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Charity case studies: we currently have 24.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 24 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Charity case study: “Love Story written by a murderer” tackles domestic violence

A women’s charity in Peru took a novel approach to highlight the dangers of domestic abuse, recruiting one of the country’s biggest music stars to record a song written by a murderer before for killed his partner.

06/09/2017  |  Full story...

Chatbot case study: Alzheimer's sufferers remember, by chatting to themselves

The Italian Ministry of Health made smart use of Facebook chatbots to help improve the quality of life of Alzheimer's patients… but chatting to themselves.

08/08/2017  |  Full story...

Instagram case study: “Swim Reaper” encourages water safety on Instagram

Young men in New Zealand love doing dumb stuff in the water. But it’s killing them. Water Safety NZ aimed to encourage responsible swimming via social media messages from the Grim Reaper himself.

17/05/2017  |  Full story...

Alzheimer’s Research UK with Stephen Fry #SantaForgot

Amid the flurry of Christmas ads this year, this one from Alzheimer’s UK is a poignant tale narrated by Stephen Fry.

01/12/2016  |  Full story...

Fake Instagram profile highlights unseen dangers of drink addiction

Charity Addicte Aide ran a clever Instagram ad campaign this summer, which aimed to raise awareness about alcoholism among young people by creating a fake profile with a troubling secret. This case study looks at how the French organisation made smart use of social media to push a powerful message.

02/11/2016  |  Full story...

World Zombie Day goes viral with Snapchat geo-filters

World Zombie Day London used Snapchat to amplify its message and increase charity donations. This case study looks at how the zombie walk made smart use of geo-filters at key locations in the city to boost donations to homeless charity St Mungo’s.

19/10/2016  |  Full story...

Charity case study: “World’s biggest asshole” promotes organ donation

This new online video campaign from Donate Life uses dark comedy to show how even the “world’s biggest asshole” can do something very positive through organ donation. See why it’s our video viral of the week below…

17/08/2016  |  Full story...

Charity case study: ‘Donate the Bars’ turns blank spaces into ad estate

When vertical videos are posted on YouTube, two black bars appear on each side- a perfect ad opportunity? This case study looks at how agency J. Walter Thompson (JWT) put some often overlooked ad space to a good cause.

11/08/2016  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: Game of Thrones- The Musical gets 15m views

“Wildling/ You make my heart sing!” With its copious measures of sex, violence and bad language, you’d think Game of Thrones wasn’t suited to a Broadway musical format. And you’d be right. But this spoof video in aid of USA Comic Relief, that paired Coldplay’s Chris Martin with the cast of the hit HBO fantasy series, proved a massive hit on the internet, getting 15 million views.

26/11/2015  |  Full story...

Social media marketing: How #FirstWorldProblems was hijacked by WATERisLIFE

Water is life worked with advertising agency DDB New York to hijack the popular #FirstWorldProblems and launch the ‘hashtag killer’. The ‘hashtag killer’ campaign was set out to eradicate the ironic #FirstWorldProblems used when people tweet about life burdens such as their phone battery dying or when leather seats aren’t heated and create awareness for serious issues in developing countries.

05/03/2015  |  Full story...

Video case study: How ‘10 hours walking in NYC’ became the most talked-about viral of the year

Just what is it like to be a woman walking the streets of New York City alone? This controversial video from non-profit organisation Hollaback! filmed the real-life reactions of men as a woman walks around the city. This case study looks at how the video put street harassment in the spotlight, getting a huge 37 million views in just three weeks.


19/11/2014  |  Full story...

Viral case study: How the 'Ice Bucket challenge' raised $15m in 3 weeks

In July 2014, Charity ALS started a small scale internet challenge that ended up reaching all the way to the White House. This case study looks at how the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ led to record donations to the charity, raising some $15.6m in contributions to the group and its national affiliates, compared with less than $50,000 in the same period last year.

19/08/2014  |  Full story...

Mobile marketing on a budget: Donate a Word Via SMS

With an extremely limited budget, the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan launched an innovative SMS campaign that raised money for schools in Afghanistan and created a new way of writing books.This case study looked at how the organisation used a mobile campaign on a tight budget to get the highest reach possible to help those in need.

18/06/2014  |  Full story...

‘Unloved’ video viral puts human perspective on animal charities to get 1.5m views

This emotionally powerful video from the Animal Mayhew Centre puts a new twist on typical pet rescue charities- highlighting the happiness a rescue dog bring to their owners after a hard day. The advert went live on YouTube on the 6th March and aired during More4’s coverage of Crufts on the 7th March and has had over 10,000 shares and 1.5m views in the first month alone.

10/04/2014  |  Full story...

'No make up selfie' raises £8m for Cancer Research in a week

Cancer Research UK received more than £8m in donations after a popular online campaign, asking women to post selfies with no make-up using the hashtag #nomakeupselfie, went viral in March 2014. This case study looks at how the charity (and a few polar bears) benefits massively from a campaign started by an 18-year-old Facebook user.

26/03/2014  |  Full story...

Case study: Barnardo’s gets 17% rise in online donations after web revamp


Back in 2011, Barnardo’s website was attracting visitors, but few were completing their online donation journey by reaching the donate page. Working with Nomensa, the children’s charity used a combination of technology, innovation and audience analysis to optimise the donation process. This case study shows how Barnado’s generated a 17% increase in donations.

