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To get you started: Microsoft reminds us how much the world of advertising has changed

msn%20case%20study.jpgThe digital networked society is a great leveller. The relationship between brands and consumers has shifted. The structure of communications has undergone this massive leap. While the smart thinking in marketing is leaping to embrace a whole new way of doing things, much of the practice in marketing still clings to the past. That's why it wasn't just gutsy, but a strategically brilliant move for Microsoft to use a television-style commercial to make the point for them.

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Case study: Dove | Sector: FMCG | Format: Video

dove.jpgThis iconic, multi-award-winning campaign includes powerful online elements that build discussion and engagement among target consumers. Since 2000, the Dove brand has been one of the online marketing pioneers in consumer package goods. Their work with the IAB and MSN in North America created landmark research in cross media campaign budget optimisation. This more recent video is a great example of how the web can be used by a consumer brand to build community, debate and discussion. The video is part of a multi channel campaign that talks about beauty and creates genuine discussion with and among consumers. The approach of delivering messaging directly to consumers also creates challenges for regulators who are considering how the control of online advertising can work.

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Agency: AKQA | Client: Sprite | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Rich media

sprite%20100.jpg Campaigns - Lebron 23:23 for Sprite
Sprite reached out to consumers to create a theme song for LeBron James as part of its latest campaign, which leveraged the brand's relationship with the NBA. AKQA created an online destination ( which featured a music mixer widget, giving young contestants a chance to create and share their music anywhere on the web.

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Agency: AKQA | Client: Visa | Sector: Finance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Rich media

Cross-Media Case study: Dear Visa
This campaign shows how Visa and AKQA used video case studies to give free-of-charge advice to small-business owners. The Business Breakthrough site is specifically targeted to small businesses with only one to five employees. A "live" host, who appears on various animated backgrounds, serves as an emcee of sorts on the Business Breakthrough microsite, introducing each of the video case studies, which are the focal point of this straightforward, uncluttered site.

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Agency: AKQA | Client: Palm | Sector: IT | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Interactive media

palm%20100.jpg New campaign: Palm Treo 680 Launch
Palm targeted a broader audience for the launch of the Treo 680 because of the model's lower price point. As part of the global multimedia initiative, Palm allied with brands that consumers are passionate about: Amazon, Google, Flickr, The Onion, Yahoo and Zagal. Static and interactive media formats (such as the first ever SMS-activated kiosks) were used to communicate the breadth of Treo's features. 700 bus shelters in New York were equipped to allow users to receive horoscopes from The Onion via SMS. A WAP/mobile jump page was also created to drive users to a microsite for the full Palm experience.

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Agency: glue London | Client: Royal Marines recruitment | Sector: Recruitment | Objective: Lead generation | Format: Leaderboards

The "State of Mind" campaign for army recruitment in the UK is an excellent example of the impact video advertising can have. Developed by creative agency glue London, this campaign ran at the end of 2007 to promote recruitment into the Royal Marines. Strong production values, clever placement, and a simple idea proved that video formats can work well within banner spaces and not simply the 16:9 or 4:3 formats most directors gravitate to. The development of the campaign included shooting video especially for the web and allowing the online environment to dictate production needs and values.

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Agency: Incentivated | Client: British Airways | Sector: Transport | Objective: Customer retention | Format: mobile and search

ba.jpgThrough the website customers could enter their mobile numbers to receive up-to-the minute flight and contact information. During disruption caused by terrorist activity in August 2006 over 20,000 SMS messages were sent to BA passengers and cabin crew in 87 countries over a four-day period, which was 18 times more traffic than the previous highest. This campaign combined direct response mechanics of search with the awareness building properties of graphical formats.

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Case study: McDonald's | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand awareness, customer acquisition | Format: Banners

mcdoland.jpgMcDonald’s added interactive advertising to the media mix, which also included radio, print, and TV. By increasing online advertising's reach by 60%, McDonald's boosted product awareness by 8.3% among the 18-49 media target. This lift resulted in 6m more consumers becoming aware of the product. Online makes a real contribution to multichannel campaigns by reaching the same consumers in another complementary environment. It also reaches people other media can't. Among McDonald's target market, the 20% who are not heavy television users are reachable online.

