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Brand Equity And Positioning case studies: we currently have 194.

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Guardian boosts reader base with Facebook video content


The Guardian newspaper used Facebook to reach a new audience, increase engagement on their site and ultimately grow their base of readers through Open Graph. Guardian built a Facebook app to bring news, video and audio content to readers. The app publishes actions across a range of content: news articles, videos, and even podcasts. They also created lightweight actions 'agree' and 'disagree' for opinion articles to enable people to share their sentiment on issues. Open-graph actions and objectives such as read an article, watch a video, play a podcast, agree or disagree with an article were incorporated. The app has grown to over 3.9 million monthly active users, over half of which are under the age of 25.

Facebook case study | The Guardian Facebook App

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Brand: Guardian| Sector: News and Entertainment / Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Goodreads lets Facebook users rate books to boost engagement


Book-sharing app Goodreads used Facebook to generate book ratings and deepen engagement with users through the Open Graph. They used Open-graph actions to make it easy for people to take an action - rate a book and mark a book as to-read - with just a single click. The number of daily active users has increased by more than 77% and over 6 million books have been rated, marked as read or to-read on Goodreads since launch with Open-graph.

Facebook case study | Goodreads Facebook app

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Brand: Goodreads| Sector: News and Entertainment / Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Foodspotting creates stories and actions to boost Facebook sharing


Visual food app Foodspotting used Facebook to attract users and engage by newsfeeds from friends. It creates interesting stories by providing detailed information about each dish such as location, number of friends who have loved a dish. It also displays large user generated photos to make the newsfeed relevant. Open-graph actions such as spot a dish, love a dish, nom a dish, try a dish and want a dish were implemented. Since launching with Open Graph in January, Foodspotting has seen referral traffic from Facebook increase by 4 times and monthly active users grow by 2 times.

Facebook case study | Foodspotting

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Brand: Foodspotting| Sector: Food and beverages / Hospitality | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Flipboard uses Facebook logins to get 50% higher retention rate


Online magazine content aggregator Flipboard used Facebook to increase distribution by letting users discover and share content in a visually beautiful magazine style. Flipboard integrated Facebook News Feed, Walls, Pages, Photo Albums, and Photos Tagged of You as sections within the Flipboard social magazine. They also added Page and Group search via the Graph API, to help users discover new sections to add to their Flipboard. This resulted in 50% higher retention for users who signed into Facebook compared to who didn’t. Also the majority of users who connected to Facebook spent about half their time in Flipboard on the Facebook section

Facebook case study | Flipboard

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Brand: Flipboard | Sector: Entertainment / Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Diamond Dash uses Facebook registrations to reach new audiences


Diamond Dash implemented ‘Login with Facebook’ to create an easy way for new users to sign up, and helping users find friends and recruit new customers quickly by logging in with their Facebook account, without the need to create new usernames and passwords and unnecessary typing. It allows players to invite friends to join the game and lets players who finished their daily allocation of games ask their friends to send them new lives. It implemented the Open Graph actions such as reach a level, win a medal, unlock feature. As a result users who log into the game via Facebook are eight times more likely to spend money, and spend 50% more on average. The percentage of users choosing to Login with Facebook via single sign on has continued to rise since the game launched – from 28% of users in December 2011, to 64% and rising at the end of March 2012.

Facebook case study | Diamond Dash

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Brand: Diamond Dash| Sector: Gaming | Objective: Reach out new audiences| Format: Facebook Page


Endomondo boosts Facebook traffic 75% via sharing workout stats


Fitness app Endomondo used Facebook to streamline the registration process, allowing users to register and sign in with no need to create a new username and password. The app associates an Open Graph object – such as running, biking, cycling and hiking – with each workout, allowing them to determine a user's last workout and top sports. Through the activity feed, users can find friends who recently joined and follow their workout, which starts conversations and encourages sharing. They complement its mobile app with a desktop web app where users can analyse their own workout statistics. It uses location to display workout routes, which appear as rich maps on a user's timeline. The app also calculates and shows workout metrics – including total distance, average speed and calories burnt – to create more interesting stories. Since launching with Open Graph in March, Endomondo has seen traffic from Facebook increase by more than 75% and the number of workouts shared daily on Facebook grow by over 150%.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Endomondo| Sector: Technology | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Deezer promotes new music via Facebook to increase user base


