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Apps case studies: we currently have 67.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 67 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Baseball app gets 6 million users in 24 hours on ‘Opening Day’ relaunch


The official app for Major League Baseball got an update on the first day of the new US season- getting 6 million players accessing the tool within 24 hours. In March 2013, MLB announced that the At Bat app, which is available for iOS, Android and BlackBerry, was accessed 6 million times on Monday, the first day of baseball’s 2013 season. That’s double the amount of use the app saw on Opening Day 2012.

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Brand: Major League Baseball | Sector: Sport | Country: US/ Global | Objective: Build brand engagement, drive sales | Format: Mobile, apps, gaming

25/04/2013  |  Full story...

Nanigans app reaches no. 5 in Facebook charts with 'Install Ads'


Facebook advertising company Nanigans ran a Facebook mobile campaign for an e-commerce app developer during the holidays, moving the app’s rank in the Apple Store from 253rd to 5th in its category, with the use of Facebook’s mobile app install ads. The ads got an average clickthrough rate of 0.74 percent, reaching as high as 1.5 percent in core segments. The campaign cost $325,000, with daily spend surpassing $90,000 on multiple days. As a result of Nanigans’ campaign, the ecommerce app acquired more than 24,300 new installs in 10 days, with some days reaching more than 4,500 installs.

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Brand: Nanigans | Sector: Facebook | Country: US/ Global | Objective: Build brand enagagement, drive sales | Format: Facebook, Mobile, App, Gaming

26/03/2013  |  Full story...

App case study: Reebok 'promise keeper' app helps motivate and engage consumers

Reebok's ‘Promise Keeper’ app engaged users by providing real world benefit and told their social network all about it, and Reebok's trainers. The app they wanted to not only promote the ZigTech running shoe, but also ensure people didn't forget about it too quickly across Europe. The campaign was designed to generate conversation and target people who liked to keep fit, but who sometimes lacked the motivation to do so. This case study looks at how the sports brand generated a click-through rate of 14% of the website, 28% perceiving the Reebok app as their exercising partner and a high user loyalty with above 91% of registered users continuing to use the application since launch.

App case study

26/03/2013  |  Full story...

Band Aid brings Muppets to life with augmented reality plasters

To comfort children in their hour of need, Band-Aid teamed up with Disney to embed videos of The Muppets in their plasters using augmented reality. This case study looks at how the Johnson & Johnson brand used the ‘internet of things’ to engage with their target market in a new and innovative way.

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Brand: Johnson & Johnson, Band Aid | Sector: FMCG, Healthcare | Country: US | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Video, Augmented Reality, Social Media, iPad, Mobile, Apps |

25/02/2013  |  Full story...

Mobile marketing case study: McDonald's app tracks origin of food

Amid growing uncertainty about the origin of mass-produced food, this timely McDonald’s app turns users' iPhone’s into an ingredient tracker. McDonalds partnered with DDB Sydney to launch the TrackMyMacca’s app in Australia. By using the camera feature of their iPhone, iPad or iTouch, diners can scan the image of the particular food item they have purchased. Using GPS and the free Wi-Fi in McDonald’s outlets, as well as taking note of the date and time, the app is able to access the company’s supply chain. It can, for example, identify the source of ingredients used to create the meat patty in a customer’s quarter pounder, right down to the particular cattle farm.

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Brand: McDonalds | Sector: Food, FMCG, retail | Country: Australia | Agencies: DDB Sydney | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Mobile |

14/02/2013  |  Full story...

ASOS grows Facebook fans 32% with Facebook games


ASOS ran a Facebook campaign to generate sales and excitement ahead of its summer sales campaign. For the launch ASOS used Facebook Pages, Ads and Sponsored Stories to increase revenue from a summer sale event on the ASOS website. It built a custom application on the ASOS page that allowed fans to play a series of four games. All of this helped ASOS’s fan base grow by 32%.

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Brand: ASOS | Sector: Clothing | Objective: Build brand engagement | Format: Facebook, Social Media |

17/01/2013  |  Full story...

Facebook and fitness apps- a social success story?


Facebook is touting the success of a number of fitness apps, including Nike, as social networkers go digital to track and map their work out sessions. The site’s developers blog has highlighted four applications that have taken advantage of Facebook’s Open Graph to find success on the social network. With these apps, users can post a map of their run, gain a personal trainer in their pocket, count calories burned and share successes.

Facebook case study

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Brand: Nike | Media: Facebook | Country: US | Sector: Sport | Format: Social media and Mobile

09/11/2012  |  Full story...

Foodspotting creates stories and actions to boost Facebook sharing


Visual food app Foodspotting used Facebook to attract users and engage by newsfeeds from friends. It creates interesting stories by providing detailed information about each dish such as location, number of friends who have loved a dish. It also displays large user generated photos to make the newsfeed relevant. Open-graph actions such as spot a dish, love a dish, nom a dish, try a dish and want a dish were implemented. Since launching with Open Graph in January, Foodspotting has seen referral traffic from Facebook increase by 4 times and monthly active users grow by 2 times.

Facebook case study | Foodspotting

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Brand: Foodspotting| Sector: Food and beverages / Hospitality | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: Facebook Page


Case study: Norway tourist firm targets US travellers with Facebook app


Innovation Norway, a state-owned company with a focus on promotion and development of Norway, used a previous successful experience with a Facebook app to run a new campaign targeting travellers in the US. This case study demonstrates how the firm managed to boost engagement and add 23,000 fans to its Facebook page, as well as lift website referrals by a massive 238%.