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Client: Kimberly-Clark | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand awareness, customer acquisition | Format: Banners

kimberly.jpgOnline advertising campaign for Kimberly-Clark complemented offline marketing and delivered the 42% of the audience that was only lightly reached or not reached at all by television. The synergy of magazine and online advertising was the most effective combination for reaching this audience and boosting major key metrics including aided brand awareness, brand image, bundled trail intent and purchase intent.

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Client: Dove | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand awareness, customer acquisition | Format: Banners

Dove’s interactive advertising campaign contributed significantly to brand impact. By increasing the online spend within the same total ad budget from 2% to 15%, Unilever produced an 8% increase in overall branding metrics and a 14% increase in purchase intent.

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Client: Colgate | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Banners

Colgate ran their advertising campaign in print, television and online. The results showed that it cost 23% more to encourage consumer purchase using TV alone compared to using TV in combination with online. For their multichannel campaign, reallocating marketing dollars to online advertising was significantly more cost-effective at driving purchase intent and enhancing key branding metrics. Simply by allocating 7% of media dollars to online, purchase intent increased 3.8%.

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Client: VeriSign | Sector: Technology | Objective: Brand awareness, customer acquisition | Format: leaderboards and skyscrapers

The campaign ran in several business and technology magazines, including Forbes, CIO, Computer World and Network Computing, as well as targeting a B2B technology audience via online sites. The magazine ran one-page and two-page ads of striking black-and-white photos of large building projects, emphasising by analogy the reliability of VeriSign's infrastructure. Online, the ads were graphically similar but simpler, presented in leaderboard, large rectangle and skyscraper formats, with the copy emphasising security services. When readers saw both the magazine and online ads, their awareness, association and purchase intent for the security and directory services raised slightly (3-4 points), as did their impression of the brand as innovative (4 points). As for the white paper downloads, which was half of the measure of the online ads' success, the interactive ads were highly effective in doing so, generating more than 2,000 downloads, which exceeded the campaign's goal, compared to only 16 downloads attributable to the magazine ads.

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Client: Universal Studios | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer acquisition, brand awareness | Format: Rich media, banners

 The vast majority of Universal Studios advertising budget is spent on TV. Around 6% of the budget was spent on banner ads and less than 1% on rich media ads which floated animations on top of web pages. The results of the online advertising proved to be significantly better than the TV commercials. The most successful format was rich media.

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Client: ING | Sector: Finance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Banners

The objective of the XMOS study is to help marketers and their agencies answer the question: what is the optimal mix of advertising vehicles across different media, in terms of frequency, reach and budget allocation, for given campaign to achieve its marketing goals? This particular campaign for ING ran for six months and included advertising on television, magazines and online. The budgetary proportions of the campaign were 68% for television, 17% for magazines and 15% for the internet. The media mix proved to be more effective than advertising would have been in any single medium. The 15% share of budget that ING assigned to interactive demonstrated itself to be ideal in this campaign.

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Client: Ford | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Page takeovers

This online campaign featured broad-reach page takeovers on high traffic areas of major portals, including the home pages and email sections. The online ads had a significant lift on sales. In total, 6% of the sales of the vehicle could be directly attributed to the online advertising (without click through) during the period studied. Click-through tracked sales were responsible for a significant number of additional sales beyond the 6%.

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Client: Ford | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Banners

Ford has launched a cross media advertising campaign both on English and Spanish TV, radio, print, outdoor and via direct mail and online. The online ads that ran on auto-related pages proved to be the most cost effective at raising purchase intention: the portal roadblock ads and magazine ads were more expensive at raising purchase intention than in-market interactive ads, but they were both a great value in terms of cost-per-impact compared to television.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: TVL | Sector: Media | Objective: Customer retention | Format: Website redesign

The TV Licensing website was a crucial channel for its customer communication. RedEye was hired to tell how many, when and why customers visit the website, and also how many hits a website receives and when. It can also track the journey customers take through the webpages. RedEye data can also tell how many new customers are coming to the site, allowing understanding of growth and also how many are making a repeat visit. This information will feed back into improvements in customer retention.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Shell | Sector: Oil industry | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Online forum

