registrations of people wanting to bet via the William Hill web site. In order to maximise the acquisition return on investment (ROI), William Hill used RedEye’s profile and segmentation rules to dynamically generate segments and email cells is a very effective solution to make email marketing timely and highly targeted.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: William Hill | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer retention | Format: Website redesign

Before anyone can bet online with William Hill they must by law register to prove they are over 18, to provide bank details and to submit name and address details. Of course this information also provides valuable data that can be used to target those who have registered but not converted to purchase, and to enter customers into a relationship management programme. William Hill suspected that the registration process was one of the largest barriers to buy. They wanted to test this, and many other alternative site processes. However they recognised that first they needed a new and accurate way to measure the results. After exhaustive analysis of available tracking systems William Hill choose RedEye who placed their tracking code onto every page of the website. Two alternative registration processes were tested over successive weeks and the results measured until a statistically significantly number of new people had visited the site.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: Warner Breaks | Sector: Travel | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Viral email marketing

Warner Breaks saw a 2000% increase in its return on investment in email marketing and a 48% increase in open rates when it began working with RedEye. Using RedEye’s segmentation and event-driven email tools, Warner was able to obtain and utilise detailed information about online customer activity and use this data to automatically send timely and highly targeted emails. RedEye also advised Warner Breaks on the most effective creative designs in order to improve deliverability rates.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: AA | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Targeted email campaign

Thousands of users take out car insurance quotes on the AA website every single day but despite registering online for a quote, only a small proportion of these potential customers immediately purchase. The AA wanted to be able to identify these visitors, and communicate a timely, targeted message to them, encouraging them to return to the site and buy online. The AA saw a dramatic improvement in their online customer conversion rate.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: Kwik Fit | Sector: Insurance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Email marketing

The company needed to improve the quality of its database by purchasing new data, and develop an email marketing programme to target potential customers and to improve communications to existing customers. RedEye advised Kwik-Fit Insurance on the most appropriate data to purchase to improve the quality of its database. Event driven emails sent to the new database resulted in a 44% increase in the number of customers visiting the website, and a 5.5% increase in those obtaining a quote.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: easyJet | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand building, customer acquisition | Format: Banners

easyJet wanted to accurately measure return on investment for its online advertising spend to help it understand and improve its ROI and conversion rates. By identifying and recording each person’s exposure to the brand and their subsequent activity on the site, easyJet could easily rate each campaign not only for click-throughs but also for the quality and loyalty of the customers it was attracting. RedEye helped easyJet to understand the ‘branding effect’ of its advertising, attributing customer spend to advertising campaigns even when customers did not purchase immediately. Measuring customer activity over a period of time gave easyJet a reliable indicator of the long-term profitability of customers acquired from each campaign.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: Asda | Sector: Retail | Objective: Customer retention | Format: Web analytics

Supermarket chain Asda wanted to check that delivery schedules are equally distributed across their stores to ensure they were maximising ability to deliver and meet their customer’s expectations. There has been a significant rise in the number of households doing their shopping online. Competition for customers is especially fierce in home shopping online. Unlike offline, where a customer often shops at the supermarket most convenient for them, online shopping is more vulnerable and if a supermarket isn’t delivering, they are only one click away from being replaced.

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Agencies: RedEye and Sonaa | Client: Warner Breaks | Sector: Travel | Objective: Customer acqusition | Format: Email marketing

To target older consumers online, Warner Breaks (part of Bourne Leisure Group, which also runs Butlins, Haven and British Holiday) decided to revamp its email marketing. RedEye was employed to manage the email campaigns and agency Sonaa to design the creative. New customers were acquired by competitions and third party promotions, run through the sites such as and Teletext holidays. Since Warner began working on the new programme it has seen 2000% return on investment.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: The Body Shop | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Customer acqusition | Format: Email and SMS

The Body Shop wanted to find a way to attract customers to specific Love Your Body events. Using Digital Marketeer The Body Shop was communicating with their customer base on a regular basis. They used this form of communication to invite people to register for the Love Your Body events in people’s local areas. A direct mail piece was sent to all registrants advising them of the upcoming events two weeks before the event. An email was sent to 60,000 people one week before the event and followed by an SMS reminder message on the day of the event.

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