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Crm Ecrm And Email Marketing case studies: we currently have 68.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 68 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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Hackett boosts online customer service with StoreForce

Upmarket clothes retailer Hackett used StoreForce Workforce Management Plus)platform to increase sales by allowing them to maximise the effectiveness of its sales team.


18/05/2018  |  Full story...

How consumer-generated content powered Argos business growth

This case study from Argos and Bazaarvoice, covers how the UK retailer ensured its website is a ‘one-stop shop’ for customers, including product descriptions and images, reviews, real-life images and Q&As of the products among others, and how it utilises product sampling prior to bringing new products to market.


29/11/2017  |  Full story...

Email fail: Amazon mistakenly sends baby registry emails

In September 2017, Amazon mistakenly sent out some very confusing emails, telling a large number of customers that someone had bought an item off their baby registry. This case study looks at how even the largest digital giants can make glaring customer data errors.


29/09/2017  |  Full story...

Video case study: MailChimp wins Cyber Lions with name mix-up

Droga’s MailChimp campaign won one of the 3 top Cyber Grand Prix at Cannes this year, with a quirky video ad making fun of its own name.

07/07/2017  |  Full story...

Email case study: Artificial intelligence helps sports brand boosts web revenues 8%

Online action sports retailer, FreestyleXtreme used an artificial intelligence (AI) enabled cloud marketing platform to increase revenues and engage more effectively with customers.


27/06/2017  |  Full story...

Mobile case study: Shell uses Facebook Chatbots to sell event tickets

Shell used Facebook Messenger Chatbots to sell tickets to its London Eco-Marathon event in London, showcasing the company’s commitment to sustainable transport of the future.

23/06/2017  |  Full story...

Crisis management case study: United Airlines

In March 2017 United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz was named U.S. Communicator of the Year by the magazine PR Week. Just one month later, his company’s poor response to a customer incident has turned into a PR disaster, caused its stock to dramatically drop $1bn in value and has placed the entire airline industry under the microscope. Joanna Delaney, Digital Strategy Analyst at Digital Strategy Consulting group, looks at how the situation escalated, explaining how through the power of social media an isolated incident turned into a global PR disaster overnight.


28/04/2017  |  Full story...

Email case study: Detroit Pistons sends self-updating emails to fan’s inboxes

This NBA season the Detroit Pistons made innovative use of dynamic emails to keep fans up to date with the latest basketball scores. This case study looks at how the US basketball team got a 49% increase in mobile engagement with live updating emails.


02/06/2016  |  Full story...

Email case study: Closet London gets 50 times more conversions through personalisation

Fashion brand Closet London saw a major uplift in revenue and conversion rates as a result of implementing a personalised email strategy with Bronto Software, getting a 2900% increase in email based revenue alone.


26/05/2016  |  Full story...

How KLM used chat apps to boost brand engagement in China

KLM wanted to create a smarter customer service experience via WeChat to engage with customers in China. This case study looks at how the Dutch airline giant worked with Nexmo to create a more efficient customer service platform for the modern consumer.


28/04/2016  |  Full story...

Email case study: HouseTrip triples open rates with contextualised targetting

HouseTrip used a smart email camapign to to drive incremental bookings by engaging with potential holidaymakers through tailored emails. This case study looks at how the holiday rental marketplace boosted open rates by a factor of three.


25/02/2016  |  Full story...

OMO ‘Fast Maths’ app educates South African kids

South Africa may have one of the lowest maths literacy rates in the world, but it’s up there when it comes to tech literacy – the market boasts 86% mobile penetration. Using the latter to boost the former seemed a good opportunity – and laundry brand OMO, with a stated purpose of unlocking human potential – was in a good place to make it happen.

23/09/2015  |  Full story...

Email case study: Oak Furniture Land uses geo-targeting boosts revenue 30%

Oak Furniture Land wanted a new digital campaign that linked its online presence with its 62 stores around the UK. This case study shows how the furniture retailer made smart use of localised targeting to boost revenue by 30% year on year.


09/09/2015  |  Full story...

Social media management case study: Bugaboo bikini mum sparks controversy

With content marketing spilling onto social media, the context of each post becomes crucial- as one baby buggy manufacturer learned the hard way. In July 2015, a photo of young bikini-clad model and mum running with a Bugaboo stroller caused outrage on Facebook. The image, originally published as part in a Vogue Netherlands article, was then posted on Bugaboo's Facebook and Instagram profiles- prompting reactions from admiration to disgust. This case study examines the lessons we can learn from this social media storm.


