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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Behavioural Targeting case studies: we currently have 33.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 33 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

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YouTube case study: Babybel drives store sales with smart targeting

Bel UK set out with the ambition to “save snacktime” in the UK with a healthier alternative within savoury snacks. Focusing on their hero brand Mini Babybel, the team’s challenge was to evolve the small cheese beyond a typical kids’ lunchbox choice to appeal to people of all ages.


02/09/2019  |  Full story...

Bilka boosts in-store sales with Facebook ads

Danish supermarket Bilka used Facebook’s store visits ad objective to encourage people to shop at its multiple stores, helping to drive 45,000 store visits.


02/01/2018  |  Full story...

Neutrogena uses consumer data to create relevant product pairings to drive in-store sales

Beauty brand Neutrogena used shopping basket data to identify competitor products loyal customers were already buying that were within their own range.


29/11/2017  |  Full story...

Mobile case study: Timberland drives store footfall with location ads

Timberland launched a UK campaign with xAd to identify a new audience of urban adventurers and entice them into their brick-and-mortar stores. This case study looks at how the footwear retailer drove a visitation lift of 6.2% to Timberland stores.


02/06/2017  |  Full story...

Mobile marketing case study: How Tusker celebrated national sporting achievements and increased sales to a five year high

Brandtone partnered with beer brand Tusker to create the first mobile campaign of its kind to engage Kenyan consumers through mobile to help drive sales, increase brand loyalty and build an opt-in database of consumers who could be communicated with into the future.

10/04/2017  |  Full story...

Mobile case study: Royal Canin runs “Offers Factory” for pets in Russia

Pet owners often think of their animals as unique, so Royal Canin put this to good use in Russia with clever personalised e-mail coupons and local offers tailored to each website subscriber. This case study shows how 74% of people whio opened the email went on to the online ordering platform.

03/02/2017  |  Full story...

Social media case study: ASOS reaches Russian audience through VK and Yandex

Having launched a Russian website and social media presence, ASOS wanted to scale their activity in this market. The online clothing retailer worked with agency Forward 3D to win over 65K fans at a cost of just £0.66 per fan.


24/01/2017  |  Full story...

Twitter case study: Spanish retail app uses smart targeting to boost installs

Spanish retail app Tiendo increased downloads among its target audience, by using Twitter in smart ways to boost engagement.


04/01/2017  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: Luxury wristwear brand shows targeting and sales go hand-in-hand

This men’s luxury brand saw a 100% increase in monthly sales when it began using sophisticated Facebook targeting.


04/01/2017  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: Retailer Matsmart gets 4x ROI with dynamic segmented ads

Swedish sustainable food retailer Matsmart almost doubled its web revenues in just 3 months when it cooked up a series of highly segmented dynamic ad campaigns.


05/12/2016  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: Axe Poland lowers cost per reach by 73%

Men’s grooming range Axe increased brand awareness with its empowering message of individuality and a cinematic video campaign for the small screen.


29/09/2016  |  Full story...

Case study: targets forgetful drivers with interactive campaign

Indian insurance firm Coverfox intercepted YouTube for several days and continued with their message until people renewed their insurance. This case study looks at how the firm made smart and fun use of retargeting that was far more effective than a simple email reminder.

01/09/2016  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: Iceland repositions brand with smart retargetting

Iceland made smart use of Facebook ads to reposition the UK frozen food retailer in a cost effective way. The use of video ads and retargeted follow ups was 2.5 times more cost effective than TV for reach.

04/08/2016  |  Full story...

Email case study: Closet London gets 50 times more conversions through personalisation

Fashion brand Closet London saw a major uplift in revenue and conversion rates as a result of implementing a personalised email strategy with Bronto Software, getting a 2900% increase in email based revenue alone.


26/05/2016  |  Full story...

Mobile case study: Neutrogena sun activated advertising

Neutrogena wanted to advertise its new Beach Defense sunscreen during sunny days, but didn’t want to limit its media to weather forecast apps. By combining weather- and location-based technology, the brand automatically activated its ads based on real-time UV conditions and distance from Neutrogena retailers to create a relevant, engaging campaign that drove awareness and sales.