More on this case study…
Brand: Barnardos | Sector: Charity | Country: UK | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive donations | | Agency/ Partner; Nomensa | Format: Web design, audience analysis, CRM

25/04/2013  |  Full story...

Email case study: Blind charity’s email trick gets 24% click through rate


Last year, the Royal National Institute for the Blind ran an email campaign that cleverly played with email conventions to challenge readers to empathise with blind or partially sighted people. This case study looks at how they managed to get a 24% click through rate with a simple but effective email.

More on this case study…
Brand: RNIB | Sector: Charity | Coutry: UK | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agency: Elvis | Format: Email |

06/02/2013  |  Full story...

Feeding America grows site traffic 2.5 times using Twitter


Domestic hunger charity Feeding America looked to share their web site content on Twitter to maximize traffic back to their website. The charity targeted audiences who often tweeted about topics very similar to Feeding America's site content. As a result of tweeting about trending topics recommended by the BrightEdge, and tweeting about specific topics (including specific web pages) in those tweets, Feeding America yielded 2.5 times the average traffic levels per post relative to similar Tweets made in the same period.

20/12/2012  |  Full story...

‘Kony 2012’ helps raise $26m after YouTube campaign


As 2012 comes to a close, we look back at some of the biggest online video virals of the year. This week, we look at the hugely successful (and rather controversial) ‘Kony 2012’ campaign, that raised a huge amount of awareness about the plight of children caught up in Uganda’s conflict. Invisible Children, a movement seeking to end the conflict in Uganda, created the film Kony 2012 back in March. They hoped it would accelerate the arrest of Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader Joseph Kony, who has been kidnapping and abducting Uganda’s youth for nearly three decades. With more than 100 million views in six days, Kony 2012 became the most viral video in history. The video worked because it used compelling content, stayed relevant and had a simple call to action.

More on this Case study …
Brand: Invisible Children | Country: USA/ Global | Sector: Charity | Format: Video, YouTube

01/12/2012  |  Full story...

Charity challenges perceptions with ‘You Are Blind’ game


To raise awareness around the perception of blind people in Russia as helpless, charity association “The right to smile” together with the agency Hungry Boys, launched a project called Blind. The aim of the project is to change the way of treatment to blind children around us and help to these children not just to live, but to live and be happy for those children for whom medicine help is not available now, to make their life in the aggressive environment of the modern city more convenient.

You are blind from Vlad Sitnikov on Vimeo.

More on this Case study …
Brand: The Right to Smile | Country: Russia | Agency: Duval Guillaume | Sector: Charity | Format: YouTube, Video, Game, Social Media, Blogging

20/11/2012  |  Full story...

Case Study: MacMillan | Agency: Webcredible | Country: UK | Sector: Charities | Objectives: Optimisation, traffic-driving, direct-response | Format : Website

webcredible%20-%20macmillan.pngMacmillan Cancer Support is a national cancer charity which provides practical, medical, emotional and financial support to people whose lives are affected by cancer. It also campaigns for better cancer care. The challenge they faced was that there was increasing traffic to their website and it was critical that users could find the information they needed quickly and easily. Webcredible suggested a new homepage displaying information on different cancer types, a redesigned contact us page, new information architecture for the online shop and brand centre, and a restructure of content within the site to better suit user needs.
The Macmillan Cancer Support website has seen a substantial increase in traffic to important areas for site users which had previously been difficult to locate. For example, there has been more than a 200% increase in people finding information on financial advice.
The user-centred design programme allowed Macmillan to get to know its target audiences and what information was of most interest to them.

20/01/2010  |  Full story...

Case study: MacMillan Cancer Support | Agency: Incentivated | Sector: Charity | Objectives: Sales | Format: Mobile

cs_i-mcmillan.jpgMobile generates 59% of donations from press campaign

This campaign featured a Call-to-action in national newspapers and on television. Donors text SUPPORT, NURSE, HELP or MACMILLAN to 85222, which deducts £3 from the donor’s mobile. Donors are sent a WAP push message inviting them to fill out a mobile internet Gift Aid form. By confirming they are tax payers, Macmillan can claim extra 28% from HM Revenue & Customs. (An SMS questionnaire alternative was offered.)

Download the MacMillan case study


Case study: Talk Talk | Sector: Telecoms | Format: Social Media

Talk Talk Forever StoryA brilliant example of taking a big idea and applying it online. Using the web as a platform for engagement, Talk Talk aligned with the Treehouse autism charity to create The Forever Story, persuading thousands of consumers to take part and collaborate in what became a Guinness world record for the largest multi-author story ever: 8000 entries, 20 hours of content, podcasts, Facebook apps - and of course, the story continues, online.

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07/05/2009  |  Full story...

Case study: Friends of the Earth | Sector: Charity | Format: Social media

Social marketing has found its new home on the web. The scope for innovation in this sector’s communications is massive, and this campaign caught the mood of the nation and accelerated both cultural and political change. Friends of the Earth found a way anyone could take part in registering their concerns about climate change and their protest over political inactivity. The approach widened participation and created a model now extended across Europe, mobilising people in the way that fits with today’s culture. A brilliant idea executed in a way that is digitally native.

Campaign website

07/05/2009  |  Full story...

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