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Content Marketing case studies: we currently have 91.

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Case study: Talk Talk | Sector: Telecoms | Format: Social Media

Talk Talk Forever StoryA brilliant example of taking a big idea and applying it online. Using the web as a platform for engagement, Talk Talk aligned with the Treehouse autism charity to create The Forever Story, persuading thousands of consumers to take part and collaborate in what became a Guinness world record for the largest multi-author story ever: 8000 entries, 20 hours of content, podcasts, Facebook apps - and of course, the story continues, online.

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07/05/2009  |  Full story...

Case study: Coca-Cola Zero & Nokia | Sector: FMCG | Format: Mobile

Coca-Cola Zero offers Coca-Cola taste with zero calories. Brazil has become one of its most important markets, and Coke Zero was looking for ways to reinforce its position as a leading low-calorie soft drink. To extend its relationship with young audiences it launched Coca-Cola Zero Studio, a project that fuses different types of music together. Two Brazilian artists recorded a show mixing their musical styles in association with a major music broadcaster, so Coca-Cola was seeking a way to share this content with consumers, and raise awareness of the recently launched Coca-Cola Zero brand.

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Case study: STA Travel and Off Exploring | Sector: Travel | Format: Website & platform

STA TravelThis pioneering use of blogging by the STA travel business found a way of engaging hundreds of thousands of customers. Rather than creating a corporate blog, STA worked with the technology team at Off Exploring to build a powerful platform their customers could use. They gave the customers of their travel services a blog and by doing this connected together an online community of like-minded individuals. Customers were encouraged to tell the story of their travels, building content and emailing their friends. Instantly the technology was a success, with backpackers writing their letters home to friends and family in the form of web pages that could instantly be linked to from Facebook and other social media. It's a rare example of pioneering social media because it went against the conventions at the time it was created. The technologists at Off Exploring created the framework for this social media platform and then continued to add more tools to it. As consumers are more exposed to different forms of advertising (and in ever-increasing amounts), brands need to listen carefully to what they want: providing the right tools and utility assures cut-through in an increasingly cluttered market.

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Case study: Lipton Tea | Sector: FMCG | Format: Social media content on YouTube

Lipton Tea YouTube

Video engagement through YouTube

Here’s a simple example of how one brand has used its own website as a focus for social media activity. Lipton Tea has combined off-line promotional mechanics with online content and the YouTube platform to create a focus for consumer generated media. This type of branded content can be a powerful support to any marketing campaign, but for the content top be seen and forwarded across social networks there are high thresholds for quality and entertainment.

11/03/2009  |  Full story...

Case study: Coke - Grand Theft Auto | Sector: FMCG | Format: Video and viral

Coke Grand Theft AutoThis television style commercial uses the classic tease and reveal model. It builds a story which is entertaining and engaging. By releasing it on line the web Coke build discussion among key target audiences. The fact the origins of the idea are in an online game gives a synergy with the target audience and the viewing environment. The creative is really a classic television commercial that simply takes an icon of the digital gaming world – Grand Theft Auto – and builds a story around it. The way it was deployed then created a greater effect...

  • Harnessing social media content by developing a viral effect for transmitting the message through YouTube and email
  • Using online gaming characters and visualisations to build brand equity and message association between Coke, the brand and the coolness of the game
  • The brand exploits an icon of digital entertainment in a way that is synergistic with the expectations of the target consumer
  • The brand succeeds in creating content that successfully parodies one of the world’s leading games

15/05/2008  |  Full story...

Case study: Dove 'onslaught' | Sector: FMCG | Format: Video, rich media

Dove OnslaughtThe marketing model behind this campaign involves using video as a way to deliver a powerful message that's in tune with the beliefs of the target consumer. The brand is creating powerful content that it releases online in a way intended to be stumbled upon by consumers and shared between their friends. By releasing it to open platforms such as YouTube, they're implicitly inviting discussion. There can be paid-for placement in key media to extend the reach and start the process, but ideally the campaign works by the word of mouth effect. To gain accountability the brand team can track play rates to measure the number of exposures, and use qualitative and social network analysis to gain feedback about the brand sentiment.

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15/05/2008  |  Full story...

Fiat 500: new car, new medium

Fiat 500There was a time when the web was still a minor ‘add-on’ to a car launch campaign, but with most new cars being researched online before a decision is made about the brand (let alone the purchase), every motor manufacturer has had to refocus their efforts to the web. Five years ago set a new standard in web content, fusing together the genres of entertainment films, product placement and video demonstrations. They raised the bar so high that few motoring brands have come close since. However, this month’s launch of the Fiat 500 from digital specialists AKQA is a worthy contender. They’ve built 21 short movies with a personality that’s on brand and production quality that would stand up in cinema. raised the bar  |  Watch more on  |  Check out more work from AKQA

25/01/2008  |  Full story...