Deezer used Facebook to spread awareness about their new music releases via Facebook updates. Deezer used to Open-Graph actions to make it easy for friends to share the music they love from liking a song, sharing a playlist and commenting on songs. Deezer's music activity feed shows people what their friends are listening to, what songs friends like and who recently joined to improve discovery of new music and increase sharing. The number of monthly active users has increased by over 3times, from 605,000 to nearly 2 million since launch of Open graph in Sept 2011.

Facebook case studies

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Brand: Deezer | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: build brand awareness and increase user base | Format: Facebook Page


Bud Light 'Facebook Hotel' uses RFID technology to bring offline event to life


Bud Light used Facebook to generate more word of mouth. At the annual Super Bowl-related event, the brand took over an actual hotel, and it turned to Facebook to spread the experience beyond the hotel’s 200 rooms. Bud Light created a tab on its Facebook Page where people could follow the Dallas event. At the hotel, guests got RFID wristbands enabling them to take photos of themselves with friends at kiosks stationed throughout the hotel property. They could then tag the people in their pics and publish the shots to their news feeds, boosting awareness of the event within friends’ networks. Sharing the Bud Light Hotel event on Facebook resulted in a 200% increase in engagement on the brand’s page.

Facebook case study | Video case study

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Brand: Bud Light | Country: USA| Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


American Express 'Small Business Saturday' boosts local purchases via Facebook promo


American Express used Facebook to engage with people to encourage shopping at local merchandisers on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The initiative ‘Small Business Saturday’ used the Facebook Premium Ad format to drive people to the Small Business Saturday Page, where visitors got further information. Shoppers who used their American Express cards on the designated day received a $25 credit when they spent $25 at a participating merchant. American Express also provided 10,000 small businesses with free advertising on Facebook to promote the day. After the campaign, 40% of the general public was aware of Small Business Saturday, the company claims.

Facebook case study | Video case study

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Brand: American Express | Country: USA| Sector: Finance | Objective: build brand awareness & engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Airbnb links registrations with Facebook profiles to build brand value


Online marketplace Airbnb used Facebook to integrate with their own website, allowing users to register and sign into their website. The site leverages the Graph API to personalize search results according to how users are connected to hosts or reviewers enabling them to filter search results by connected listings, providing them the option to stay exclusively at places within their social network. The shorter registration process and personalised experience resulted in increase in the average daily Facebook logins by over 30%. Facebook sign-ups on launch day were double the normal rate and currently remain a record for user sign-ups in one day.

Facebook case study | Website

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Brand: Airbnb | Sector: Travel | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Secret tackles cyber bullying and wins customers with Facebook engagement campaign


Secret used Facebook to engage with its customers on a growing problem for teen girls bullying. Several clever campaign tools were used, people were offered ‘good graffiti app’, referral page directed girls seeking help to 24-hour counselling centres, video clips and T-shirts with anti-bullying messages were available for purchase. Secret also engaged its fans by offering a $1 deodorant coupon that triggered a $1 donation to PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Centre when used. The 26 week long campaign on Facebook resulted in 24times increase in fan engagement. By using Facebook network the brand encouraged its fans to spread an anti-bullying message and associate the brand to not just its range of products but a meaningful message and cause. The brand smartly used the campaign to create a positive emotional connect with its consumers.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Secret | Country: USA| Sector: FMCG | Objective: build brand engagement | Format:
Facebook Page


AT&T ‘Facebook team’ answers social questions to boost conversions


US telecoms giant AT&T used 20 representatives on Facebook to respond within 15 mins of any query / post. The effort also resulted in word of mouth and fans talking to each other by responding to posts, queries of other subscribers on the page. Customers whose problems are resolved via social media often come back to the page to thank AT&T. The Facebook page resulted in two times higher conversion rates compared to other online and offline marketing campaigns.

