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Colgate case studies: we currently have 4.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 4 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Facebook case study: Colgate boosts sales 7.1% with mobile video ads

Oral care brand Colgate boosted sales of its new Total toothpaste by 7.1% in the UK after running a mobile-first video campaign across Facebook and Instagram.


17/02/2020  |  Full story...

Video case study: Colgate boosts brand interest 1116% with YouTube push

To promote the innovative new Colgate Optic White Express White toothpaste, Colgate-Palmolive put YouTube at the core of its integrated media and creative campaigns. By overhauling its marketing strategy and investing more heavily in digital, Colgate scored big and "will never look back."


07/09/2016  |  Full story...

Colgate campaign rewards Tweeters with coupons


In the summer of 2013, Colgate launched Twitter campaign ‘There's Something in Your Tweet', helping people alert people that they have food stuck in their teeth. The Canada-based campaign was created by Union Toronto, letting people send an anonymous alert via Twitter, or if they want to keep it private then they can send a quick email.

Brand: Colgate | Sector: FMCG healthcare | Country: Canada | Agency/Partner: Grand Union Toronto | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format:Twitter, Social media

18/09/2013  |  Full story...

Client: Colgate | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Banners

Colgate ran their advertising campaign in print, television and online. The results showed that it cost 23% more to encourage consumer purchase using TV alone compared to using TV in combination with online. For their multichannel campaign, reallocating marketing dollars to online advertising was significantly more cost-effective at driving purchase intent and enhancing key branding metrics. Simply by allocating 7% of media dollars to online, purchase intent increased 3.8%.

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