Email marketing case study: Evans Cycles and the value of an email address

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With the demise of many once popular high street brands it has never been more important for retailers to have a multichannel strategy. It is important for business to track their customers using data collected both in store and online. A great example of the value of an email address can be demonstrated by Evans Cycles email marketing strategy. This case study looks at one customer’s journey through the email marketing process.


Key take outs

• Evans Cycles collects customers email address to build brand engagement and give customers continued customer support

• With an email address Evans Cycles can connect directly with customers after an initial purchase

• Sending customers relevant personalised emails creates brand loyalty and keeps customers up to date on new products/events

The challenge

Evans Cycles, a cycling chain in the United Kingdom wanted to track and stay in contact with customers after a purchase. Buying a bike can be a one off purchase, Evans Cycles wanted to connect with their customers to increase loyalty to the brand and ensure that future purchases would also be made at their store.

The solution- a customer journey

The solution was simple – collect the customers email address. A part of this case study, we followed the journey of Evans Cycles customer Simon, and how the store fostered loyalty and follow up purchases through a balanced and transparent email marketing strategy.

Over the summer a Simon purchased a gift voucher at Evans Cycles and when in store registered with his email. Since the summer he has received multiple emails from Evans Cycles.


None of the emails come across as spam, instead they offer discounts, a chance to review products and win £250. Since registering with his email he has been welcomed to the Evans Cycle club, this email thanks the customer for their email address, offers them a £5 discount code, in three short bullet points of less than 150 words explains the benefits of being in the club and informs the customer of subsequent emails they should expect to receive.


Simon now receives regular emails with vouchers and when clicking through and browsing products in the online store, they follow up the next day with a reminder of what he viewed. If Simon does buy anything he is emailed the next day to request a review of the product and a chance to win a £250 voucher.


This example shows the value that can be gained in terms of customer service and brand engagement with an email address.

The consumer experience

The consumer experience is great; Simon has only received emails relevant to him, there has been no need to unsubscribe to the emails as there isn’t an overload of spam. Email marketing in this way builds brand loyalty and when Simon needed to buy some winter cycling gloves, the first place he went to was Evans Cycles.

How does this boost Evans Cycles digital marketing?

Evans Cycles shows the value that can be gained in both terms of customer service and brand engagement through email.

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