Case study: | Agency: FitchLive | Sector: Army recruitment | Format : Content creation and event amplification

ArmyOnEverest.jpgWhen the Army planned their assault on the West Ridge of Everest in 2006, there was an opportunity to engage young potential recruits by letting that story be told. Climbed only once in 30 years, only one group had ever made it to the top. PCIFitch were supplying the raw materials from the field back into the mainstream media as well as the web. The intention was to touch audiences through streams on the web, podcast downloads, iTunes and the broadest range of touchpoints. Over a million viewers enjoyed streamed content, blogs were posted to the site from the mountain and to feed into the recruitment processes, schools were targeted with lesson plans created for teachers and games for their students. Integration included downloadable posters and images, text alerts and more than a dozen different channels. The campaign went on to win the “Best digital campaign of 2006” at the Campaign awards. When we interviewed Peter Cowie, Managing partner at FitchLive who were behind the work, said “great work comes from the chemistry of the teams working together. The effect of the campaign included attracting 1m people, 30,000 of whom claimed they were ‘interested’ in joining the army. 3,500 are likely to be recruited as a direct result of the campaign”. For Peter it’s clear that “the future of advertising is about using all of these new channels together”.


Agency: AKQA | Client: Visa | Sector: Finance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Rich media

Cross-Media Case study: Dear Visa
This campaign shows how Visa and AKQA used video case studies to give free-of-charge advice to small-business owners. The Business Breakthrough site is specifically targeted to small businesses with only one to five employees. A "live" host, who appears on various animated backgrounds, serves as an emcee of sorts on the Business Breakthrough microsite, introducing each of the video case studies, which are the focal point of this straightforward, uncluttered site.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: N&P | Sector: Finance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Web content

Interactive Flash presentation aids used by financial planners at Norwich & Peterborough Financial Advice Service to inform and educate customers on a variety of topics including attitude to risk, the cost of delay in starting a pension and how the stock market works. In order to provide high quality, impartial advice to an audience who tend to be financially unsophisticated, N&P’s advisors require presentation aids that help them to discuss complex financial concepts such as attitude to risk in a clear and accessible manner. Taglab developed a range of interactive Flash presentation tools that could be integrated into N&P’s electronic financial advise system.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Lycos | Sector: Media | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Viral

Lycos has evolved from an early leader in search to the content portal that it is today. With a large registered user-base for services such as Lycos Mail, Lycos aims to monetise its audience by extending into new content areas, such as XY. XY is a new channel on Lycos, targeting a similar audience to magazines such as Zoo and Nuts. Taglab was developed PR-able content and Viral game featuring user generated content to promote the launch of Lycos UK’s new “XY” men’s channel. The campaign features a Flash photofit style application enabling users to combine the features of celebrity females to design the perfect woman. The images can then be sent to friends or published in an online gallery.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: CBI and DTI | Sector: Regulatory | Objective: Brand awareness | Format: Website redesign

Fit for the Future, the national campaign for best practice, offered a lot of content online. However, their site was hard to navigate, making this content difficult to access. A new site design was required that made more effective use of the content. Fit for the Future campaign website was developed for the CBI and DTI to promote the adoption and exchange of best practice in British industry. The site features hundreds of regularly updated articles on best practice. The new site generated substantially higher page views per unique visit. It also helped to address the perception that the campaign had a region bias to the South East.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Big Picture | Sector: Research | Objective: Brand awareness | Format: Rich media

The Big Picture is a research agency with a difference – they specialise in design. Clients include some of the world’s leading brand owners. Their website needed to appeal to a wide audience, from research buyers at major multinationals, to designers at exclusive creative agencies. Taglab developed a trio of stickmen characters, adapted from the new Big Picture logo. The site presents a series of tableau featuring these stickmen to illustrate various key aspects of the way in which consumers interact with design. As the stickmen encounter brands in everyday situations, typographic symbols appear in their heads to illustrate this interaction.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Betfair | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer acquisition and retention | Format: Website redesign

Originally launched in 2004, Betfair Poker has grown rapidly to become one of the busiest poker rooms in Europe. The site was originally hosted on the main Betfair platform. Whilst this allowed for tight integration with user account functionality, there was limited scope for content management. The current site targets both existing customers and prospects. Content is regularly updated and features dynamic, flexible templates, supporting rich media and timesensitive content. The new site now performs substantially better that its predecessor.

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Agency: Taglab | Client: Betfair | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer retention | Format: Event diary application

When Betfair launched in 2000, they were the world’s first online betting exchange. Since then, they’ve grown rapidly, and today they have 95,000 active users. Each year, Betfair would mail these users a branded diary. As their membership grew, this tradition became increasingly expensive. The time had come to consider an alternative approach. Taglab developed a sophisticated online sporting calendar targeting Betfair’s registered users. The calendar, featuring hundreds of sporting events. Functionality includes the ability to import events into Outlook, TV listing information and deep-links into Betfair’s markets.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: William Hill | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer retention | Format: Website redesign

Before anyone can bet online with William Hill they must by law register to prove they are over 18, to provide bank details and to submit name and address details. Of course this information also provides valuable data that can be used to target those who have registered but not converted to purchase, and to enter customers into a relationship management programme. William Hill suspected that the registration process was one of the largest barriers to buy. They wanted to test this, and many other alternative site processes. However they recognised that first they needed a new and accurate way to measure the results. After exhaustive analysis of available tracking systems William Hill choose RedEye who placed their tracking code onto every page of the website. Two alternative registration processes were tested over successive weeks and the results measured until a statistically significantly number of new people had visited the site.

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