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Coca Cola case studies: we currently have 30.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 30 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Case study: Coke Wayne Rooney | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Brand positioning, cut-through, buzz | Format: Online media, viral marketing, social media

Coke Wayne RooneyCoca-Cola needed to find a way of levering a celebrity endorsement to gain cut-through in a tough market. The brand was looking for a technique of messaging that would gain real attention, connecting to the right people and in the right way. The peer referral power of viral marketing offers this promise, but in most cases proves elusive for fast moving consumer goods firms. However, this short video starring English football star Wayne Rooney - proved compelling enough for millions of people to want to send this on. It’s the kind of connection all viral marketing sets out to make but rarely delivers.

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26/06/2009  |  Full story...

Case study: Coca-Cola CokeZone | Agency: Carlson | Sector: FMCG | Format: Advertising, microsite, website

Coke CokeZoneA great example of creative that combines relevancy with active engagement. Coca-cola maintains consistently world class digital marketing and these campaigns are looking to drive registration for their seasonal promotions. By tracking dwell time they can track the increase in the intensity of engagement with the consumer.

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Case study: Coca-Cola Zero & Nokia | Sector: FMCG | Format: Mobile

Coca-Cola Zero offers Coca-Cola taste with zero calories. Brazil has become one of its most important markets, and Coke Zero was looking for ways to reinforce its position as a leading low-calorie soft drink. To extend its relationship with young audiences it launched Coca-Cola Zero Studio, a project that fuses different types of music together. Two Brazilian artists recorded a show mixing their musical styles in association with a major music broadcaster, so Coca-Cola was seeking a way to share this content with consumers, and raise awareness of the recently launched Coca-Cola Zero brand.

Download Nokia Coke Zero case study


Case study: Mentos & Diet Coke | Sector: FMCG | Format: Viral

Mentos and Diet CokeA mint, a fizzy drink and a schoolboy prank taken to extremes. We must have watched this 50 times and still it gets a smile. These videos with quality production values and good direction tell a story that’s right in tone, length and format for the web today. Thanks to YouTube they’ll be around 10 years from now and still reinforcing the brand. But as a creative concept this wasn’t created by the brands; it grew from the street and wasn’t easy for the brands to accommodate at first. What many marketers forget is that for every firm there are brand adorers and brand vandals and there needs to be a strategy for dealing with both. Over the next 10 years the centre of gravity of the web will shift to social media and firms need to have these strategies in place before their brands and content start being used. Marketing in social media demands creating material people want to share. The principles of getting this right grew from the early days of viral marketing in the mid 90s and are closely related to PR. ‘Enjoy the film.

11/03/2009  |  Full story...

Case study: Coke - Grand Theft Auto | Sector: FMCG | Format: Video and viral

Coke Grand Theft AutoThis television style commercial uses the classic tease and reveal model. It builds a story which is entertaining and engaging. By releasing it on line the web Coke build discussion among key target audiences. The fact the origins of the idea are in an online game gives a synergy with the target audience and the viewing environment. The creative is really a classic television commercial that simply takes an icon of the digital gaming world – Grand Theft Auto – and builds a story around it. The way it was deployed then created a greater effect...

  • Harnessing social media content by developing a viral effect for transmitting the message through YouTube and email
  • Using online gaming characters and visualisations to build brand equity and message association between Coke, the brand and the coolness of the game
  • The brand exploits an icon of digital entertainment in a way that is synergistic with the expectations of the target consumer
  • The brand succeeds in creating content that successfully parodies one of the world’s leading games

15/05/2008  |  Full story...

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