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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Crm Ecrm And Email Marketing case studies: we currently have 68.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 68 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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Unilever expands Project Sunlight campaign with short film

Unilever has expanded its Project Sunlight sustainability initiaitive with a new summer campaign, with a new short film, “The Way Kids See It”. The campaign aims to inspire families to create a brighter future by living more sustainably as part of Unilever’s long-term initiative to make sustainable living commonplace.

21/05/2014  |  Full story...

Case study: Digital hub helps First Great Western to keep Dawlish train line on track


After the sea wall on the Dawlish line is badly breached, First Great Western partners with ORM to create a travel advice hub for users of the washed away railway line. This case study looks at how customers and the public were kept in the loop on progress restoring the vital and historic rail line- boosting customer support and web traffic in the process.

07/05/2014  |  Full story...

Old Spice returns with ‘intervention’ prank websites


Old Spice has become famous for pioneering viral video ads, and its latest campaign sees the return of Isaiah Mustafa in a series of prank ads that look set to get consumers sharing in droves. Old Spice has designed 9 spoof pages advertising rather vain products, ranging from a muscle shirt that shapes flab into toned abs and a gold Bluetooth headset, which slowly morph into a video ‘intervention’ from Mustafa.

Brand: Old Spice | Sector: Health and Beauty, FMCG| Country: Global | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Social, Email, Video, Viral

11/02/2014  |  Full story...

Email marketing case study: Aviva gets 48% rise in quotes after ‘send more mail’ strategy


During 2013, Aviva overhauled its email marketing strategy with the help of Alchemy Worx. This case study looks at how the car insurance firm’s counter intuitive 'send more email' approach generated a 48 per cent rise in the number of quotes requested, as well as seeing a 4-fold increase in click-throughs.

Brand: Aviva | Sector: Financial/ Insurance | Country: UK | Agency/Partner: Alchemy Worx | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Email

22/01/2014  |  Full story...

Social case study: The government shutdown? Democrats fight back online #EnoughAlready


In September 2013, American politics exploded onto the web with a partial governement shutdown, and digital marketers got tough and took the fight to Twitter, email and beyond. And they made it personal with a massive campaign to hold Speaker John Boehner “responsible” for the shutdown. Here’s what they said…

Sector: Politics | Country: US | Objective: Petition, Social media followers | Format: Email, Twitter, Social media

07/10/2013  |  Full story...

10 examples of how Samsung adapted locally for worldwide success


Samsung ships millions of products every day to customers around the world. With a worldwide customer base, but to be successful, the electronics giant does not subscribe to a one size fits all philosophy. Its employees observe people's lives to give give them options that meet their varying cultural and regional needs. This case study offers a rare insight into how Samsung localises its products for the many markets it serves around the world, with 10 examples from different regions.

Brand: Samsung | Sector: Consumer Electronics | Country: Global | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase |

17/09/2013  |  Full story...

Social media case study: Burberry encourages customer participation with ‘Art of Trench’

Back in 2009, Burberry made the leap to social media with The Art of Trench’ an innovative micro-site that encouraged user-generated content. Users were encouraged to upload photos of themselves in their trench coats and can browse and comment on photos from all around the world. This case study looks at how the luxury capitalised on the new medium without eroding the exclusive, aspirational qualities that are core to the world of luxury.

Brand: Burberry | Sector: Luxury | Country: UK | Partner/agency: Razorfish | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Video, YouTube, Viral, Social media

31/07/2013  |  Full story...

Email case study: Boden revamps data strategies for customer acquisition and email targeting


UK fashion retailer Boden worked with Experian to better understand the data that sits at the core of its online business and revamp the way they use it - both in digital and offline format. Through smart use of customer databases Boden improved its direct mail offering and found ways to beter target and segment its customer database.

Read the full case study here

Brand: Boen | Sector: Clothing, retail | Country: US | Partner/agency: Experian ChetahMail | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Email

10/07/2013  |  Full story...

Email case Study: T.M. Lewin gets creative with Silverpop to boost ROI


Working with Silverpop, retailer T.M. Lewin used creative email campaigns to grow social media presence and increase ROI. This case study shows how combining shareworthy content and social-sharing links led to the promotion being shared by more than 4500 subscribers. Store revenue attributable to the campaign was impressive, and the marketing team were able to grow its mailing list by a considerable number. In addition, T.M.Lewin saw a 4 percent increase in Twitter activity, a 45 percent increase in Facebook “likes,” and a rise in the average Facebook engagement rate from 3% to a massive 37%.

