How Visit Britain used Facebook to double fan base

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Visit Britain used social media marketing to increase the fan base, with the use of Facebook sponsored stories, page like and page post sponsored stories, resulting fan base to increase from 126,173 to 255,751. The campaign used targeting to friends of friends and ran from 25 April to 1 May. The sponsored stories, page likes and page posts were shown to friends of people who had ‘Liked’ or commented on the page. The 1 week campaign resulted in a 29% increase in feedback on page posts. The number of likes was doubled.

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Brand: Visit Britain |Media: Facebook | Country: UK |Sector: Tourism| Format: Facebook Sponsored Stories|

“Our overall social media strategy is based on Facebook because that’s where our main successes have been. The next major step change will be to embark on an effective Facebook Commerce strategy, moving towards integrating other digital and commercial channels into Facebook-centred strategy .” – Justin Reid, Head of Digital and Social Media at Visit Britain & Love UK
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