Cannes Lions case study: Always gets 58m YouTube views with 'Like a Girl'

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This year’s Grand Prix winner of the Cannes Lions 2015 PR category was feminine care product brand Always (P&G) for their “Like a girl” campaign. The campaign highlights the differences in how young women, girls and boys perceive the phrase “like a girl”.

Case study summary

• Winner of the PR Grand Prix award at the Cannes Lions awards 2015
• Described as one of the best commercials at the 2015 Super Bowl
• Video has been viewed over 58 million times on YouTube

The challenge

More than half of girls lose confidence during puberty, one of the main reasons for this are the societal put downs, in fact only 19% of women have a positive perception with the phrase “like a girl”. The #LikeAGirl campaign from Always champions girl’s confidence and what it means to do something “like a girl”.

The campaign by advertising agency Leo Burnett, P&G brand Always and filmmaker Lauren Greenfield aimed to empower women and redefine the meaning of the phrase “like a girl”.


The solution

The campaign started with a video where adults and young boys were asked to describe what the phrase “like a girl” means and then perform various tasks such as “run like a girl”, “throw like a girl” and “fight like a girl”. The results were troubling, pathetic running, waving hands and flipping hair were acted out and highlighted the negative associations with the phrase “like a girl”. In comparison young girls were asked the same question and to perform the same tasks and did so with determination, confidence and acted the movements with athletic motions.

The video highlights that at about 12 years old girls begin to internalise the negative connotations that comes with doing things “like a girl”. The video launched an empowering campaign to change what it means to do something “like a girl” into something strong and confident.


The video has been viewed over 58 million times on YouTube and was praised for being one of the best commercials during the 2015 Super Bowl.

The campaign as a whole won the Grand Prix award in the PR category at the Cannes Lions festival in 2015.

This video, from Hatch, surveys four consumers as they watch the ad.

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