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With over 1,000 digital marketing case studies in our library, there are great examples for how digital marketing satisfies any marketing objective you have.

Advertising Spend case studies: we currently have 10.

Any agency or media owner can submit case studies to our team and these 10 are the strongest we have received, with the most recent case studies at the top of this page. If you're interested in more digital marketing case studies then review our complete case study library. If you're interested in submitting case studies then email our case studies manager to find out more

Search case study: DS Automobiles drives leads up and costs down

Premium brand DS Automobiles worked with Bing Ads and using Remarketing in Paid Search to drive leads up and costs down.


16/04/2018  |  Full story...

Search case study: Candle retailer gets 1002% ROI with Bing Ads

In less than a month, a candle firm managed to boost its search ads return on investment by a whopping 1002% on Bing Ads through smart keyword marketing. This case study looks at the secret to Diamond Candles' success.


04/08/2016  |  Full story...

Cadbury’s Crunchie spends half of digital ad budget on Snapchat lenses

At a cost ranging between $100,000 up to $750,000 for 24-hour, Snapchat Lenses are the most premium add to buy on the app. But is it worth it? Cadbury’s recently bet half its brand ad budget on the format for Crunchie’s 'Obey your Mouth' campaign to find out…


02/06/2016  |  Full story...

Digital marketing case study: How MAC cosmetics identified wasted impressions and increased conversions with Facebook’s Atlas tool

Digital ad campaigns which rely on cookies for ad targeting can often produce misleading results, wasted impressions and missed conversions. For the launch of MAC’s new eye shadow line, the cosmetics brand used Facebook’s Atlas tool for people based marketing to improve ad targeting.


22/10/2015  |  Full story...

Food case study: ConAgra boosts display ad ROI with smart targetting

ConAgra Foods worked with advertising partners and measurement firm comScore to transform its approach to online advertising, resulting in improved campaign performance and ROI. This case study looks at how the FMCG giant achieved a 70% lift in attribute awareness and 30% lift in purchase intent by fine-tuning its targeting and working closer with publishers.


10/02/2015  |  Full story...

Digital marketing ROI: Five food brand campaigns that prove digital works

How do you measure success in a digital campaign? Getting more YouTube fans, Facebook likes or newsletter sign ups is all well and good, but do these actually translate to more sales and justify the initial spend? We look back at some of the best food campaigns of the past year that show how digital success translates into real world cash.

30/09/2014  |  Full story...

Crème Egg shifts spend from TV to Facebook and increases sales 7%


Mondelez increased Crème Egg sales by switching ad spend from TV to Facebook. This case study looks at how a seasonal social media campaign that invited people to ‘Have a fling with Crème Egg’ on Facebook, created a long series of one-off posts that fed into an overall narrative across the three months- increasing sales by 7% as a result.

07/04/2014  |  Full story...

Client: Dove | Sector: FMCG | Objective: Brand awareness, customer acquisition | Format: Banners

Dove’s interactive advertising campaign contributed significantly to brand impact. By increasing the online spend within the same total ad budget from 2% to 15%, Unilever produced an 8% increase in overall branding metrics and a 14% increase in purchase intent.

Download Dove case study


Client: Universal Studios | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer acquisition, brand awareness | Format: Rich media, banners

 The vast majority of Universal Studios advertising budget is spent on TV. Around 6% of the budget was spent on banner ads and less than 1% on rich media ads which floated animations on top of web pages. The results of the online advertising proved to be significantly better than the TV commercials. The most successful format was rich media.

Download Universal Studios case studies


Client: ING | Sector: Finance | Objective: Customer acquisition | Format: Banners

The objective of the XMOS study is to help marketers and their agencies answer the question: what is the optimal mix of advertising vehicles across different media, in terms of frequency, reach and budget allocation, for given campaign to achieve its marketing goals? This particular campaign for ING ran for six months and included advertising on television, magazines and online. The budgetary proportions of the campaign were 68% for television, 17% for magazines and 15% for the internet. The media mix proved to be more effective than advertising would have been in any single medium. The 15% share of budget that ING assigned to interactive demonstrated itself to be ideal in this campaign.

Download ING case study


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