Facebook case study | Video case study

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Brand: AT&T | Sector: Telecom | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook page


Case study: Norway tourist firm targets US travellers with Facebook app


Innovation Norway, a state-owned company with a focus on promotion and development of Norway, used a previous successful experience with a Facebook app to run a new campaign targeting travellers in the US. This case study demonstrates how the firm managed to boost engagement and add 23,000 fans to its Facebook page, as well as lift website referrals by a massive 238%.

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Brand: Innovation Norway | Country: US | Sector: Travel, Tourism | Objective: build brand awareness | Format: Facebook

06/11/2012  |  Full story...

Trip Advisor taps into Facebook for user reviews


Trip Advisor used Facebook to provide reviews and opinions that are directly relevant to a user’s searches. It uses Graph API, Open Graph, Like button, other Social Plugins and other public data from Facebook profiles to enhance and customize the travel data it already has to help users and share their experiences with their friends. Average user engagement increased 20%. Users connecting to TripAdvisor through Facebook were two times more likely to contribute content than non-Facebook connected users.

Facebook case study | Trip Advisor

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Brand: Trip Advisor | Sector: Travel | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Kit Kat performs own ‘space jump’


In honour of Felix Baumgartner’s landmark skydive from the edge of space, Nestle sent a Kit Kat bar into the ether with a video camera. The 'Break from Gravity' project saw the four-fingered chocolate bar sent to a height of 22 miles after beginning its ascent from Cambridgeshire at 11.20am on Saturday (13 October). Camera footage, which tracked the Kit Kat’s ascent and descent, was shared via the brand’s social media channels.

YouTube video

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Brand: KitKat | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG, Foods | Agency: JWT London | Objective: Boost brand awareness | Format: Video, Facebook, YouTube

24/10/2012  |  Full story...

Fedex captures data to create personalised jingle


FedEx has launched a new app on Facebook that highlights how they can help your business grow better than a cheesy advertising jingle. The app invites customers to input their business details which then become customisable parts of their very own 'jingle'. The tagline and copy is the same on all the videos. It simply and effectively communicates FedEx’s message: “There are more effective ways to promote your business. We can help with business cards, banners, and brochures. FedEx. Solutions that matter.”

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Brand: Fedex | Country: US | Sector: Delivery | Agency: BBDO New York | Objective: boost conversions and subscriptions | Format:Video, App

23/10/2012  |  Full story...

L’Oreal targets female gamers with Xbox app


L'Oréal USA has launched a beauty and style app on Xbox LIVE called ‘The Next Level’, becoming the first app on the Microsoft games console to be targeted at women. The destination site lets users create a personalised event calendar, shopping list, weather-based beauty recommendations, and ‘redemption centre’ where rewards earned through interaction can be traded for tangible branded offers.

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Brand: L'Oreal | Country: Global | Sector: FMCG Healthcare | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: Brightline | Format: Xbox app, gaming

11/10/2012  |  Full story...

C4 strikes Paralympic gold with ‘Superhuman’ online ad campaign


This summer saw Channel 4 run its ‘Superhuman’ campaign to promote the London Paralympic games. Working with Mediasyndicator, the online element of the promotion attracted more than 150,000 interactions. As part of Channel 4’s ‘Meet the Superhumans’ online Paralympics advertising campaign, deployed in partnership with digital advertising specialists, Mediasyndicator, also captured the attention of online audiences – with results revealing the campaign achieved over 150,000 interactions.

