Case study: ‘The man who gave everything away’ - social media stunt gets retailer 54% sales increase

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South American retail chain Homecentre Sodimac used an unconventional marketing method to increase sales by 54% during the ‘Homecentre House Season’ with the campaign ‘The man who gave everything away’. This case study shows how with the campaign Homecentre created a viral effect with a common man giving away everything he owned. The campaign was to create a suspense about an ordinary man who has come up with a peculiar idea of giving away everything he owns and only and the end he reveals the reason – The Homecentre season sale. Thus, subtly emphasising the sale being so good that he wanted to get rid of his possession to be able to shop. This was done by a creation of a facebook page with videos, picture and updates of things being given away and the date when it would be done.

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Brand: Homecenter Sodimac |Agency: Young & Rubicam |Sector: Retail | Format: Facebook Platform, Marketplace Ads, Facebook Premium Ads, Facebook Pages | Language: Spanish | Location: Colombia, Latin America

YouTube case study | Facebook case study

The campaign resulted in sales increased by 54% in comparison to the 2010 Homecenter House Season. During the course of the campaign on average, the Facebook page gained two new fans every six minutes, and posts from Juan Miguel Cure were seen 348,675 times.

A Colombian man named Juan Miguel Cure woke up with an unusual idea in his mind: he had the uncontrollable urge to give away everything he owned in his house.

He created a Facebook Page to tell everyone, "I am giving away everything in my house." Within a week, he had uploaded videos and pictures of everything he wanted to give away: his fridge, TV, oven, doors, windows and even his floor.

On the day people lined up to get the stuff and by the end of the day, Juan Miguel´s house was completely empty.

Only then did Juan Miguel finally revealed the reason why he was giving everything away: the Homecenter House Season is the best excuse to renovate your home at the lowest prices

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