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Chemistry Uk case studies: we currently have 1.

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Case study: Emirates | Agency: Chemistry UK | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: Travel | Objectives: Targeting, brand positioning, brand awareness | Format: Rich media

Case study: EmiratesA neat way of bringing mapping and personalisation into an advertising space. David Carr, Head of Interactive at Chemistry UK Says:

"Emirates is the only long haul airline to fly from 6 UK airports. Despite this, most people still associate mid and long haul flights for business or pleasure with Heathrow or Gatwick. Miles Better used geographic and behavioural targeting coupled with in-advertising mapping to encourage people to fly from their local airport. It demonstrated the ease of getting there by plotting a route and showed how quick the trip would be. The campaign was part of the 6 UK Airports strategy that combined brand led comms, direct response offers, and even brand utility applications to increase passenger numbers for Emirates flights at Newcastle, Birmingham, Glasgow and Manchester."

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