Nestle puts GPS trackers in Kit Kat bars to deliver prizes

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In the autumn of 2012, Nestle launched a (slightly creepy) new promotion for its Kit Kat, Yorkie and Aero bars, embedding GPS trackers in select bars, with the promise to track down the buyer within 24 hours to deliver a £10,000 prize. The UK promotion called 'We will find you', involved six KitKat 4 Finger, KitKat Chunky, Aero Peppermint Medium, or Yorkie bars. Nestlé devised the campaign to appeal to men, and backed the marketing blitz with TV ads and a smartphone campaign.

YouTube advert

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Brand: Nestle | Country: UK | Sector: FMCG Food | Objective: build brand engagement | Agency: JWT London | Format: YouTube, social media, retail

When a winning consumer opens the wrapper, it activates and notifies the prize team who promises to track them down within 24 hours to deliver a check for £10,000.

A Nestle spokesman added that 'inside their wrappers, the GPS-enabled bars looked just like normal chocolate bars.'


Nestlé said they devised the campaign to appeal to men, and is backing the marketing blitz with TV ads and a smartphone campaign, wherein users are supposed to scan QR codes on Kit-Kat ads or use NFC-equipped phones to enter an online competition.

Nestle is running a two-week poster campaign to support the promotion that will see 3,000 NFC- or QR-equipped posters distributed around the country.

Smartphone users can use these to check how many GPS chocolate bars are still in the wild as well as enter a smaller contest to win £10.

Watch the promo video here:

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