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1upsearch case studies: we currently have 1.

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Case Study: 1upSearch | Media: Google | Countries: UK | Sector: Marketing agency | Objectives: Direct response, lead generation, targeting, optimisation | Format: Search

1upsearch.jpg1upsearch, a digital marketing agency based in Bedford, UK, needed a powerful website analysis tool to help drive ROI for their customers. To achieve this goal they set up Google Website Optimiser experiments. This allowed them to run tests on websites of different shapes and sizes, with Website Optimiser consistently providing the insight to make the website better. Following the experiments 1upsearch implemented the winning site variations. The result has been clear, as the agency achieved a 20% improvement in conversions for one their largest clients.

Download the case study: 1upSearch - Google Website Optimisation | Google Website Optimiser | 1upSearch


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