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Brand: Innovation Norway | Country: US | Sector: Travel, Tourism | Objective: build brand awareness | Format: Facebook

06/11/2012  |  Full story...

Fedex captures data to create personalised jingle


FedEx has launched a new app on Facebook that highlights how they can help your business grow better than a cheesy advertising jingle. The app invites customers to input their business details which then become customisable parts of their very own 'jingle'. The tagline and copy is the same on all the videos. It simply and effectively communicates FedEx’s message: “There are more effective ways to promote your business. We can help with business cards, banners, and brochures. FedEx. Solutions that matter.”

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Brand: Fedex | Country: US | Sector: Delivery | Agency: BBDO New York | Objective: boost conversions and subscriptions | Format:Video, App

23/10/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: SkyyVodka captures consumer data in fun way with ‘Skypad’


This iPad app from South African vodka brand Skyy makes data capture fun for the consumer, with an entertaining cocktail mixer game. Skyy realised that no-one likes form filling when it comes to registering interest with brands, so the created an iPad game to capture data in an engaging way. The firm created the app and sent promoters to bars with iPads. Beyond boosting sales, the firm claimed the app captured data to boost long term loyalty.

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Brand: Skyy | Country: South Africa | Sector: FMCG Drinks | Objective: build brand engagement | Format: iPad App

11/10/2012  |  Full story...

Case study: Nokia Finger Battle app


At the height of football fever this summer, Nokia launched a smartphone game to coincide with the Euro 2012 championships. This case study shows how the ‘Finger Battle app’ became one of the most popular application so the tournament. For the 2012 Euro Cup that took place in Poland and Ukraine, Nokia Poland wanted to create an app that could keep football fans entertained during the football fever in the country. The game became one of the top 10 most downloaded Euro Cup applications, and it became the 3rd most popular game app downloaded. There were more than 6 900 games played, and the app generated more than 5 000 downloads.

YouTube case study

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Brand: Nokia | Media: Mobile app and Facebook | Country: Poland | Sector: Sport/ Mobile | Agency: Wunderman | Format: Mobile app and social media

30/08/2012  |  Full story...

Mobile case study- Coca-Cola branded iPhone game drives teen engagement


Coca-Cola has made a foray into advergaming with their new title, Crabs & Penguins. The beverage giant made smart use of gamification techniques, with a music soundtrack and social media links, to build long-term engagement with consumers by letting players unlock levels and learn about a story.

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Brand: Coco-Cola |Media: Communities & Gaming portals, Smartphones, Mobile | Sector: FMCG | Agency: Ember Lab | Format: iPhone App |

YouTube video: Coca-Cola | Mobile App: Crabs and Penguins | Micro-site campaign: Crabs and Penguins

04/07/2012  |  Full story...

Samsung targets sports app fans to boost TV sales


Engaging a high net-worth, tech-savvy adult male audience with a brand is a tough challenge, but Samsung made smart use of mobile advertising to build brand engagement, driving 198,000 users to a post-click experience.

The purpose of the campaign was to build awareness about the LED 3D TV and drive purchase intent. The campaign resulted in 113% increase in mobile ad awareness & 27% increase in both purchase consideration. Samsung used targeting, and multiple ad formats including interactive ads for iPhone and Android . It also sponsored the popular Sports Tap app, which reached their target audience on mobiles irrespective of the handset and technology they were using. The campaign got a CTR of 1.21% and 50,000 video views. The greater impact of the campaign was the positive inclination towards the brand, with 38% increase in agreement with the statement “Samsung is a leader in new technology”

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Brand: Samsung | Media: Google Admob | Sector: Telecommunications| Agency: MediaVest | Format: Interactive video ads, Expandable canvas ads, Banners and Text links

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TV channel G4 gets 3,800 app installs from mobile CPC banner campaign


TV channel G4 used mobile ads as a cost-effective way to get consumers to install their Android App. G4 used CPC text and banner ads on the AdMob mobile display network reached its target audience. The campaign drove over 3,800 installs and a 8.01% conversion rate for the campaign over all.

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Brand: G4|Media: Google Admob |Sector: Telecommunications | Format: Text & Banner ads

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03/01/2012  |  Full story...

How Reckitt Benckiser used mini game apps to recruit talent


Reckitt Benckiser used a suite of eight online and mobile mini-games to raise brand awareness among students and graduates early in their career, as part of a recruitment drive. The games are available online and via iPhone and Android Apps. The games are promote the 8 ‘power brands’ of Reckitt Benckiser; Harpic, Durex, Clearasil, Air Wick, Dettol/Lysol, Veet, Vanish & French Mustard. The games were promoted via social media seeding strategy which targets relevant gaming portals, news groups and communities.

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Brand: Reckitt Benckiser |Media: Social feeds, Communities & Gaming portals| Sector: FMCG | Agency: TAMBA, The Workroom | Format: Online Games, iPhone & Android Apps

View a video of the campaign: Reckitt Benckiser | View the Facebook page | View the official website: CrazieRBrands | View Tamba's Case Study


Case study: Talk Talk | Sector: Telecoms | Format: Social Media

Talk Talk Forever StoryA brilliant example of taking a big idea and applying it online. Using the web as a platform for engagement, Talk Talk aligned with the Treehouse autism charity to create The Forever Story, persuading thousands of consumers to take part and collaborate in what became a Guinness world record for the largest multi-author story ever: 8000 entries, 20 hours of content, podcasts, Facebook apps - and of course, the story continues, online.

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07/05/2009  |  Full story...

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