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Cadburys case studies: we currently have 6.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 6 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Cadbury’s Crunchie spends half of digital ad budget on Snapchat lenses

At a cost ranging between $100,000 up to $750,000 for 24-hour, Snapchat Lenses are the most premium add to buy on the app. But is it worth it? Cadbury’s recently bet half its brand ad budget on the format for Crunchie’s 'Obey your Mouth' campaign to find out…


02/06/2016  |  Full story...

Social influencer case study: #CadburyCraveyard brings old bars back from the dead

For Halloween 2015, Cadbury’s brought back one of its old chocolate bars back from the dead with a social media vote. This case study looks at how the brand generated huge interest on Twitter, with a little unexpected help from a celebrity influencer.

11/11/2015  |  Full story...

Cadbury Joyville train stunt creates online buzz in Australia


This marketing stunt from Cadbury involved a giant purple ‘Joyville’ branded train pulling into select stations across Australia, rewarding surprised commuters with an array of chocolate treats. The campaign was amplified through a deeply integrated social media campaign with a Facebook page encouraging and supporting user generated content, as well as the dedicated website which features games, information and lets users share the campaign.

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Brand: Cadbury |Media: Facebook | Country: Australia |Sector: FMCG | Agency: Wonder | Format: Facebook page, website

YouTube case study | Facebook Page


Facebook case study: Cadbury video viral gives ‘thumbs up’ to 1 million social media fans


The Cadbury Dairy Milk UK Facebook Page reached a social media milestone when it welcomed its one millionth fan on Saturday, January 7, 2012. To say thank you, the brand constructed a giant chocolate Facebook ‘thumbs up’, piece by piece, from thousands of Cadbury Dairy Milk bars and put the video on the social network. This case study shows how Cadbury managed to keep the momentum of its growing social media audeience.

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Brand: Cadbury Dairy Milk |Media: Online, email | Country: UK|Sector: FMCG | Agency: Hypernaked | Format: Facebook Page Videos

09/05/2012  |  Full story...

Digital Vs TV spend: Cadbury's online video advertising gets 4 times more ROI than TV


Cadbury's "Chocolate Charmer" online advertising campaign provided ROI almost 4 times higher than their TV campaign. The chocolate brand ran a cross-media campaign for its Dairy Milk brand, covering TV, online ads and YouTube promoted videos. Despite only investing 7% of its budget in online, the brand saw the sector generate 20% of the sales. This case study from Gfk NOP highlights to growing power of online advertising in the marketing mix.
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Brand: Cadbury’s | Media: YouTube, TV, Social Media | Agency: Fallon London | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG

06/03/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Cadburys | Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Brand awareness, brand positioning, buzz, | Format: Video, viral & rich media

Case study: CadburysThese kids became iconic through television and online advertising. They’re instantly recognisable and their leaping eyebrows swept through the web as fast as people could forward to their friends. It’s a good example of integration between media channels because the images and music were identical across both. The images are high impact on screen and they work well on the web because of the lack of clutter within the advertising space. It becomes one of the dominant elements on the page and because of this achieves both impact, brand recognition and message association. For fast moving consumer packaged goods brands like Cadbury’s, they’re not trying to sell off the page, their goal is to build brand image, discussion and front of mind awareness. That’s exactly what this creative achieves so brilliantly – even without a click-through to their website.

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