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Brand: T.M. Lewin | Sector: Clothing, reatil | Country: UK | Agency/partner; Silverpop | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: Email, social media|

06/06/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: Easyroommate reduces customer calls by 75% with web self-service

Flatshare site Easyroommate transformed its customer experience and productivity by deploying Eptica’s multichannel customer service platform across its email and web channels. This case study shows how customer service calls have reduced by 75%, email handling time by 58% and First Contact Resolution has increased to above 90%.

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Brand: Easyroommate | Sector: Property | Country: UK | Agency/partner; Eptica | Objective: Customer Relationship Management | Format: Multichannel customer service platform |

06/06/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: Multivariate testing lets Clarks walk in customers’ shoes


Back in 2010, Clarks partnered Maxymiser to work on their online optimisation strategy. This case study looks at how, the shoe retailer used customer insight and testing to get a 4.2% uplift in conversion and 900% increase in newsletter sign ups. The success of their optimisation strategy is reflected in the number of multivariate tests Clarks has conducted. To date, the company has run around 36 major tests, each delivering incremental improvements. As familiarity with testing has matured, the nature of the tests has become more ambitious. Clarks’ most recent test has 160 variants.

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Brand: Clarks | Sector: Retail | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement, drive sales | Agency/partner; Maxymiser | Format: Email, Display advertising, Multivariate testing

03/05/2013  |  Full story...

Twitter fail: Microsoft director leaves after Xbox 'deal with it' outburst


In April 2013, Microsoft Creative Director Adam Orth resigned after posting flippant remarks on Twitter over the Xbox 720’s controversial 'always-online' rumours, telling frustrated customers to ‘deal with it”. The tweets caused outrage among internet users and Xbox fans alike, doing the rounds on several popular message boards such as Reddit. Now it has emerged that Orth has left the company.

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Brand: Microsoft Xbox | Sector: Gaming | Country: US | Objective: Build brand enagagment, drive sales | Format: Twitter, Social Media, CRM

25/04/2013  |  Full story...

Tesco begins Street View Easter egg hunt


In spring 2013, Tesco launched an online Easter egg hunt, using Google Street View technology to allow players to explore their local streets to find virtual Easter eggs. The game requires users to type in their post code or use GPS on their mobile device to begin their search for thousands of virtual eggs, with a voucher for a chocolate bunny available for those who find three eggs. As well as chocolate prizes there are also some extra special golden eggs hidden, with the finders winning tablet computers.

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Brand: Tesco | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Format: Google Maps/ Streetview

22/03/2013  |  Full story...

The fail trail: How 3 brands handled a social media crisis


When Domino’s employees were caught on YouTube defiling a pizza, the company took less than 3 weeks to claw back a 22% drop in customer sentiment. However, when Nestle and United Airlines suffered setbacks, the brands took considerably longer to recover. This infographic from software and consultancy firm SDL Social Intelligence looks at all three case studies and charts the ‘fail trail’ as companies recover from a social media crisis.

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Brand: Dominos, Nestle, United Airlines | Sector: FMCG, Travel | Country: US/ Global | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Format: Social Media

22/03/2013  |  Full story...

Maker’s Mark backlash- proof that a week’s a long time in social media?


Last month, whisky brand Maker’s Mark reduced its alcohol proof from 90% to 84%, sparking outcry as customers flocked to Facebook and Twitter to discuss ‘watered-down whisky’ and switching to rival brands. After nine days of social media, national newspaper and TV coverage, the brand was forced into an extraordinary U-turn. This case study from Gemma Storey at Carrot Communications takes a day-by-day look at how the crisis unfolded for the premium bourbon brand and how it could have managed things differently.

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Brand: Maker's Mark/ BEAM | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Country: US, UK | Objective: Social media, Crisis Management, email, PR | Format: Social Media

07/03/2013  |  Full story...

Email marketing case study: Saucy subject lines seduce subscribers


This year’s Valentine’s day ads have produced some eye-opening stats, with subject lines without discounts performing better than those offering a discount, and ‘lust’ getting higher clicks than ‘love’. This case study looks at promotions from from Ann Summers, La Senza and Time Out London to determine how to get the most out of seasonal email marketing campaigns.

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Brand: Ann Summers, La Senza, Time Out | Sector: Clothing, Magazines | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement, drive sales | Format: Email | Agency/ Partner: Return Path

07/03/2013  |  Full story...

Mobile Case Study: Littlewoods doubles conversions with mobile affiliate tracking


Ahead of the Christmas rush, Littlewoods used mobile affiliate tracking to boost sales from publishing sites linking to their mobile-optimised store. The results spoke for themselves, with a rise in mobile customers spending more than their desktop counterparts.

