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Compass Interactive case studies: we currently have 1.

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Case study: L’Oréal Derma Genesis | Agency: Compass Interactive | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: Pharmaceuticals | Objectives: Brand awareness, engagement, purchase intent | Format: Rich media, microsite & video

Case study: L’Oréal Derma GenesisAchieving dwell time in media is a massive challenge. The click happy generation rarely spend seconds with commercial messages and have become adept at filtering out what doesn’t interest them. However this campaign from L’Oréal achieved 2-3 minutes of dwell time, here’s why…

Derma Genesis was a new product line from L’Oréal designed to revitalize and illuminate the skin. To promote brand awareness they launched a campaign in the Malaysian market to promote the range of products. L’Oréal has a reputation for forward thinking, and this was further proven by their first foray into online advertising. Rather than “testing the waters” with a minimum buy campaign, L’Oréal decided to pull out all the stops with Derma Genesis and launched a heavyweight campaign with free samples, a video contest, interactive product information and a really integrated campaign. For consumer packaged goods firms there’s a real challenge in building both awareness and encouraging trial, but the brand achieved this with the bespoke ‘MSN Homepage skinner’ advertising format. The presence of the brand clearly caught the attention of users on the MSN Homepage and also reached Windows Live Hotmail visitors. L’Oréal spokesmodel Penelope Cruz prominently featured on the home page.

Download the case study: L’Oréal Derma Genesis | View campaign creative


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