Welcome to your Online Classroom

This online learning resource is where you can discuss the issues from your Academy and download the outputs of our workshops.
Your Academy Director and lead tutor is Danny Meadows-Klue: Danny@DigitalStrategyConsulting.com
Your Academy Manager is Anna Ready: Anna.Ready@DigitalStrategyConsulting.com

Your Discussion Place

Big_classroomHere is the place you can discuss issues with your tutor and other participants

Is there something you did not understand on the day? Is there a new point you would like to make? Are there any new issues that you have discovered now you are applying your knowledge? Use this space to make your comments and to ask your questions.

The discussion place is open for one month following your session and materials will stay here as a reference point for you for a further year.


Sizing the gap: Swiss marketers focus on newspapers but audiences' focus switches online

digital%20bulbs.jpgHere in Switzerland, newspaper advertising still dominates the marketing mix. It has one of the highest shares of advertising spend of any market in the world, and while most countries have seen classified ads begin their heavyweight migration to the web, here the changes are still yet to really get going. It’s an even greater paradox, because with broadband penetration and ad spend per capita among the highest in the world, online should be accounting for 8% or more of the advertising mix. Vested interests? Lack of innovation? New insights about the time the Swiss spend with their media paint a startling picture…

Learn more from AdLink Media Group

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Digital marketing: Dialogue, not monologue please

msn%20case%20study.jpgThe digital networked society is a great leveller. The relationship between brands and consumers has shifted. The structure of communications has undergone this massive leap. While the smart thinking in marketing is leaping to embrace a whole new way of doing things, much of the practice in marketing still clings to the past. That's why it wasn't just gutsy, but a strategically brilliant move for Microsoft to use a television style commercial to make the point for them.

Watch the Bring Back The Love film

The digital rollercoaster: landmarks in digital development

rollercoster%20100.jpg Internet communications have become a routine part of the daily lives of most people in the technically advanced countries of Asia, Western Europe and North America. As part of this, online marketing has already become a mainstream part of the media mix. These facts and landmarks we collated for participants on the Digital Training Academies are a summary of the internet and marketing development Academy lectures and are intended to present a few highlights of the immense changes created through this industry.

Visit Digital Rollercoaster Report

Digital Insight Report: Digital marketing innovations

Pre_ac_reading Ahead of all our The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing and this innovation report brings you a few examples of some of the tools and techniques that are delivering results across a wide range of digital marketing formats. How can you use them to change your marketing? Which will work in your sector? Which can be applied straight away? How can you maintain that competitive edge?

Read more in Digital Insight Report section

Research: Online adspend soars

Media_week_4 Here is a new portion of research to digest - interesting figures from Nielsen showing that online display spending rose 25% in 2006. A good day for the internet industry, especially if we compare the figures with other media: only national press and outdoor recorded growth whereas the other markets slumped (TV by 6%, regional papers by 11%). It is not yet clear whether the money in online is coming from other media or it is new money.  Read more in MediaWeek Online display ads up by 25% in 2006.

Listen to the podcast interview about online adspend in Europe

Digital_europeOnline advertising is changing the nature of marketing. This is happening across the world, but here in Western Europe we're seeing some of the trends that will eventually spread worldwide. In our latest podcast feature Richard Eve interviews Danny Meadows-Klue about the study and asks where the industry is today and where it is heading.

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