« Agency: RedEye | Client: Warner Breaks | Sector: Travel | Objective: Customer aquisition | Format: Viral email marketing | Main | Agency: RedEye | Client: William Hill | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer aquisition | Format: Email marketing »

Agency: RedEye | Client: William Hill | Sector: Entertainment | Objective: Customer retention | Format: Website redesign

william%20hill%20conversion.jpgBefore anyone can bet online with William Hill they must by law register to prove they are over 18, to provide bank details and to submit name and address details. Of course this information also provides valuable data that can be used to target those who have registered but not converted to purchase, and to enter customers into a relationship management programme. William Hill suspected that the registration process was one of the largest barriers to buy. They wanted to test this, and many other alternative site processes. However they recognised that first they and needed a new, accurate way to measure the results. After exhaustive analysis of available tracking systems William Hill choose RedEye who placed their tracking code onto every page of the web-site. Two alternative registration processes were tested over successive weeks and the results measured until a statistically significantly number of new people had visited the site.
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