23/05/2016  |  Full story...

Mobile case study: Location data gives BMW UK the edge

Global auto manufacturer BMW which recently celebrated its 100th birthday, embracing marketing innovations by forming partnerships with brands like xAd and Amplifi using location-based technology to reach desired audiences with the right content, at the right time, in the right place. This case study looks at how the car maker used a location-based marketing campaign to drive sales of its 7 Series.

xAd Showcase BMW X-RAY from xAd Design on Vimeo.

17/05/2016  |  Full story...

Case study: The banner ad that can see what you see

Sweden's biggest generator of electricity and producer of heat created a banner-ad that adapts it’s message in real time to the images shown on the website. For the first time, image recognition is used in a large scale banner ad campaign.

Image Recognition Banner (eng) from MRM//McCann Stockholm on Vimeo.

18/03/2016  |  Full story...

Twitter case study: Watchmaker goes real-time to promote ‘slow living’

German watch Slow brand used Twitter Ads to raise awareness and engage potential customers. This case study looks at how they used smart targeting on the social network to get two times the conversion rate of other channels.

08/03/2016  |  Full story...

Second screen case study: Co-operative Electrical links live TV to eBay ads

The Co-operative Electrical partnered with eBay to run an advertising campaign to coincide with the final of the show of The Great British Bake Off. This case study looks at how the retailer saw its click through rate leap 67% for the hour during the show and by 133% for the hour immediately after the show ended.


07/03/2016  |  Full story...

Mobile case study: KFC location tech tempts consumers away from its competitors

Back in October 2015, KFC used mobile location technology to tempt consumers into its restaurants and away from competitors in a campaign to promote its new burrito food range.


25/02/2016  |  Full story...

Facebook case study: Lego videos build brand awareness among mums

Iconic kids’ toy brand Lego created a highly engaging awareness campaign with Facebook video that re-established its value in developing children’s imaginations.

Lego - What's the Story of a Kronkiwongi from Gramercy Park Studios on Vimeo.

11/02/2016  |  Full story...

Kids clothing maker gets 8.9% turnover boost through cart abandonment strategy

Sunuva is UK-based retailer of kids UV swimwear and beachwear that is validated by the British Skin Foundation. Its products are stocked in major department stores and independent boutiques all around the world, and the brand has a strong celebrity following.


16/09/2015  |  Full story...

Mobile marketing on a budget: How Colgate reached 700,000 people with just $8,000 mobile spend

Colgate wanted to increase toothpaste penetration in rural India by educating consumers about oral hygiene and the benefits of using toothpaste regularly vs. traditional, natural products that were only being used sporadically. The brand chose to reach out to these consumers at the Maha Kumbh Mela, a large spiritual gathering for Hindi pilgrims, using mobile and location-based technologies. This case study looks at how the brand managed successful mobile marketing on a budget.

02/06/2014  |  Full story...

Square Meal gets 400% conversion boost with predictive technology


Restaurant booking service Square Meal saw a 67% increase in click-through rates and 400% boost in conversion by switching to Emarsys Predict. This case study looks at how the use of the new self-learning marketing engine boosted customer response. Using data from a customers’ most recent online behaviour to develop a constantly-evolving algorithm, the firm delivered automated campaigns, emulating customer targeting used by e-commerce giants such as Amazon and eBay.

25/03/2014  |  Full story...

Case study: Watch retailer campaign gets 1,300% ROI with remarketing


A precision remarketing campaign from digital agency Periscopix has resulted in 1,300% ROI for Watchfinder, the premium, pre-owned watch retailer. Average order value on the site has increased by 13% as a result of the campaign.

Brand: Watchfinder | Sector: Luxury, retail | Country: UK | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Agency/ Partner: Periscopix | Format: Remarketing, Display advertising, behavioral targeting, web design

19/03/2014  |  Full story...

Further behavioural targeting case studies

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