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Brand: Channel 4 | Country: UK Sector: Broadcast | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: Mediasyndicator, | Format: Video, display

11/10/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: SkyyVodka captures consumer data in fun way with ‘Skypad’


This iPad app from South African vodka brand Skyy makes data capture fun for the consumer, with an entertaining cocktail mixer game. Skyy realised that no-one likes form filling when it comes to registering interest with brands, so the created an iPad game to capture data in an engaging way. The firm created the app and sent promoters to bars with iPads. Beyond boosting sales, the firm claimed the app captured data to boost long term loyalty.

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Brand: Skyy | Country: South Africa | Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: iPad App

11/10/2012  |  Full story...

Twitter case study: Waitrose tweet contest- PR disaster or triumph?


A Twitter campaign from Waitrose became the subject of ridicule during September 2012, once again sparking the debate as to whether there’s ‘no such thing as bad publicity’ on social media. The supermarket invited Twitter customers to finish the sentence ‘I shop at Waitrose because…’, asking them to include the hashtag “#WaitroseReasons”. Most of the tweets made fun of Waitrose’s prices and its upmarket image. This case study examines the risks and rewards of running hashtag-based social media campaigns...

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Brand: Waitrose | Country: UK | Sector: Retail, Supermarket | Format: Twitter, social media

26/09/2012  |  Full story...

Twitter case study: Toyota offers sweets for tweets


To promote its new Etios car in South Africa, Toyota promised to make people smile. The Sweets for Tweets installation, created by HelloComputer and ThingKing, did just that by rewarding virtual smile tweets with real-life candy via a Wonka-like contraption. The campaign matched the new Toyota Etios tagline, “Here to make you smile”, promoting a positive brand message and putting the car across as a fun machine to drive.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Toyota | Country: South Africa | Agency: HelloComputer, ThingKing | Sector: Retail, Automotive | Format: Twitter,Mobile, social media

21/09/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Ubisoft triples game sales via Facebook targeting


Ubisoft managed to triple sales by 300% in just 3 months through a targeted Facebook campaign for its Settlers Online game by focusing on users most likely to convert and purchase. This case study looks at how the games giant made smart use of targeting and bid optimisation to get the most out of its ad budget.

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Brand: Ubisoft | Country: Global | Agency: DMG | Sector: Gaming, Social Media | Format: Facebook

21/09/2012  |  Full story...

YouTube case study: LEGO tells its story with 17-minute CGI cartoon


This 17 minute video from LEGO provides a prime example of how a brand can engage users with long-form online content, rather than 30 second TV commercials. To celebrate its 80th birthday, Lego released an engaging animated short that recounts the company’s beginnings as a carpentry business in Billund, Denmark to the global toy brand it’s become today. Launched on August 10th, the video has so far attracted over 2.3 million views and 34,000 ‘likes’ on YouTube. The viral links back to the brand's Facebook page, with has over 2 million fans so far.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Lego | Country: Denmark | Agency: Lani Pixels | Sector: Retail, Toys | Format: YouTube

21/09/2012  |  Full story...

Coca-Cola crowdsources 50m Facebook fans for new campaign


Coca-Cola marked its 50 millionth Facebook “Like” with campaign drawing upon its social media fan base to identifying simple ways to ‘make the world a happier place’. The drinks giant identified individuals developing ideas that enable people to become more active, give to others, be social or engage in other activities associated with increased happiness.

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Brand: Coca-Cola | Country: Global Sector: Social Media | Format: Facebook

Facebook case study

21/09/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Louis Vuitton explains ‘The Art of Packing’


This interactive ad from Louis Vuitton makes smart use of the brand’s luxury image, targeting high-end shoppers ahead of the holiday season. But why was it developed in Flash, alienating affluent iPhone and iPad users? This case study looks at the pros and cons of the fashion brands latest foray into digital marketing.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Louis Vuitton | Country: Sweden| Agency: Kokokaka | Sector: Clothing, Retail | Format: Web, Video

14/09/2012  |  Full story...

Further brand equity and positioning case studies

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