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Banners case studies: we currently have 8.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 8 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Case Study: Reelz uses ‘Smart Versioning’ for ongoing updates to video advertising


Cable channel Reelz used a technique called ‘Smart Versioning’ to continually adjust text, video and URLs in ads based on response, in order to boost ROI. As a result, the campaign achieved a 200% higher dwell rate than average.

The purpose of the campaign was to get audience attention and increase the website traffic.
Smart Versioning enabled for ongoing changes, text, video, and URL feeds. And all updates that would otherwise take hours with smart version can be done in only a few minutes. The regular ongoing updates resulted in high dwell rate.

The campaign resulted in dwell rate of 10.35%, 200% more than the entertainment vertical.

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Brand: Reelz| Sector: Entertainment| Agency: Haworth, Reelz Channel, MediaMind | Format: Smart Versioning

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05/01/2012  |  Full story...

Crate & Barrel uses rich media mobile advertising to boost clicks


Crate & Barrel used a Rich Media Ad Unit on mobile to create awareness and drive traffic to its mobile website. The US homewares retailer use AdMob’s rich media ad units with interactive interstitials, full screen expandable ads and banner ads Crate and Barrel created awareness resulting in more than 34,500 users on the website.

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Brand: Crate&Barrel|Media: Google Admob | Country: United States |Sector: Furniture| Agency: Ignited Agency | Format: rich media ad unit

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04/01/2012  |  Full story...

Samsung targets sports app fans to boost TV sales


Engaging a high net-worth, tech-savvy adult male audience with a brand is a tough challenge, but Samsung made smart use of mobile advertising to build brand engagement, driving 198,000 users to a post-click experience.

The purpose of the campaign was to build awareness about the LED 3D TV and drive purchase intent. The campaign resulted in 113% increase in mobile ad awareness & 27% increase in both purchase consideration. Samsung used targeting, and multiple ad formats including interactive ads for iPhone and Android . It also sponsored the popular Sports Tap app, which reached their target audience on mobiles irrespective of the handset and technology they were using. The campaign got a CTR of 1.21% and 50,000 video views. The greater impact of the campaign was the positive inclination towards the brand, with 38% increase in agreement with the statement “Samsung is a leader in new technology”

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Brand: Samsung | Media: Google Admob | Sector: Telecommunications| Agency: MediaVest | Format: Interactive video ads, Expandable canvas ads, Banners and Text links

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TV channel G4 gets 3,800 app installs from mobile CPC banner campaign


TV channel G4 used mobile ads as a cost-effective way to get consumers to install their Android App. G4 used CPC text and banner ads on the AdMob mobile display network reached its target audience. The campaign drove over 3,800 installs and a 8.01% conversion rate for the campaign over all.

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Brand: G4|Media: Google Admob |Sector: Telecommunications | Format: Text & Banner ads

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03/01/2012  |  Full story...

City of San Diego uses 3D golf game to drive user engagement

The city of San Diego made smart use of rich media and gaming techniques to drive user engagement, getting a 2.54% click-through-rate from potential customers in the process…

San Diego worked with MediaMInd to use a golf-based game to promote the city as a premier golf destination, reaching out to golf enthusiasts using a combination of demographic, behavioural and geographic targeting. The campaign featured an interactive golf buggy driving game ‘Tee Box Derby ‘ embedded in a banner. The rich-media game showcased the city’s three premier golf courses as levels in the game, driving engagement with the brand. The campaign paid-off, achieving a CTR of 2.54% within the first two weeks alone. The In-banner engagement averaged 90-163 seconds, on different publishers.

Brand: San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau | Media: Interactive Game & banner ads | Country: USA | Sector: Travel & Tourism | Agency: MeringCarson, Illusion Factory & Media Mind | Format: Rich Media Interactive game | Objective: Promote San Diego as Premier resort & golf destination

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Case Study: Oracle | Media: BBC | Country: SE Asia | Sector: Technology | Objective: Lead generation, targetting | Format: Online Advertising

Oracle are the world's largest producers of enterprise software. In the Autumn of 2008 they launched a banner advertisment campaign with a view to targetting small to mid-sized companies in South-East Asia. The objective was to encourage downloads of eBooks and Whitepapers and, consequently, convert these downloads into sales leads. Through creation of a special landing page and placement of banners on and BBC Video on Demand, the campaign generated a significant spike in interest for the company.

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Client: Ford | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Banners

Ford has launched a cross media advertising campaign both on English and Spanish TV, radio, print, outdoor and via direct mail and online. The online ads that ran on auto-related pages proved to be the most cost effective at raising purchase intention: the portal roadblock ads and magazine ads were more expensive at raising purchase intention than in-market interactive ads, but they were both a great value in terms of cost-per-impact compared to television.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: easyJet | Sector: Travel | Objective: Brand building, customer acquisition | Format: Banners

easyJet wanted to accurately measure return on investment for its online advertising spend to help it understand and improve its ROI and conversion rates. By identifying and recording each person’s exposure to the brand and their subsequent activity on the site, easyJet could easily rate each campaign not only for click-throughs but also for the quality and loyalty of the customers it was attracting. RedEye helped easyJet to understand the ‘branding effect’ of its advertising, attributing customer spend to advertising campaigns even when customers did not purchase immediately. Measuring customer activity over a period of time gave easyJet a reliable indicator of the long-term profitability of customers acquired from each campaign.

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