Suttons Seeds boosts conversions by 112% via ‘learning’ search technology

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Suttons Seeds worked with SLI to implement learning site search technology to help visitors find products they wanted. This case study looks at how the garden equipment and seeds supplier got a 112% higher conversion rate for site search users with learning search.

Brand: Suttons Seeds | Sector: FMCG, Household and Gardening | Country: UK | Agency/Partner: SLI | Objective: brand awareness, consideration and purchase | Format: Search, Design

Last year, Suttons Seeds, the Leading Garden Equipment and Seeds Supplier found that the site search solution built into its Ecommerce platform, Exact Abacus, wasn’t robust enough to satisfy their business needs. The company explored a range of options, and selected Learning Search from SLI Systems based on the flexibility and responsiveness of the solution, as well as SLI’s ability to handle on-going bespoke requests

Visitors who interact with site search represent more than 40% of Sutton’s total site revenue and these visitors convert at more than twice the rate than those that don’t use site search
Implementation of SLI’s Site Champion has resulted in thousands of referrals to the site every month contributing to an improved bottom line

By leveraging SLI’s support, Suttons Seeds was able to make rapid changes to its site; tweaking, testing and changing the way products are displayed

Suttons has seen significant improvement in site performance since implementing Learning Search from SLI Systems. The results speak for themselves - whilst 15% of site visits are generated from site search, it is contributing to 41% of the total site revenue. The company has seen 112% higher conversion rates for site search users and 24% higher average order values in comparison to the site average.

SLI’s full-service approach, combined with the fast and easy implementation of Learning Search, resulted in a rapid and easy implementation process. By partnering with SLI, Suttons Seeds was able to make rapid changes to its site, tweaking, testing and changing the way products are displayed to improve conversion rates, including revamped product views (grid, list and gallery), improvements to the refinement display and control, and a check box just for offers, to promote discounted products.

Suttons Seeds implemented Site Champion, SLI’s user-generated SEO solution. Site Champion takes into account the search terms people use while on your site and the items they click on, and incorporates that information into dynamically created search engine optimised landing pages. This has resulted in thousands of extra referrals to the site every month and as a consequence an improved bottom line.

Analysis of real time reports enables the company to capitalise on market trends, for example a weekly report highlighting various site search statistics can help identify new or existing product opportunities to grow online revenues, “You have to make sure you give people what they want, when they want it! SLI’s Learning Search allows us to identify and respond to patterns in search, which provides extra insight that we would otherwise have missed,” Steve Newman, Ecommerce Manager of Suttons Seeds.

“The training and support from SLI is exemplary and quick with no issues at all, which makes a good relationship easy to maintain. Just the speed of the turnaround is impressive in itself, and the work is done in only 24 hours, as opposed to a week like most suppliers. They have also been great at creating unique customisations for us,” Steve Newman, Ecommerce Manager of Suttons Seeds.

Marcus Law, Marketing Manager EMEA, SLI Systems says, “Online retailers have diverse needs for site search and navigation depending on their products and their customers’ browsing and buying behaviour. Site search solutions need to offer the flexibility to allow retailers to add or delete refinement options, reorder results, and customise the look and feel of the entire customer experience – and also provide the necessary data to guide these important decisions. SLI Systems helps its

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