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Blogging case studies: we currently have 18.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 18 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Social media marketing case study: How Clinique targeted millennials with their #FaceForward campaign on Tumblr

Clinique boosted its influence among young women by taking its #FaceForward campaign to Tumblr.


07/10/2015  |  Full story...

Tumblr case study: Aldo Fashion contest boosts social engagement

Aldo launched a contest to identify and reward "the next stars of Tumblr" to target the blogging network’s highly engaged community of fashion and design enthusiasts. This case study looks at how the footwear company offered Tumblr's aesthetic-conscious community a prize uniquely suited to them.


25/07/2014  |  Full story...

Tumblr case study: Coca Cola ‘happiness’ blog gets 20,000 interactions in 6 hours

Brands can’t ignore Tumblr as a platform, and Coca-Cola was no exception. Back in 2012, Coca-Cola launched a Tumblr blog to share happy content with teen bloggers- with a single post getting 20,000 likes and reblogs within just six hours.


21/07/2014  |  Full story...

The fail trail: How 3 brands handled a social media crisis


When Domino’s employees were caught on YouTube defiling a pizza, the company took less than 3 weeks to claw back a 22% drop in customer sentiment. However, when Nestle and United Airlines suffered setbacks, the brands took considerably longer to recover. This infographic from software and consultancy firm SDL Social Intelligence looks at all three case studies and charts the ‘fail trail’ as companies recover from a social media crisis.

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Brand: Dominos, Nestle, United Airlines | Sector: FMCG, Travel | Country: US/ Global | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Format: Social Media

22/03/2013  |  Full story...

Old Spice gets 4m YouTube views in a week with ‘Mr Wolfdog’ marketing mutt

On the back of its previous YouTube triumphs, Old Spice has continued its off-the-wall digital marketing with a new video series , following the exploits of its new marketing director ‘Mr Wolfdog’- who just happens to be a wild animal.The campaign, created by agency W+K Portland, Minivegas and Old Spice’s parent company Procter and Gamble P&G, garnered over 4 million views, as well as driving viewers to a Tumblr blog and even a music track. The ads also led to almost 600,000 page views of Old and

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Brand: Old Spice | Sector: FMCG, Healthcare | Country: US/ Global | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Format: YouTube, Video

22/03/2013  |  Full story...

Case study – blogger engagement strategies in the UK


Digital marketers often overlook blogger engagement strategies which can be a quick win for many brands – here we show the top 20 most influential blogs in the UK market as a reminder that blogger engagement strategies should be on every marketer’s radar.

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Sector: Sport, Fashion, FMCG, Media, Film, Entertainment, TV, Finance, Gardening, Music, Food and Beverages, Travel, Retail, Retaurants, Health and Beauty | Country: UK | Objective: Brand positioning, drive engagement, Seasonal promotion | Format: SEO, Google, AdWords, Newspapers |

14/03/2013  |  Full story...

Volvic recruits bloggers for 'Team Volcanicity' live event coverage


Volvic has launched a new campaign seeking talented bloggers, photographers and social media 'addicts' to form ‘Team Volcanicity’ and represent the brand online. In return, the water brand will provide access to some of the UK’s events and activities of 2013 to the winners of its Facebook competition, which launches on 21 January. The opportunity to join ‘Team Volcanicity’ will be open to Facebook fans who will be asked to submit a photo which they believe expresses their ‘Volcanicity’ which will be open to public voting.

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Brand: Volvic | Sector: FMCG, Food | Objective: Build brand engagement | Agecny: We Are Social | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

22/01/2013  |  Full story...

Case study: Low cost blogger engagement marketing strategy as Gillette reaches out to key influencers


A smart example of blogger engagement marketing strategies, low cost online PR that gets bloggers authentically engaged with the brand. 86 of Turkey’s top bloggers were sent a direct mail piece modelled on a bathroom cabinet. The brand variant was that the shave was so comfortable it would let guys minds wander, so they created a web page where people could write their thoughts. All that was needed was a single laptop prize, and the creative energy among the 86 had led – in just 10 weeks – to 1.3m unique visitors to the new website, and 44 active bloggers.

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Gillette Fusion Power - Procter & Gamble | Media: Online PR | Country: Turkey | Sector: FMCG personal care | Objective: Build brand equity, drive trial | Format: Blogger engagement marketing strategies »

28/05/2012  |  Full story...

