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Carling case studies: we currently have 2.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 2 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

CRM case study: Carling promises ‘Brighton or Barbados’ holidays to build customer database

Carling is the latest brand to push hard into the CRM space with an aggressive database building campaign, offering holidays for an upcoming bank holiday weekend in the UK. The campaign aimed to increase the drinks brand’s database of opted-in valid customers, al;ongside building brand equity, associating Carling with holiday weekends and giving people great experiences. This case study looks at how the ambitious campaign attracted much attention- but not always for the right reasons.


15/04/2015  |  Full story...

Case study: Carling Live | Agency: Various | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Brand awareness, engagement | Format: Sponsorship, search, integrated marketing, strategic marketing models, web design

Carling LiveIn the crowded drinks sector Carling wanted to find a strategic way to achieve cut-through. They developed an award-winning strategy of sponsorship that was amplified on the web through sophisticated search engine marketing that gave the campaign a permanent place online. Carling realised that just as brands compete for a share of sales, they also compete for audience attention online so an alternative to simple advertising was needed.

Download the case study: Carling Live


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