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Automotive case studies: we currently have 54.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 54 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Fiat 500: new car, new medium

Fiat 500There was a time when the web was still a minor ‘add-on’ to a car launch campaign, but with most new cars being researched online before a decision is made about the brand (let alone the purchase), every motor manufacturer has had to refocus their efforts to the web. Five years ago set a new standard in web content, fusing together the genres of entertainment films, product placement and video demonstrations. They raised the bar so high that few motoring brands have come close since. However, this month’s launch of the Fiat 500 from digital specialists AKQA is a worthy contender. They’ve built 21 short movies with a personality that’s on brand and production quality that would stand up in cinema. raised the bar  |  Watch more on  |  Check out more work from AKQA

25/01/2008  |  Full story...

Client: Ford | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Page takeovers

This online campaign featured broad-reach page takeovers on high traffic areas of major portals, including the home pages and email sections. The online ads had a significant lift on sales. In total, 6% of the sales of the vehicle could be directly attributed to the online advertising (without click through) during the period studied. Click-through tracked sales were responsible for a significant number of additional sales beyond the 6%.

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Client: Ford | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Banners

Ford has launched a cross media advertising campaign both on English and Spanish TV, radio, print, outdoor and via direct mail and online. The online ads that ran on auto-related pages proved to be the most cost effective at raising purchase intention: the portal roadblock ads and magazine ads were more expensive at raising purchase intention than in-market interactive ads, but they were both a great value in terms of cost-per-impact compared to television.

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Agency: RedEye | Client: AA | Sector: Automotive | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Targeted email campaign

Thousands of users take out car insurance quotes on the AA website every single day but despite registering online for a quote, only a small proportion of these potential customers immediately purchase. The AA wanted to be able to identify these visitors, and communicate a timely, targeted message to them, encouraging them to return to the site and buy online. The AA saw a dramatic improvement in their online customer conversion rate.

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