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Click Through case studies: we currently have 8.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 8 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Case study: Yes rich media campaign gets 140% higher click-through rate


Malaysian 4G mobile operator Yes made innovative use of rich media to engage and convert the target audiences, resulting in a click through rate 140% higher than average. The campaign encouraged consumers to subscribe and pre-register for the service before its official commercial launch by rich media site takeovers via Better Digital Solutions across all major news portals in the country. This case study shows how with the use of innovative rich media advertising and with clear call to action, Yes enticed and engaged users and also led to strong branding and conversions. Not just clicking customers but approx 0.79% of non clicking impressions also led to conversions. The average Dwell time of users interacting with the campaign was 73.06 seconds 1.6 times the benchmark and average dwell rate 13.39% 1.9 times the benchmark. The CTR for the campaign was 140% higher than the Malaysian CTR benchmarks of 0.73%.

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Brand: Yes |Media: Better Digital Solutions MY | Country: Malaysia |Sector: Telecommunications | Agency: Agenda Asia MY, Carat MY, Media Mind | Format: Rich Media, Site takeover

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25/01/2012  |  Full story...

Inception’s Rich Media homepage takeover smashes CTR benchmarks


Warner Brothers used a striking rich media campaign to drive awareness of the DVD released of blockbuster movie Inception, achieving much higher than average dwell rates and click through rates as a result. The campaign employed a user-initiated video within a banner on gaming website GameSpot, showcasing the movie’s special effects. Warner worked with CBS interactive and used Media Mind’s Glider takeover format. The ad begins with the homepage falling towards the user, revealing the world of Inception. The ‘fallen back’ homepage remains visible throughout the experience, so the user maintains a connection to the GameSpot site while exploring the ad. The Dwell rate for Glider Takeover was 21.87%, 268% improvement over the benchmark & CTR was 247% improvement over the benchmark

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Brand: Warner Home Video |Media: CBS Interactive | Country: US |Sector: Telecommunications | Agency: Media Mind | Format: Glider Takeover on GameSpot

View the case study here: MediaMind


Case study: How Leroy Merlin’s ‘offers carousel’ banner boosted brand engagement


Spanish homewares retailer Leroy Merlin used a dynamic ‘carousel’ offers banner to improve brand engagement, driving sales and enjoying a huge dwell rate in the process. Working with MediaMind, Leroy Merlin displayed 62 offers to consumers depending on date and user response. The banner was updated via XML feed, making any modification possible in real time without needing to stop any live ads. The three week campaign used adverts on leading home and decorating sites, the banners showcased the special offers and included video and an option to download catalogue in pdf format. The Dwell time was 85.91 seconds which is 78% greater than the benchmark 48.02 sec. The pdf catalogue was downloaded 2,577 times. Using the carousel –style browsing 32,393 views of discounts of the day was recorded for 13,400 products.

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Brand: Leroy Merlin |Country: Spain |Sector: Retail| Agency: OMD, Media Mind | Format: Dynamic Banner, Digital Shop, Carousel Format

View the campaign: Leroy Merlin | Download the Case Study: Offers Carousel


Case Study: MMA | Media: MSN | Country: France | Sector: Financial services - Insurance | Objectives: Brand awareness, engagement, driving traffic, click-through | Format: Mobile marketing

MMA.jpgMobile advertising provided French insurance company MMA with a highly personal platform for warning young French adults of the dangers of drink driving. An innovative range of mobile content, including virtual breath tests and designated driver generators, drove a 2 per cent clickthrough rate, and a ten-fold increase in traffic on MMA’s road safety mobile site.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: Coca-Cola | Media: MSN | Country: Coca-Cola | Sector: FMCG - Food and drink | Objective: Engagement, click through, integration, purchase intent | Format: Video, social media

CocaCola.jpgA spectacular two-stage campaign across a range of Microsoft Advertising channels turned Coca-Cola’s popular ‘Happiness Factory’ ad into an online cinema event with a nation-wide community following and spectacular engagement levels. With over 13 million ad impressions, double-digit click-through rates and 600,000 downloads, there was a lot of happiness to go around.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: All-Nippon-Airways - ANA | Media: MSN | Country: Japan | Sector: Travel | Objective: Click-through, direct response, engagement, lead generation | Format: Online advertising, Rich media

ANA.jpgEncouraging MSN users to browse flights and check availability through an innovative ‘mouse-over’ ad format gave All Nippon Airways (ANA) lift off in conversions.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case Study: Motorola | Media: MSN | Country: Spain | Sector: IT telecommunications | Objective: Brand awareness, click-through, direct response, purchase intent | Format: Video, online advertising

Motorola.jpgInviting Spanish rock fans to jam online through MSN Video ensured a big audience reaction when Motorola’s new EM325 handset took to the stage. With ads on Windows Live Messenger alone delivering 39,500 click-throughs in 3 hours, a sell-out crowd was guaranteed.

Download the MSN case studies compendium


Case study: Jaguar | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: Automotive | Objectives: Brand positioning, click-through | Format: Mobile

Jaguar MobileMobile enhances passenger experience for BA

A mobile banner advertising campaign across the whole Yahoo! US mobile network
on the day of the motor show, as well as at other times on other sites. The ads clicked through to a mobile internet site* where user could read about the design, performance and innovative
features of the car or download videos and wallpapers. (*As well as unique iPhone site) Users could also submit their email address to receive the XF email brochure or enter their zipcode to locate their nearest dealer to arrange a test drive.

Download the Jaguar mobile case study


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