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Exercise: What Rocks and Flops in online marketing

This is a quick exercise to compete before your Digital Training Academy. It's to get you started in thinking about these issues and it should only take you ten minutes. We'll be using your comments in the Academy and they'll form a resource for all of the team. This briefing gives you the details...

Digital Exercise - Let's play 'Rocks & Flops'

What 'rocks'?
Think about what makes online marketing powerful; more powerful than marketing through traditional channels. think about the techniques and principles that make it so successful. For example how online advertising can be targeted to a specific time of the day or capped so that someone only sees it a certain number of times. This doesn't have to be campaigns that you've been involved in, it can be anything you;ve seen out on the web...We regularly look at issues that are real successes (Rocks) and real failings (Flops) in online advertising. By applying this knowledge you can gain much more insight into how to develop and build a more successful business. In readiness for this exercise, we would like you to think about...

  • Pick any type of online marketing

  • Make a list of 5 simple points

  • Include any recent examples you can think of that did this

  • Paste it onto your online classroom

  • This is your list of what 'Rocks'

What 'flops'?
Be honest, not everything you see on the web is great. There are still some sites that over-use the 'pop-up' format, others that disable the user's back button, and that annoying spam that you have to delete every morning. Think about what doesn't work, what annoys or irritates you, what opportunities are there that advertisers missed. This doesn't have to be campaigns that you've been involved in, it can be anything you've seen out on the web...
  • Pick any type of online marketing

  • Make a list of 5 simple points

  • Include any recent examples you can think of that did this

  • Paste it onto your online classroom

  • This is your list of 'Flops'

Once they've been pasted into your online classroom we'll look at what we feel 'Rocks' in online advertising, and things that, if we're honest, 'Flop'. By helping brands harness the 'rocks' and steer away from the 'flops' they'll produce more powerful communication and enjoy even better results. Remember, it's still a new media for many people and this can help marketers make smarter decisions...

The exercise shouldn't take more than ten minutes.

Come to the Digital Training Academy ready to tell us about your 'Rocks & Flops'.

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