Case Study: Armed Forces Day | Agency: Worth | Country: UK | Sector: Events | Objectives: Brand awareness, buzz | Format : Social media

worth%20digital%20-%20armedforcesday.pngWorth harnessed the burgeoning power of social media to improve the UK public’s support and awareness for Armed Forces Day and encourage a celebration of the forces, veterans and wider forces family, to honour the work they do. Worth's use of digital to create highly engaging content and development of spaces where communities could grow and flourish has allowed them to mature into meaningful places of support and an overall increase in positive participation.
Post campaign research has shown had over 180,200 website visits between 1st April and 7th of July 2009. There was an unprecedented growth in the Facebook fans from 4,000 in late May to just over 100,000 by 26th June, with a joining rate of more than 3 people per second up to the 100,000th membership. The membership rate continues to grow, soon to reach its 200,000th member. Nearly 13,000 people signed up to the AFD mailing list – with over 9,000 receiving free window stickers to spread the campaign message further and over 6,000 leaving a message of support. Further, 6,295 photos were uploaded into the Flickr photo gallery by fans from 2009 events.

Worth Armed Forces Day on Twitter Armed Forces Day on Facebook

20/01/2010  |  Full story...

Case study: Brandcast Media | Agency: Random42 | Country: UK | Sector: Pharma | Objectives: Targeting, engagement | Format: Online educational tools, Video

cs_lacta.jpg European cancer research is of a very high quality but is fragmented, un-coordinated and slow in translating benefits to patients. If state of the art treatment was available to all cancer patients, the World Health Organisation has estimated that over 20,000 lives would be saved annually. Targeted at oncology professionals, ecancermedicalscience actively encourages the communities of sub-specialised scientists and cancer carers to exchange ideas and research, speeding up the time it takes from discovery, to patient benefit. The peer-reviewed, online journal hired Brandcast Media to revamp its site. The site now includes social media with blogs, forums and a Twitter feed, as well as podcasts and an video section.


Case Study: Moonfruit’s Twitter contest | Sector: Online Media | Objective: Buzz, trend creation | Format: Social media

cs_moon.jpgFor its tenth birthday, web hosting company Moonfruit, gave away a Macbook Pro laptop every day for ten days. To win one, users had to tweet using the hashtag #moonfruit. The result? A 350% increase in product trials, a 600% increase in traffic… and Twitter forcibly removing it from the top trending topics.

The hashtag #moonfruit topped Twitter's trending lists for three days, accounting for 2.5% of all tweets at its peak. People drew pictures, made videos and sang songs about the brand in a bid to win the laptops. The secret to the success of the campaign, spearheaded by founder Wendy Tan-White, was engagement.

"The biggest surprise was the brand affinity and awareness it created. The name of the company helped a lot, because people asked what it meant. They really picked up on the message we wanted to get across. They made the brand their own and we couldn't have done that without Twitter. It creates a relationship," Tan-White said.

Moonfruit Twitter

15/07/2009  |  Full story...

Case study: Volkswagen Twitter Banner | Agency: Crispin Porter + Bogusky | Technology: MediaMind | Sector: Automotive | Objectives: Engagment, buzz, purchase intent | Format: Rich media & social media

Case study: Volkswagen Twitter BannerVW capture the moment by aligning their brands with the Twitter messaging tool. Using Twitter in the advert creates interest and helps VW stand out from other motor manufacturers. By typing in your Twitter name it then looks for your tweets and claims to be finding the right car for you based on your content. Behind the scenes it seems to pull language from your Twitter feed and display this within the advert. It’s a neat way of dipping into Twitter, but the real benefit here is threefold: engagement with the customer, creating the spark of talkability about the brand, and VW’s alignment with the funky microblogging platform tech trendsetters have gravitated towards.

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Case studies: Habitat’s social media blunder and Twitter spam | Sector: Retail | Format: Social Media

Habitat’s social media blunder and Twitter spamThe Habitat furniture store is among many brands to have misunderstood Twitter, blundering in to a private social space with typically offline approach. Their clumsy attempt to use Twitter’s # tags was an ill thought through way to get their messaging seen by larger numbers of people. The feed from HabitatUK effectively spammed thousands of people by trying to hijack key trending topics. Hash tags help people track conversations in Twitter, and the retailer decided in June to align itself to topics such as Apple’s iphone and the Iranian elections. It suggests three sequential failures in the marketing strategy: failing to read the landscape and the way people use the tools, failing to create a digitally native strategy and failing to have management checks and controls in place to identify poor practice. Coaching the marcomms team in digital marketing would have prevented this and a clear social media policy would ensure it never happens again.

