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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Bbc case studies: we currently have 11.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 11 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Malaysia Tourism uses a multi-platform BBC campaign to boost favourability


Tourism Malaysia used a multi-platform BBC campaign to boost favourability towards the country as a tourist destination. The campaign used four commercial films exploring different elements of the country’s appeal. These were on BBC World News and delivered these to an audience of upmarket, affluent, frequent flyers, with additional support through print advertising in Lonely Planet magazine. The campaign resulted in 124% uplift in favourability among those exposed to the advertising versus those who were not exposed to the advertising. “The BBC is a perfect platform to reach out to our key audiences.”- Abdul Khani Daud, Director, Advertising Division, Tourism Malaysia

Malaysia BBC case study | Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: Malaysia | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |

24/05/2013  |  Full story...

South Africa Tourism works with BBC worldwide to boost visits


South Africa used BBC sponsorship to drive consideration amongst adventurous travellers. The South African Tourism created a series of commercial films and reached affluent, frequent flyers through BBC World News (including sponsorship of Sport Today’s World Cup coverage) and It’s Possible South African Tourism advertising on

Additional support for the campaign came through print advertising in Lonely Planet magazine and a dedicated microsite, which housed the films and provided extended content and competitions. The campaign delivered 26.5 million ad impressions and 48% uplift in recall amongst those exposed to the ads on BBC platforms. Users from over 200 countries and territories visited the South African Tourism microsite.

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: South Africa | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC sponsorship |

24/05/2013  |  Full story...

InterContinental BBC Worldwide campaign goes mobile to create brand awareness and favourability


InterContinental used BBC sponsorship to reinforce InterContinental Hotel’s & Resorts’ reputation for local expertise, creating brand awareness and favourability in the process. The five-part sponsorship supported by a dedicated section on and a splash page BBC Mobile. The campaign resulted in 47% of those exposed to the InterContinental planned to stay with InterContinental over the next 12 months, a 38% increase over those who had not seen the ads on BBC platforms.

Video advertising case study | Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: InterContinental | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |

24/05/2013  |  Full story...

How MTN used banner advertising to create brand awareness and favourability


MTN used BBC sponsorship to boost brand awareness and favourability. The communications company used sponsorship on BBC world news and World Cup ads across Africa and the Middle East. The campaign resulted in 97% brand favourability from those who saw the ads on BBC platforms. “Creative and collaborative from the start, BBC Advertising delivered the ideal view of Cyprus to attract our target audience.”- Phoebe Katsouris, Director General, Cyprus Tourism

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: Cyprus | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |


How Airbus used banner advertising to create brand awareness and favourability


Airbus used BBC campaign to create awareness of the Airbus A380. The campaign had a one-day global takeover of key sections on was to maximise the impact of Airbus’ advertising budget and maximising the opportunity represented by the Dubai Airshow. The online advertising campaign on delivered 25 million page impressions in just 24 hour, helping to create brand awareness and favourability.

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: Airbus| Sector: Travel & Tourism | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |


How Audemars Piguet used banner advertising on iPad to launch a new range watches and create awareness


Audemars Piguet used the BBC News App for iPad and half-page ads on the broadcaster's News and Business homepages to promote the launch of its new Royal Oak Collection to 'high net worth' males. The luxury watchmaker used a geo-targeted campaign in Europe, Middle East and Asia together with New York, California and Florida in the USA to promote the launch of its new Royal Oak Collection and raise overall awareness of the Audemars Piguet brand amongst high net worth males.

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: Audemars Piguet| Sector: Consumer Goods | Objective: brand awareness | Format: Banners ads for iPad |

04/04/2013  |  Full story...

How Salvatore Ferragamo used banner advertising to create brand awareness and favourability


Salvatore Ferragamo used BBC online advertising to attract and engage at the launch of the new shoes range. The luxury brand for men reached out to its consumer with banner ads on, at the weather and travel sections. They also used behavioural targeting aimed at socially-conscious audience interested in Science, Environment & Energy and Fashion & Luxury. The campaign resulted in 103% uplift in brand favourability from those who saw the ads on compared with those who hadn’t seen any advertising. 86% of respondents who had seen the ads on were familiar with the Ferragamo brand, an uplift of 62% from those who had not seen any advertising.

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

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Brand: Salvatore Ferragamo | Sector: Consumer Goods | Objective: brand awareness and favourability | Format: BBC Banner ads |

04/04/2013  |  Full story...

How L’Oreal used banner advertising on BBC to leverage the sponsorship of the Melbourne Grand Prix


L’Oreal used BBC banner ads on the Sports and News pages of to leverage the brand’s sponsorship of the Melbourne Grand Prix alongside BBC coverage of the event. The campaign was targeted to male over 30 years and with BB was the right channel selection with the audience average age of 40 in Asia Pacific. The purpose of the campaign was to raise awareness of L’Oréal’s Melbourne Grand Prix sponsorship and drive traffic to the L’Oréal MenExpert site.

Digital marketing case study (PDF)

More on this case study…
Brand: L’Oreal| Sector: Consumer Goods | Objective: brand awareness | Format: Banners ads |'oreal

04/04/2013  |  Full story...

Case Study: Oracle | Media: BBC | Country: SE Asia | Sector: Technology | Objective: Lead generation, targetting | Format: Online Advertising

Oracle are the world's largest producers of enterprise software. In the Autumn of 2008 they launched a banner advertisment campaign with a view to targetting small to mid-sized companies in South-East Asia. The objective was to encourage downloads of eBooks and Whitepapers and, consequently, convert these downloads into sales leads. Through creation of a special landing page and placement of banners on and BBC Video on Demand, the campaign generated a significant spike in interest for the company.

Download the case study: - Oracle | BBC | Oracle


Case Study: Emirates | Media: BBC Worldwide | Country: Global | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Mobile

Emirates utilised the BBC Worldwide mobile site to launch their advertising campaign.
High stand-out on the screen benefited the brand. As well as the weighting of the advertising content, the prestige of the BBC environment and the associated BBC brand halo effect. Emirates are also reaping the benefits of being seen as early adopters of the mobile channel.
Emirates was one the BBC's global launch partners advertising on BBC Mobile first started. This campaign not only hugely raised Emirates' awareness, but also drove a high volume of usage to Emirates' own mobile site. Key performance indicators included the uplift in mobile check-in use and the awareness of mobile check-in services.


Case Study: Qatar Airways | Media: BBC Worldwide | Countries: Global | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand awareness, brand positioning, purchase intent | Format: Rich Media

Qatar Airways developed a rich media expandable unit to be placed on the BBC Worldwide website. This unit allowed for extended video, promotions of fares and useful tools like currency converter and weather info.
The result was a great benefit to the brand. As well as the audience reach and the BBC brand halo effect, it let users interact with the brand without leaving the environment.


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