Shell Optimax was the first performance unleaded fuel to market in the UK. It quickly developed an enthusiastic following amongst “petrol-heads” who were generating online buzz on forums, chatrooms and blogs. Taglab developed a fully featured forum, complying with Shell’s corporate web templates, within a one month project turnaround. The site promoted Shell Optimax performance fuel, capitalising on grassroots support for the product by providing a forum for enthusiasts to post their views, plus a competition and Grand Prix news. Within one week of launch, hundreds of users had registered on the site.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Schroders | Sector: Finance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Rich media

Schroders has historically focussed on direct marketing and trade press advertising in order to promote their funds to institutional investors. In order to test the effectiveness of online advertising, Taglab was briefed to adapt a series of fund campaigns into online treatments. They built a series of campaigns to promote fund launches and high performing funds to independent financial advisors. Whilst Schroders traditionally focusses on promoting funds to institutional investors, online advertising provides a cost effective means of reaching a wider IFA and retail audience.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: N&P | Sector: Finance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Web content

Interactive Flash presentation aids used by financial planners at Norwich & Peterborough Financial Advice Service to inform and educate customers on a variety of topics including attitude to risk, the cost of delay in starting a pension and how the stock market works. In order to provide high quality, impartial advice to an audience who tend to be financially unsophisticated, N&P’s advisors require presentation aids that help them to discuss complex financial concepts such as attitude to risk in a clear and accessible manner. Taglab developed a range of interactive Flash presentation tools that could be integrated into N&P’s electronic financial advise system.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Lycos | Sector: Media | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Viral

Lycos has evolved from an early leader in search to the content portal that it is today. With a large registered user-base for services such as Lycos Mail, Lycos aims to monetise its audience by extending into new content areas, such as XY. XY is a new channel on Lycos, targeting a similar audience to magazines such as Zoo and Nuts. Taglab was developed PR-able content and Viral game featuring user generated content to promote the launch of Lycos UK’s new “XY” men’s channel. The campaign features a Flash photofit style application enabling users to combine the features of celebrity females to design the perfect woman. The images can then be sent to friends or published in an online gallery.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Centrica | Sector: Gas industry | Objective: Customer communication | Format: Website redesign

Taglab brought British Gas’ site in line with the new brand and accessibility guidelines. Before the site was redeveloped, most British Gas Business customers tended to make contact via the call centre, rather than using the website. Moving just a small proportion of customers online would result in a large saving in customer support costs. The British Gas Business site targets both SMEs and larger industrial and commercial customers. Offering a combination of gas, electricity, telecoms and other business services, the site provides a combination of marketing and customer service information.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: CBI and DTI | Sector: Regulatory | Objective: Brand awareness | Format: Website redesign

Fit for the Future, the national campaign for best practice, offered a lot of content online. However, their site was hard to navigate, making this content difficult to access. A new site design was required that made more effective use of the content. Fit for the Future campaign website was developed for the CBI and DTI to promote the adoption and exchange of best practice in British industry. The site features hundreds of regularly updated articles on best practice. The new site generated substantially higher page views per unique visit. It also helped to address the perception that the campaign had a region bias to the South East.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Big Picture | Sector: Research | Objective: Brand awareness | Format: Rich media

The Big Picture is a research agency with a difference – they specialise in design. Clients include some of the world’s leading brand owners. Their website needed to appeal to a wide audience, from research buyers at major multinationals, to designers at exclusive creative agencies. Taglab developed a trio of stickmen characters, adapted from the new Big Picture logo. The site presents a series of tableau featuring these stickmen to illustrate various key aspects of the way in which consumers interact with design. As the stickmen encounter brands in everyday situations, typographic symbols appear in their heads to illustrate this interaction.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Betfair | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer acquisition and retention | Format: Website redesign

Originally launched in 2004, Betfair Poker has grown rapidly to become one of the busiest poker rooms in Europe. The site was originally hosted on the main Betfair platform. Whilst this allowed for tight integration with user account functionality, there was limited scope for content management. The current site targets both existing customers and prospects. Content is regularly updated and features dynamic, flexible templates, supporting rich media and timesensitive content. The new site now performs substantially better that its predecessor.

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