30/07/2015  |  Full story...

Twitter fail: Nando's criticised for 'flirty tweets’ to female customer

Social media is great for sending personalised messaged to customers- but what happens when brands get too personal? Nando’s recently attracted criticism after a its tweets to a female customer crossed the line from friendly to creepy- this case study looks at where they went wrong.


03/06/2015  |  Full story...

Mobile CRM case study: How Paribas used push notifications to boost mobile presence

With a presence in 75 countries and nearly 200,000 employees worldwide, BNP Paribas is a major bank in the euro zone and the fourth largest bank in the world.This case study looks at how the bank used a multi-channel approach with a dedicated banking app that boosted its customer ratings by 60%.


14/05/2015  |  Full story...

Social issues case study: How brands are taking a stance (and winning fans) with LGBT advertising

Marketing entails more than just reaching the right person at the right time. Google and YouTube data looking at messages about diversity and equality for the LGBT community highlights some interesting results for Burger King and Honey Maid in the US.

16/04/2015  |  Full story...

Email marketing case study: Evans Cycles and the value of an email address

With the demise of many once popular high street brands it has never been more important for retailers to have a multichannel strategy. It is important for business to track their customers using data collected both in store and online. A great example of the value of an email address can be demonstrated by Evans Cycles email marketing strategy. This case study looks at one customer’s journey through the email marketing process.


04/02/2015  |  Full story...

Case study: Cottages4you gets 957% ROI with follow up messages

In December 2013 Triggered Messaging and cottages4you worked together to introduce a browse and cart abandonment strategy which went live in early January 2014. Cart abandonment is a challenge that faces every organisation selling online, but it is dependent on visitors placing items in their basket. Crucially, it doesn’t’ take in to account the often larger number who simply browse and leave. This case study looks at how “For every £1 invested with Triggered Messaging it has returned £9.57.


03/02/2015  |  Full story...

How to handle a marketing fail: Mobile bug wakes up Australians an hour early

Smartphone users in Australia were given a rude awakening on 13th January 2015, when a technical glitch meant the customers of mobile network Optus were woken up an hour earlier by their alarm apps. This case study looks at how the brand reacted to the social media backlash with offers of free coffee and food.

21/01/2015  |  Full story...

CSR case study: Budweiser tackles drink driving with man’s best friend

Continuing the success of its Super Bowl ‘Puppy Love’ commercial, this Budweiser’s corporate social responsibility campaign carried another canine theme... and a powerful anti-drink drive message that got 20 million views within a month.

14/10/2014  |  Full story...

Food for thoughts: SSP links till receipts to digital surveys

Food outlet operator SSP, the company behind Starbucks and Upper Crust, partnered with eDigitalResearch to listen to customers around the world and improve the customer experience. This case study looks at how the firm streamlined its customer feedback process while seeing a tangible return on in its customer relationship management investment.


09/09/2014  |  Full story...

Going viral the B2B way: Sungard prepares IT managers for Zombie Apocalypse

Filling in an online registration form is possibly the most tedious online activity- so how can brands make their customer retention campaigns more fun? IT firm Sungard had the answer: zombies. This case study looks at how a novel approach to selling an Enterprise Disaster Recovery Plan boosted customer reactivations.

03/09/2014  |  Full story...

B2B social media case study: How a shipping firm became more popular than Disney on Facebook

A B2B shipping firm doesn’t sound like the most exciting social media brand in the world, but back in 2012, Maersk caught the attention of many (including Facebook itself) after it managed to generate tidal waves of traffic by spinning mundane overseas haulage journeys into tales of high seas adventure. This case study looks at how the firm used a raft of social media platforms to engage with customers… eventually generating more engagement on its Facebook than Disney.

03/09/2014  |  Full story...

Social CRM case study: How Bosch learned to target select trades on Facebook

Back in 2010, Bosch had a problem- it had two thriving B2B social media platforms but couldn’t determine which manual trades preferred Facebook and which ones visited its bespoke community ‘Bob’. This case study looks at how the electronic tool maker used CRM software to better understand its diverse audience behaviour and market to select trades more efficiently on the right social media channel.

Read this slide presentation explaining how the CRM process worked below:

03/09/2014  |  Full story...

Further crm ecrm and email marketing case studies

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