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Brand: Littlewoods | Sector: Retail | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement, drive sales | Format: Affiliate marketing , display advertisign, mobile marketing, behavioral targeting | Agency/ Partner: Affiliate Window |

01/03/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: P&O email videos get 950% increase in bookings


P&O’s recent “Grand Event” campaign used dynamic content into their email marketing for the first time, with some extremely strong results. This case study, from Experian CheetahMail, illustrates how P&O a 950% increase in bookings and 679% boost in revenue (as compared to previous email campaign without a video).

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Brand: P&O | Sector: Travel | Country: UK | Agencies: Experian CheetahMail | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Email, Video |

14/02/2013  |  Full story...

Twitter marketing case study - HMV's weak social media policy damages brand


Does your brand have a good social media policy in place? This Twitter marketing case stud shows what can happen when firms engage in social media without having the right approach. Marketers being sacked by struggling retailer used the company's official Twitter feed to release their anger, creating a PR crisis. It makes for painful reading, but reminds every business how transparent the world is today.

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Brand: HMV | Sector: FMCG, Retail, Recruitment | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Social Media, Twitter |

08/02/2013  |  Full story...

Email case study: Blind charity’s email trick gets 24% click through rate


Last year, the Royal National Institute for the Blind ran an email campaign that cleverly played with email conventions to challenge readers to empathise with blind or partially sighted people. This case study looks at how they managed to get a 24% click through rate with a simple but effective email.

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Brand: RNIB | Sector: Charity | Coutry: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Elvis | Format: Email |

06/02/2013  |  Full story...

John West interactive YouTube video tells ‘story in a can’


This interactive YouTube video forms part of John West’s latest £6m marketing efforts to showcase its ethical fishing practices. The ‘story in a can’ campaign invites UK consumers to track exactly where their canned fish comes from. Created by CheethamBell JWT, the ‘story in a can’ creative features a weathered fisherman aboard a trawler, holding up a can of tuna and telling a story about the fishing trip during which the tuna was caught.

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Brand: John West | Country: UK | Agency: CheethamBell JWT, Carat Manchester | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverages | Format: YouTube, Video, Facebook, Social Media

20/11/2012  |  Full story...

Spoof Bodyform CEO responds to Facebook man’s rant- and gets 3m views in a week


UK maxi pad brand Bodyform has created a viral ad with a fictional CEO responding to a Facebook user, who accused the company of lying to the public. Facebook user Richard Neill wrote a sarcastic comment on Bodyform's page earlier this month poking fun at the company's depiction of a woman's "wonderful time of the month" in its TV ads. At the time of this publication, Neill’s rant totalled 88,745 likes and 3,848 comments. The spoof video - which has so far notched up nearly 3m views on YouTube - ends with the CEO thanking Richard for lifting the veil on their lies and exposing the truth.

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Brand: Bodyform | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG healthcare | Agency: Carat | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Video, Facebook, YouTube

09/11/2012  |  Full story...

How Squishable used Facebook to improve product development


Stuffed toy maker Squishable used Facebook to engage with its customers and devlop new products via crowdsourcing . The company uses customer feedback to develop the products. The company puts its customers at the centre of product innovation. All key decisions are made by fans, ranging from which animal should be the next squishable to what colour it should be. has found a reliable and cost-saving product innovation tool in Facebook.’s social product innovation seems to be a hit, products are back-ordered for months and the company’s fan base continues to grow.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Secret | Country: USA| Sector: Toys | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


ShoeDazzle boosts Facebook sharing by 600% with API tools


Hollywood-based fashion accessory network ShoeDazzle used Facebook to provide customer service and enable conversations with friends and the overall ShoeDazzle community. ShoeDazzle leveraged Facebook Pages, the Comments plugin, Feed APIs, Graph API’s, Like button to create more easy ways for people to share the ShoeDazzle shopping and discovery experience with friends and encourage people to share and surface their tastes. Members who used Facebook Connect demonstrated above average loyalty, buying more frequently than members who had not connected through Facebook. Shares through customized News Feed invitations increased over 600%, making Facebook one of ShoeDazzle’s highest volume referral channels. Likes on products, reached hundreds of thousands.

Facebook case study Shoedazzle Facebook page | Shoedazzle

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Brand: ShoeDazzle | Sector: Fashion| Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


AT&T ‘Facebook team’ answers social questions to boost conversions


US telecoms giant AT&T used 20 representatives on Facebook to respond within 15 mins of any query / post. The effort also resulted in word of mouth and fans talking to each other by responding to posts, queries of other subscribers on the page. Customers whose problems are resolved via social media often come back to the page to thank AT&T. The Facebook page resulted in two times higher conversion rates compared to other online and offline marketing campaigns.

Facebook case study | Video case study

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Brand: AT&T | Sector: Telecom | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook page


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