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Belgium case studies: we currently have 7.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 7 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Social media case study: Sweet brand creates consumer community for just $87


Astra Sweets used an on-pack promotion rewarding customers for sharing how they enjoy the company’s Frisia brand Mini Marshmallows. This case study looks at how the Belgian sweet brand created a brand community of 371 consumers for just $87 (including packaging costs).

25/03/2014  |  Full story...

Twitter case study: Rayban promotes ‘real-life Instagram’ effect

Ray-Ban Belgium and DDB Brussels have launched a new campaign that makes creative use of public transportation to communicate Ray-Ban’s wide range of polarized color lenses: from sky blue to hot pink. In all major Belgian cities, trams were redesigned into "Ray-Ban Test-Drive Trams" that let consumers discover the city through different Ray-Ban color lenses.

Brand: Rayban Belgium | Sector: Clothing, Luxury | Country: Belgium | Agency/Partner: DDB Brussels | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Outdoor, Instagram, Social Media, Video

10/09/2013  |  Full story...

Maes Facebook 'name change' campaign engages consumers and boost sales

Maes Beer used its brand name and a common surname in Belgium to attract people to get a free barrel of beer. The brand used various advertising formats to make people aware they could avail a free barrel of Maes beer if they were a 'Maes' themselves on the brand’s Facebook page. Participants could also get the free barrel by changing their Facebook name to Maes. The campaign resulted in the Maes name gaining popularity, with 7,000 new family members turning Maes into the biggest family in Belgium. FB App attracted 500,000 people in 6 weeks and added 75,000 fans in 1 day. It also resulted in being in the 6% most active Facebook pages in the world.

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Brand: Maes| Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: FB page and free beer | Agency: TBWA Brussles


Ogilvy resorts to ‘pirate recruitment’ to get top talent


How far would you go to bring the best talent to your team? In Belgium, Ogilvy delved into murky waters by using pirate software sites to recruit cash-strapped (but ambitious) unemployed web designers. Ogilvy Brussels was looking for a new web designer with fresh ideas. They knew that unemployed web designers can’t afford the crazily expensive editing suites they need to work, and they may be tempted to download it illegally. In response, they uploaded a file supposed to provide the editing suite on many pirate sharing websites. When web designers downloaded the file, they discovered that the editing suite was not in the download. Instead, they gave them something else: a job opportunity at Ogilvy. Not only did it prevent them from becoming criminals and wasting time in the numbness of unemployment, but it also offered them a much better opportunity: a job at a leading agency.

03/12/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: Carlsberg stunt with bikers in cinema gets 10m views


This viral video for Carlsberg beer shows what are purportedly real-life “innocent” couples entering a Belgian movie theater that happens to be filled with 148 mean-looking bikers. While most couples leave, the ones brave enough to take their seats are rewarded with a burst of applause and a toast with bottles of Carlsberg beer as the message, "That calls for a Carlsberg" comes up on the cinema screen. Brussels-based ad agency Duval Guillaume Modem came up with the stunt, which was staged in a cinema in Belgium. Carlsberg introduced its new strapline at the beginning of the year to promote itself as a beer that stands for tradition, quality and great taste.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Carlsberg | Media: Video | Country: Belgium | Sector: FMCG, Food and Beverage | Agency: Duval Guillaume | Format: YouTube

01/08/2012  |  Full story...

Viral marketing case study: TNT’s ‘dramatic surprise’ becomes second most shared YouTube ad of all time


In April 2012, Belgian TV channel TNT posted this ad on YouTube, getting 23m views in just one week and becoming the second most shared video on the website. Published on April 11, the 'A Dramatic Surprise On a Quiet Square' video campaign has clocked a whopping 30m views and 250,000 likes with a fortnight. This case study takes a look behind the success...

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Brand: TNT | Media: YouTube, TV, Social Media | Agency: Duval Guillaume Modem, Belgium | Country: Belgium | Sector: TV, Media

24/04/2012  |  Full story...

Case Study: Mars | Media: MSN | Country: Belgium | Sector: FMCG - Food and drink | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning | Format: Video, Rich media

Mars.jpgA funky online video campaign for Mars got 16-34-year-old Belgians moving to the brand’s beat, and sent brand recognition scores dancing past industry benchmarks.

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