More details on the Neoco blog that broke the story | Social media best practice | Social media case studies


Case study: Nestle tweets in online ads | Sector: FMCG | Objectives: Targeting, click-through, buzz | Format: Banner adverts, Social media on Twitter

061008-TwitterAd.jpgFood manufacturing giant Nestle has come up with an innovative use for Twitter that combines together a mix of digital channels. Their latest advertising campaign for JuicyJuice includes a Twitter feed within the advertising creative. This social media campaign lets people post their own tweets within the advertising that appears online. At the time of writing, the brand is testing it on US sites CafeMom and BabyCenter. Here’s how it works: there are questions inside the advertising space that relate to parenting (How do you stimulate your child's mind? How important are vitamin-enhanced foods to you?). People can write their message or tweet inside the advertising.

15/06/2009  |  Full story...

Case study: Rocksound | Sector: Publishing | Format: Social media on Twitter

Rocksound TwitterA rock magazine for 15-24 year-olds has a naturally good fit with the profile of early adopting techno-heads. But that doesn’t mean their management team would know how to engage in the digital space or have the innovative spirit to try things out. But they do, they did, and here’s the result. It’s a great example of low cost digital publishing with the content driving brand adorers to build buzz about their passions and discussion about the brand.

Rocksound on Twitter


Case study: STA Travel and Off Exploring | Sector: Travel | Format: Website & platform

STA TravelThis pioneering use of blogging by the STA travel business found a way of engaging hundreds of thousands of customers. Rather than creating a corporate blog, STA worked with the technology team at Off Exploring to build a powerful platform their customers could use. They gave the customers of their travel services a blog and by doing this connected together an online community of like-minded individuals. Customers were encouraged to tell the story of their travels, building content and emailing their friends. Instantly the technology was a success, with backpackers writing their letters home to friends and family in the form of web pages that could instantly be linked to from Facebook and other social media. It's a rare example of pioneering social media because it went against the conventions at the time it was created. The technologists at Off Exploring created the framework for this social media platform and then continued to add more tools to it. As consumers are more exposed to different forms of advertising (and in ever-increasing amounts), brands need to listen carefully to what they want: providing the right tools and utility assures cut-through in an increasingly cluttered market.

Download STA Travel case study | Off Exploring technology platform | STA Travel


Case study: | Agency: FitchLive | Sector: Army recruitment | Format : Content creation and event amplification

ArmyOnEverest.jpgWhen the Army planned their assault on the West Ridge of Everest in 2006, there was an opportunity to engage young potential recruits by letting that story be told. Climbed only once in 30 years, only one group had ever made it to the top. PCIFitch were supplying the raw materials from the field back into the mainstream media as well as the web. The intention was to touch audiences through streams on the web, podcast downloads, iTunes and the broadest range of touchpoints. Over a million viewers enjoyed streamed content, blogs were posted to the site from the mountain and to feed into the recruitment processes, schools were targeted with lesson plans created for teachers and games for their students. Integration included downloadable posters and images, text alerts and more than a dozen different channels. The campaign went on to win the “Best digital campaign of 2006” at the Campaign awards. When we interviewed Peter Cowie, Managing partner at FitchLive who were behind the work, said “great work comes from the chemistry of the teams working together. The effect of the campaign included attracting 1m people, 30,000 of whom claimed they were ‘interested’ in joining the army. 3,500 are likely to be recruited as a direct result of the campaign”. For Peter it’s clear that “the future of advertising is about using all of these new channels together”.


Agency: Taglab | Client: Shell | Sector: Oil industry | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Online forum

Shell Optimax was the first performance unleaded fuel to market in the UK. It quickly developed an enthusiastic following amongst “petrol-heads” who were generating online buzz on forums, chatrooms and blogs. Taglab developed a fully featured forum, complying with Shell’s corporate web templates, within a one month project turnaround. The site promoted Shell Optimax performance fuel, capitalising on grassroots support for the product by providing a forum for enthusiasts to post their views, plus a competition and Grand Prix news. Within one week of launch, hundreds of users had registered on the site.

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