Avatar page takeovers attract high engagement and dwell rates

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Twentieth Century Fox used interactive advertising to promote the Blu-Ray and DVD release of blockbuster film Avatar, resulting in a 35% higher than average dwell rate. The campaign used a homepage takeover and interactive video to showcase the video content and recreated the interface from the film.

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Brand: Avatar | Country: USA| Sector: Entertainment| Agency: Moxie (US), Vizeum (Int), Think Jam, Media Mind | Format: Screen Takeover

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The home page takeover online advertising format is a powerful, arresting way to grab attention. Providing you have the relevancy to the target and some stunning visuals, it can make for a game changer in your online campaigns as the media groups that offer it normally give you a guaranteed large reach of a market.

This example from Avatar is part of a series of home page take overs (HTPO) ad units that were used to promote Avatar’s initial release in cinemas, and then the following Blu-Ray products for the home. Their use of clips from the film gives consumers a great experience, and the use of sound feels like a justified addition. In online media, the creative assets have a significant impact on the types of tools and channels that will fit best for a marketer, which is why each brand needs to understand the rules for getting the most from each format.

The HPTO advertising format was created in the late 90s by portals who dominated the web landscape and controlled the gateways. Its use quickly became analogous to a commercial break in primetime TV. From the mid 2000s, the costs of developing the format collapsed, and many big web publishers started accepting them, resulting in a much broader range of brands being able to access them – and as the media costs fell, a broader range of budgets too.

The average Dwell duration for the campaign was 35.53 seconds and the average dwell rate 6.26% nearly 36% higher than benchmark. The start rate of the campaign was 50.58% which is 70.63% higher than the benchmark.

“The final execution on the desktopwas elegant and the iPad version was simply sublime. MediaMind allows marketers and creative to really shoot for the stars in their rich media campaigns.” – Jonathan Tavss, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Suggested tags: interactive banner, Moxie, Vizeum, Think Jam, Media Mind, Dwell rate, Twentieth Century Fox Entertainment, Ad formats, brand, brand placement, brand engagement, innovation, homepage takeover, social, video in banner, interactivity, desktop takeover, iPad, videos, Avatar, DVD

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